Therapeutic and magical properties that stone quartz has


Quartz is the most common mineral on the planet Earth. It is found in a variety of color variations and is capable of forming crystals, different in size. In addition to their amazing natural characteristics, the stone also has impressive magical and healing properties, which we will talk in detail further in this material.

Crystals of quartz photos

General information about Mineral Quartz

For the most purpose, the mineral is represented by solid grainy masses that have a milky white color, or separate grain in the breed.

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According to its chemical properties, Quartz acts as silicon dioxide, which also has aluminum and iron in its composition. The stone has increased hardness, in this property he is inferior only to Corundum, diamond and toopaz. Clean quartz (rhinestone) are distinguished by a high degree of thermal conductivity, so they are cool.

This type of mineral is very resistant relative to different chemicals and strong acids, it is capable of dissolving exclusively pitch or incensional acid. Quartz begins to melt at a temperature of 1,700 degrees Celsius.

This gem has been known to people since the times of deep antiquity. In primitive times, it was he who served as the basis for the manufacture of household objects and guns, as well as for the production of decorations. His healing properties and features describe in many scientific works by philosophers of antiquity.

What kind of varieties can be found quartz

Quartz has a huge amount of varieties, each of which is characterized by its structure, color and energy. Consider all of them in detail further:

  • Quartz black (called Morion). This is an opaque or half transparent mineral, very similar in its appearance with a resin. Jewelers apply exclusively rejected quartz varieties that change their color to yellow. Traditionally, Morion patronizes alchemists and magicians.
  • Quartz pink color - acts as an opaque mineral of the pastel pink shade. This is one of the types of mountain crystal, which is inherent in huge healing and magical properties: he will protect his owner (or the hostess) from the offense, will give the harmonious location of the Spirit.
  • The quartz of the Green Color (another name is Prase). Translucent stone with bright salad color. From it actively produce jewelry. The stone eliminates fatigue, will reduce the level of stress and gives man a peace.
  • Quartz of milky white color - when the temperature of the stone changes, it begins to highlight ozone, which helps to clean the light from carbon dioxide. Mineral is capable of holding heat for a long time, for this reason it is often used for baths.
  • Smoky color quartz (also called rauchtopaz). Its main tint is brown, and its tones are capable of varying in an extensive color scheme. Ruthhatopase is very popular with jewelers, there is a huge number of jewelry with them. It is worth abandoning this mineral with a changeless and very sensitive individuals.
  • Quartz purple (known as amethyst). It is a precious translucent stone having purple shades. It is not very high for amethysts, because in nature it is not too hard. It is believed that the stone has a whole number of positive properties: copes with female infertility and normalizes sexual attraction in men.
  • Rutile quartz - acts as silicon dioxide. Due to its golden-red color with the addition of thin crystalline inclusions, is the most expensive of all types of gem. He is attributed to strong affiliation properties, as well as protection against evil forces. Patronizing creative and inspired personalities.

Ruhathopaz - smoky quartz

Therapeutic properties of stone quartz

  1. Mineral has a positive effect on the condition of the respiratory system. There is a belief that if a person sick with a cold will keep decoration with a quartz or a small piece of this mineral, his illness will quickly pass.
  2. Folk Medicine advises to apply the famous quartz water, which is easy to make someone at home. To do this, just put a piece of mineral into the water and leave to stand for some time.
The resulting fluid will have a number of healing properties and affect the body's condition is the most favorable way. It is characterized by biological activity and allows you to prevent different diseases, stimulates the processes of rejuvenation in the body.

In addition, water infused at quartz helps for cosmetics. So, if it is regularly washed with it, the elasticity of your skin, its smoothness and elasticity will increase, wrinkles will be accelerated, and different unpleasant rashes will disappear. This healing driver will help and from burns, cuts, various inflammatory phenomena and so on.

What magical properties have a mineral

Quartz magic attracted the attention of people with deep antiquity. Thus, lenses with balls were made from it, at which the sacred flame was subsequently burned in the temple. With the help of crystals, the regresses could talk about the events of the future.

  • Magic properties of a mountain crystal are most distinguished, which is easy to program on the right impact and which takes on the role of a powerful energy conductor.
  • Milk-colored quartz are popular for meditation, they purify the mind from unnecessary thoughts, allow a person to better understand its nature.
  • The carnelian stone provides the loyalty of feelings, and chrysoprases and amethysts help calm down.
  • Smoky color minerals make it possible to make true solutions, they will suit as a talisman for people who have their own business.

Earrings with quartz

Almost all of the varieties of quartz helps to eliminate the alarming thoughts, fear, depressive states, they will also remove from negative energy. The talismans with quarters are especially powerful, which are inserted into a silver frame - they will give our owners to good luck and financial success will perform a reliable love amulet.

With the help of products with these amazing stone, people get the ability to improve their memory, fantasy, speech, activate all brain processes.

What signs of the zodiac fit a stone

Due to the fact that in nature there are a lot of types of quartz, which are very different from each other in their properties and energy, it is difficult to give an unequivocal definition, which sign of the Zodiac Quartz will have its greatest favor. In order to establish it, it is necessary to study the impact of each of the species of gem on the human body.

As a personal charm can be applied to lions, calfs, fish and scales quartz in the form of a mountain crystal. And other signs of the zodiac, he will simply do not cause any harm.

For weights, calves, crayfish and water, it is preferable to give their choice in favor of beads or a chill of a pink stone. Being in the heart of the heart chakra, the gem will help to increase self-esteem, and will also develop confidence in their own forces and improve the mood.

Not all people can use decorations with rauthopases. For example, scorpions, it will help to eliminate the negative features of their inevera and contributes to the disclosure of magical abilities. And Capricorn, thanks to the gem, will open your destination. Representatives of the scale of the scales will be filled with peace of mind and equilibrium.

Gemini, Virgin and Scales at the expense of quartz will become more successful, improve their intuitive abilities and increase the level of financial income, but for this they need to apply a type of stone called citrine.

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