Photo, the magical properties of the moonstone, the scope of its use


The lunar stone is a translucent field swap, which is characterized by a bluish-silver shade. The name "Lunny" This mineral is obtained for the presence of blue or silver-white overflows generated by a thin layered structure.

But you can also meet other variations of the names of the moon stone - "Adyar" and "Selenite". The inhabitants of India moonstone is known as "Gandarakand", which is translated as the "radiance of the Moon." No wonder the fans of the Earth satellite high appreciate the stone with the same name. Then you can learn about the main magic properties of the moonstone, and also familiarize yourself with his photo.

Moonstone photo

Healing properties of moonstone

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Esoterics in many states in the world believe that the lunar stone is inherent in the ability to remove people from the negative impact of the lunar disk. Lithottepete (people engaged in unconventional practitioners of treating various diseases with stones) are confident that products with lunar stones (or even just pieces of crystal) must be used in such cases:

  • to alleviate epileptic seizures;
  • reduce aggressiveness;
  • get rid of fear;
  • normalize sleep;
  • improve the state of the urogenital system;
  • normalize digestion, current limf;
  • establish the work of the pituitary
  • Eliminate the process of childbirth.

Also, the lunar stone has an impact on the work of cardiac chakra (anahata).

Interesting fact. In nature, you can meet the varieties of lunar stones of milk-white, purple, golden color. Also there are options with drawings in the form of stars and having the effect of "cat's eyes", but these are very rare copies.

Talismans and amulets with stone moon

Moonstone patronizes creative individuals: writers, musicians, painters. He will contribute to the disclosure of the talent, will give creative inspiration and cause sublime impulses.

It is also assumed that the stone of the moon gives happiness, it is the perfect presentation of a gift for lovers, because helps awaken in people tender feelings,

The lunar stone manifests its special strength when the moon passes into the full phase. Thanks to his magic glow, people get rid of tension, aggression, excessive self-confidence, become gentle, soft, begin to look at the world more positive.

Lunar Stone Properties to whom comes

For residents of India, the lunar stone has a sacred value. Indian legends say that this mineral is a piece of frozen light of the moon.

From the servants of the temples, you can hear amazing stories that if you leave the moonstone in the dark room, then after some time it will begin to allocate moisture, which is called "Moon Rosa" and has an impressive magical power.

Then we will look at what basic properties has a stone in different areas of life and to whom it is recommended to use it.

Selenite in love magic

No wonder this mineral is also known as the "Stone of Love" - ​​people who use jewelry with him never suffer from unreserved feelings.

In addition, Adyar will help give each of your love darling a hot passion and deep sensuality, tightly binding loved to each other.

But that stone began to help you, it needs to be worn regularly. Therefore, it is worth buying a decoration with selenite, which must constantly be on the body.

Moon stone pendant

Interesting fact. If Adoralar lost his bright color, this is a warning from the higher forces that your connection with the partner is not harmonious and will not be able to give you happiness.

Moonstone in the field of creativity

Selenite activates creative impulses in people. A person who constantly carries the stone of the moon, feels that he is one whole with its surrounding reality, and begins to understand the true essence of things.

And for a more complete disclosure of your creative abilities, wear adorable in the rings, and at home you can keep it next to your photos.

The lunar stone contributes to the disclosure of not only creative abilities, but also will provide his assistance to speakers who constantly oppose the public.

Moonstone for business

Adora will also serve as a reliable assistant for businessmen. The stone has a very soft, unobtrusive energy, which leads to the state of harmony of the mind and soul. The use of a lunar stone in the business negotiation process will help cause sympathy from business partners and make them take your point of view.

For successful management of your business, you need to use products with a moonstone on the right hand (in the form of a ring or bracelet). Also, a very powerful talisman is a selenite pendant, which shows your zodiac constellation.

The magical properties of Adulara contribute to business success in any sphere, as well as obtaining a good financial return.

Interesting fact. To strengthen the magic of the moon stone, it is recommended to start new things in the growing phase of the moon.

Selenite in psychic

Adular is very popular with Mages in the process of holding different rites. Talismans with lunar stones help clean the human energy field, as well as strengthen the aura.

A pretty interesting way is when the magicians hold a piece of lunar stone into the mouth and predict the events of the future. You can also use this meditation. The effect of it will be even stronger if you run it during the activity of your zodiac sign.

Still moonstone successfully copes with nightmares, relieves from astral entities, and if you put it under the pillow, it will help you to see the prophetic dream.

Interesting information about lunar stone

In India, Selenite since sincerversion is revered as a sacred stone that brings good luck. He was presented as a gift for beloved for the awakening of a gentle passion.

In the Mythology of the Greeks, this spar of the pearl color was associated with the legendary hyperboree. After all, it was from this northern region that the first lunar stones were supplied to the world with revelations about the future.

People practicing magic always treated the lunar stones with respect, but they used them very carefully, since they fear them to pour out their huge power.

Moon Stone Bracelet

Ceylon residents also revered selenit as a stone of happiness.

He did not cease to enjoy in demand in medieval Europe. Here Selenite gained the name of the "Lovement Stone" and was actively used by the girls who believed and hoped that he would give them happiness in love.

There was also a common belief that the snow-white mineral begins to cry lunar nights, and his "tears" are able to heal from fever.

In ancient legends, information is found that the stone of the moon is an excellent natural psychotherapist: eliminates the longing, depressive states, feelings of fear, helps to cope with heavy emotional situations.

And many representatives of strong sex are sacred believe that Selenite eliminates their women from hysterical seizures, and also helps to cool the passionate lust of the nymphomanok.

You can find a large number of legends associated with the moonstone. For example, it is believed that on it from above the white spot occurs, increasing with the growth of the lunar radiance, until the full moon comes (and then the stone will again gain its magical strength).

After in 1868, Willow Collins published his novel "Lunar Stone", the image of this mysterious crystal, providing its influence on human destinies, does not cease to worry mystics and all those who simply love gemstones.

At the end of the topic we advise you to view an interesting video:

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