Divination "Train Station for Two": online and free


The train station for two Tarot is a way of divination, allowing you to find out how a person you are interested in in relevant to you. Thanks to this method of predicting the future, you will reveal all the hidden and explicit nuances of your relationship and understand how the most wonderful will act further.

How to guess?

Relax from everyday affairs 4-5 minutes. Imagine a chosen one before you.

When will be ready, pull 5 tarot cards.

Select the first card:

Repay yet
Repay yet

You can repeat the fortune telling in 5-10 minutes.

Features of gadas for love

divination station for two

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Often in love with the ears of the fair sex, even if there are obvious evidence, they do not think that their partner exhibits cunning and hypocrisy towards them. But of course, you would like to know about his real thoughts and plans regarding you. How to do this in case you do not have telepathic abilities?

It was for this that the fortune telling under the name "Station for Two" was invented. After resorting to him, you will receive detailed information about the plans and ideas hidden from you hidden in the very depths of the subconscious. Probably your favorite even does not give himself a report in them. But with the help of cards, all the secret with ease will turn into an explicit one.

Of course, for this you will need to correctly understand the information received. Do not be afraid to rely on my intuition, tips your inner "I" that will help you make a right decision in a difficult life situation.

It is important to show a philosophical attitude towards fortunening, without more than criticism or doubt. After all, sometimes on the result of the prediction may affect your inner state - many tarologists say that if a person was at the time of fortune telling in a restless state, the results will be appropriate.

Options for the "Station for Two" on ordinary maps

There are 2 types of fortune telling with the same name. Further we will talk about the features of each of them.

First variation of fortune telling "Station for two"

You need to carefully shifted the deck of cards and take seven cards from it from it, listening to your inner voice.

Then the maps are laid out as it is indicated in the diagram below.

Scheme 1 version of divination

Note! In addition to love divination, this way of prediction can be recognized about various workers and everyday moments. You can also use ordinary playing cards for it, but it is better to give your preference to Tarot cards. In the latter case, you can achieve more reliable results.

At the same time, the intercane interpretation will be as follows:

  • 1 Card - will be a sygritzer. The signifier will overcome the light to the present state of affairs, describes the situation as it is, and will lead about the further likely development of relations.
  • 3 cards in the right row will tell about the feelings and thoughts of the partner.
  • 3 Arkana in the left row talk about your thoughts regarding your loved one. They swap the light on what is actually going on in your soul.
  • Lower range - 5 and 4 card talk about what kind of you have for others and your beloved now. Also tell about what happens in the relationship of the pair in the present moment.
  • The average row (except for a signifier) ​​demonstrates the consequences that this situation may end. The cards of this series will tell about the most likely the further development of events (but, of course, they cannot give a 100% guarantee of its execution).
  • Cards, located in the top row, tell about your thoughts about your union. The map on the right describes you, and on the left - your beloved.

Find out how beloved

When you spread all the cards, you can be taken for a more detailed interpretation of the scenario. Special attention to the map-signicator, determining what is the problem. And only after that you can begin to disassemble hidden motifs or feelings.

  1. In case of falling on the right or on the left of the emperor, the empress, the Supreme Priese or the Supreme Priestess can talk about specific personalities.
  2. If the opposite sex cards appear, it speaks of a close connection. And if the "same-sex cards", a person suffers from jealousy and is afraid that he will change.

Second variation of the defold

In this fortune investigation, not 7, but 10 cards. They should take advantage when you wish to achieve more reliable results.

It is necessary to carefully shifted a deck and remove ten cards from it. They are then folded according to the scheme specified in the photo below.

Scheme of the second divination

Maps located in the left row will tell about the person of the gadget:

  • 4 card - will demonstrate your manner of behavior, and will also tell about your actions in a difficult situation;
  • 5 card - talks about the real feelings of gadgetting, his fears and hopes that relate to relationships;
  • 6 Map is a pointer of thoughts and your expectations from your lover.

Maps that are in the right row reveal the identity of the gadget:

  • 7 card - the behavior of your beloved in a situation that has developed;
  • 8 card will tell about the senses of the partner;
  • 9 card - thoughts of your favorite about your relationship, as well as his expectations;
  • 1 card - describes the current state of affairs today;
  • 3 map - a forerunner of future events that will affect the gadget;
  • 2 card - tell about the future of your beloved;
  • 10 Card - is the final one. It is she will provide a correct answer to your question whether the further development of relations is possible, as well as how you need to act now to improve the situation.

Now accept for a detailed interpretation of the situation of Taro "Station for Two". It is most important to deal with the right and left rows, because it is they shed light on the true motives of the behavior of your man, and also help to understand thoughts and feelings (his and their own).

The final, 10 card, is interpreted by the most latter, when the general picture is already clear. Do not forget that what forecast you would have achieved, you need, first of all, to trust yourself and your intuition. And the cards are just a mantle tool that helps find faithful answers to the questions raised, but does not give 100% warranty of the result.

We will analyze in more detail the detailed interpretation of the second version of the divination "Train Station for Two":

  • In the event of an appearance in the scenario, the kings or ladies can talk about some particular person.
  • When the image of a man (or woman) is on the left (or right side), in a female (or men's) row, it will indicate that the person with which the map is associated is related to this female or male image.

Queen Map

For example, when the map of the king falls 5 in the account, this suggests that a woman in his actions is guided by the instructions of some strong gender, which has a strong impact on her life. She completely subordinated to his will.

When the male card appears in the male column, and female in female, it points to jealousy.

The knight card testifies to the mood of the gadget.

Faces demonstrate the effects from outside, as well as desires aimed at the second person. For example, if the Page appeared in 2 row, he will indicate that the asking dreams of getting some information from his lover or hopes that he will show his feelings.

In addition, when you decipher the alignment, you need to rely on the traditional interpretation of Arkanov Tarot. An important meaning is played by the taste of which cards most of all fell in the scenario. The more their number, the more pronounced the situation and the fact that the events occurring in life will become.

View also a detailed video review of fortune telling on the love "station for two."

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