Lion compatibility with other zoda signs


Knowing the compatibility of a lion with other zodiac signs, you will understand who is the most suitable candidate for your satellite life, or you can solve problems in current relations with your partner. Read the article - all secrets in it.

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Find out lion compatibility with other online signs:

Your sign Partner sign
♌ Lion ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Lion ♍ Virgo ♎ Scales ♏ Scorpio ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Fish ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Lion ♍ Virgo ♎ Scales ♏ Scorpion ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Fish
(Enter a partner sign and click the "Learn Compatibility" button)

How does the Lion behave in relationships?

Lions - very sunny sign. Due to the powerful fiery energy, they are very attractive for the opposite sex. But so that the partner does not extinguish this fire and did not let the lion bother, it is important to find a suitable second half.

Lion zodiac compatibility

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Features of the behavior of a lion in relations with the opposite sex:

  • People of this sign are subject to instincts. They are prone to reckless actions, they do, as they feel, it often prevents an objective assessment.
  • Proud and vain lions can often offend and offended. Therefore, in relations with them, the partner should be able to be tactful and look for compromises.
  • Lions - royal life, because of what they often seem arrogant. But it is easy to find an approach to them: admire the lion more often, and get a colossal return.
  • They do not tolerate routine relations, the commonness for them is the main evil. Therefore, the partner should be able to surprise and give lion the whole range of emotions.

In general, this sign can build long and strong relationships. But he always dominates, so the satellite of life needs to choose ready for assignments and even submission.

Disadvantages of Lev.

It is important to know about the shortcomings of this sign to be able to smooth out sharp corners and in time to extinguish conflicts.

Compatibility Lion with other signs

What can we expect from a lion in the relationship:

  • Modesty is not about lion. Get ready to listen to his self-ability, to succumb to and admire. It can bother, but in no case do not hear about this if you do not want to ruin the relationship.
  • High Leo can also offend. Perhaps only Aquarius will be able to make competition in this quality.
  • Lions are waiting from the partner of limitless respect. Although it does not always deserve it.
  • The lion is spoiled and sometimes resembles a small child in his endless "want."
  • He often throws things without completion. Therefore, the partner often has to "clean the tails".
  • Lions often change relationships, because the routine and events make them bored. It is very difficult to become a permanent satellite life for them.
  • May be aggressive and offend partner in trifles.
  • Pads on flattery.

Knowing these qualities, you can easily find an approach to lion nature, unpredictable and powerful.

Natural compatibility

Very good for relationships with lions are suitable for other fiery signs - Aries, Sagittarius.

Lion love horoscope

The features of the relationship between these signs are as follows:

  1. Full understanding will never be, but it is interesting. The permanent trigger and the opening of the new sides in the partner will not let the fiery signs bother.
  2. If partners unites some common cause, these relationships are doomed to success. Therefore, for harmonious compatibility, you can try to create a business, become not only lovers, but also partners.
  3. The passion in the relationship will always be, but there is a risk to cool quickly, if no one wants to give up a dominant place in a pair. The constant struggle for leadership can lead to parting even if perfect compatibility.
  4. The family between fiery signs is a game in which everyone will constantly think about what move will be as follows.

If you decide to build relationships with Lvom, get ready to give up and be wise, then everything will go well.

Favorable compatibility

A good relationship can be created by a lion with air signs - twins, weights or aquarius.

Features of relationships in such pairs:

  1. The air is a colossal fuel for lion fire, which every day will flare up more and more. Therefore, these relationships have every chance of becoming long, happy, harmonious and full passion.
  2. But often the air signs are too tied to the lion, become obsessive, they see their attention. It is important to control these desires so that it does not end with parting.
  3. Temperament, intelligence and spiritual qualities are ideally compatible in such pairs. Therefore, everything is well addressed in sexual life, and in spiritual, and in creative. These people are always interested in each other.
  4. Air signs will not fight for leadership, so the Lion will not have a place to fight and conflict in a pair - he will transfer his ambitions to an external life and achieve a lot.

In such pairs, the behavior of a lion is of great importance. If he does not abuse patience and impose his opinion, everything will be safely.

Check the video on the topic:

Unfavorable compatibility

The least attractive representatives of earth and water elements for Lviv. Not very good will be relationships with calves, crayfish, devies, scorpions, fish and Capricorn.

What can be expected in such adverse pairs:

  1. Lion's waste will be annoying practical and very rational tales, virgins and caperpashers. A colossal number of claims accumulate.
  2. With crayfish, fish and scorpions, the lion will constantly conflict. This is not the case when the opposites are attracted. On the contrary, discrepancies in views will become the causes of multiple quarrels.
  3. With weak signs, the lion at first to be very like. They satisfy his need for admiration, limitless respect and subordination. But over time, such a self-sacrifice will be bored. It will either change, or think about parting.
  4. To the aqueous signs of the Lion, with time, begins to treat dismissively than it can seriously offend his beloved. He can behave rudely, disjected, violate the personal borders of the partner. Of course, it will not like it to anyone.

Signs with unfavorable compatibility is better to build partner, friendly or business relationships with Lvom, but not love, otherwise conflicts and painful parting can not be avoided.

All compatibility ♋

♈One 91% ♌lev 57% ♐Leslets 82%
♉Telts 93% ♍Deva 83% ♑Kozerog 96%
♊ Blizzards 77% ♎veps 94% Apartments 84%
♋рос 83% ♏Scorpion 91% 100% ♓

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