Stone Amethyst - Magic and Healing Properties


The lilac translucent stone attracts its luxurious radiance. Amethyst stone is the most expensive gem of the quartz family. There is a beautiful legend of eternally drunk God Dionesis and Beauty Amethyst and their unfortunate love. In memory of this legend, a stone amethyst appeared as a charm of men from drunkenness. Consider all the properties of the mineral in detail.

Stone amethyst


Amethyst is impossible to confuse with other minerals due to a saturated purple tone. In fact, the shades of color in the mineral set, but they vary in the spectrum of the lilac-lilac gamma. A feature of the stone is the property of losing the intensity of the tone with age: it loses the color of about 20% every 25 years of his life. The most unique and beautiful amethysts are mined in the Urals.

The transparency of the stone is different: he can either skip the rays of light, or completely absorb and be opaque. Recently, a new variety of amethyst appeared - prazolite. This stone is distinguished by a golden green tint. However, these minerals have artificial origin and are grown in laboratory conditions. Green amethysts of natural origin mined only in one place of the planet - Brazil.

Mystical qualities

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The purple mineral color speaks for itself: it is a stone clairvoyant. With the help of ametist, many secrets can be opened, but Amethyst does not help all people. Only a person with a clean and immaculate soul can comprehend the mystery of the universe with this mineral. People are a self-astone stone, therefore not suitable for everyone and everyone.

Since the truthful stone is used as a charm from lies and deception. Amethyst protects its owner from intrigues, forks and any fragments of ill-wishers. In family life, Amethyst protects the world and peace, deviates conflicts and provides mutual understanding. Women stone gives beauty and youth, protects from premature old age.

Amethyst is a stone of sincerity, physical, kindness and wisdom. The owner of the mineral will forget about the excitement and anxieties, aggression and unkind thoughts. Aura Stone has a positive impact on human energy, has him to mentality and sympathy. Also, the stone of the stone affects the environment of a person, giving his owner of the sympathy of loved ones and outsiders.

The amethyst stone has a unique property to predict the weather: it changes its color. Because of this predictive feature, the mineral was always present on far-sailing ships.

The people of Amethyst got the name of "Widow Stone", because he was worn by his wife's wives in the sign of eternal love. In fact, Amethyst does not bring loneliness, as some people believe: it is a symbol of constancy, sincere feelings and restless love. However, if you believe that the stone brings loneliness, do not wear amethyst jewelry.

The property of amethyst cause a feeling of sincere sympathy and love is used in negative magic, when they wish to separate lovers. For this, the stone is given to one of the happy couple, and he holds to his half. Amethyst picks up a person's love and gives it to a stone donor. If a magic spell is spent on the gem, then the action is enhanced. Therefore, Amethyst can bring both happiness and trouble to man.

Stone Amethyst - Magical Properties

The property of the mineral to absorb negative energy protects the owner from damage and evil challenges. However, if a person often falls into conflict situations, the stone needs to be regularly rinsed in running water. If this is not done, the amethyst will begin to give an excess of negative to its owner.

Perhaps the most important quality of the mineral is the protection of the ward from intoxication. Previously, no feast was attended without amulet, so that the ill-wishers did not escape a person and were not poisoned. In modern conditions, Amethyst devivers a person's desire for drinking, saving from addiction to alcohol.

Healing properties

The main healing feature of the stone is the balancing of the nervous system. Amethyst relieves stress, soothes the loose nerves and gives a deep sleep. If we put a stone under the pillow, at night will dream of amazing and pleasant dreams.

The stone cleans blood, increases the influx of energy from the space and strengthens the immunity. Useful to decorate from amethyst people with diseases of the hematopoietic system. In the old days, the gem was worn to prevent gout seizures. Mineral water in the mineral saves from an infectious disease.

In modern medicine, the stone is used to adjust the hormonal system in endocrine diseases. It has been proven that amethyst has a beneficial effect on the hormonal function of the body. In a massage office, rejuvenation sessions are carried out with amethyst: it smoothes wrinkles and restores skin tone.

On the photo of the balls from Amethyst:

Stone Amethyst - Healing

The water on the amethyst is drunk to purify the body, with deposition of salts in the joints. The mineral attached to the bruise or edema is able to alleviate pain and remove swelling. In migraines and headaches, gem is applied to the temporal area. Remember that to activate the impact of stone on the body, direct contact with the skin surface is needed.

Zodiac signs

Who comes the amethyst stone? Astrologers believe that this is the Talisman twins and aquarius. Since gem is under the auspices of Saturn and air element, he will benefit all air signs. However, the fiery signs of Lion and Aries, gem also provides patronage. Fire signs love to be in the spotlight, and Amethyst gives them attractiveness and charm. To do this, choose samples of purple and purple tone.

A rare black variety of amethyst corresponds to the signs of Virgo and Scorpion. Gem is capable of immersing scorpions and their virgins in their inner world and reveal the extraordinary abilities inherent from birth. It is no secret that, for this purpose, Amethyst uses magicians and psychics.

Water signs - fish and crayms - fit a stone with a lilac chip. It helps in the development of partnership and business formation. Also, Amethyst helps to overcome the internal contradictions and excessive emotionality of the aquatic element, giving his ward peace and comfort.

Who does not suit Amethyst? Astrologers believe that this stone must be feared to the calves. The energy of the mineral is exactly the opposite of the qualities of the Tales. But Capricorn and Devs brings only a positive effect.

How to store a stone?

To ensure that the gem has long retained its aesthetic properties, it is necessary to protect it from the effect of sunlight, shock and scratch. For cleansing, ordinary soap water is used, then the gem is rinsed in clean water and dried with flannel.

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