Dream Catcher: For what it is needed, every detail is important.


What is dream catcher, why is it needed and how is it used? The primary goal is to get rid of insomnia, nightmares, fears and phobias that interfere with fully falling out and relax at night.

Dream catcher: History and Facts

Why do you need a dream catcher? To understand the meaning of this subject, you need to refer to the history of its occurrence. Here are some facts:

  • A dream catcher appeared in North America, but now its popularity is so great that is used worldwide.
  • The catcher is charged with a certain magic energy, which is fully revealed if you hang the talisman in the right place. Most often it is a headboard bed. He must rotate freely.
  • It is believed that dream catcher in the process of rotation "catches" dreams of dreams, which helps happily spend time in the kingdom of Morpheus.
  • The ancient Indians believed that the dream catcher had so strong energy that was able to clean and recover independently after the "attack" of negative energy forces.
  • Catcher - Amulet is very ancient. Not to the end clearly, invented his North American Indians or someone else. There is an opinion that the authors of the idea of ​​creating a talisman are representatives of the oldest mysterious civilization of Maya.

What do you need a dream catcher

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You can accurately tell about why a dream catcher is needed, but the history of his appearance will always be shrouded in mysteries and secrets.

How does dream catcher work?

Mysterious catcher - what is it needed and why does it work? It worries everyone who plans to purchase and use the talisman in their daily life.

The action of the catcher is not amenable to no logic: it is endowed with a magical force that it is impossible to explain - only to take on faith. The critical analysis is invalid - just believe, and the amulet will work in the right way.

In short, the principle of "work" the catcher of dreams looks like this: he catches both good and bad spirits. Then the bad sends "to quarantine", where they are up to your awakening. And good directed towards the sleeping, so that calm, happy and joyful dreams are provided.

Why do you need a dream catcher

This is the opinion of the ancient Indians. But Siberian shamans consider otherwise. Why do you need a dream catcher in their understanding? They believe that good and evil spirits do not happen - each of such entities only fulfills a certain mission.

Thus, the catcher collects and cares all spirits in the afternoon, and at night they descend on laces, but do not disturb the person, but only guard him in the kingdom of Morpheus. As a result, the dreams become bright, rich events, but at the same time they are pleased, and do not worry.

Value of dream catcher: Each detail is important.

Dream catchers who are sold everywhere, very different. Made from all kinds of materials, everyone is decorated in its own way. But there is also something that unites all such talismans without exception:

  • Looks like a solution or sieve: a round frame has a lot of holes in which the threads are trained in patterns.
  • These patterns are a kind of perfume trap. They are confused in the weave of the threads, thanks to which they are not able to disturb the sleeping person.
  • The basis for the talisman is a smooth circle that symbolizes infinity. Also this personification of the path that the sun passes through the sky.

Important: You do not need to try to make a dream catcher himself. This is too thin work. Having broken the technology, you risk a root to change the magic properties of the amulet or to deprive the catcher of his strength at all.

dream catcher for what it is needed

Only an experienced person is able to figure out the features of the weave of the threads. Every detail is important here, deep knowledge and extensive experience are needed. Therefore, it is better to refer to proven masters that make an individual who perfectly suitable to you the talisman.

In principle, if you really want, you can make a dream catcher with your own hands. But it will be more a decorative detail of your interior: there will be no magical properties in such an item.

Watch the video about what dream catcher is and what it needs:

Cleansing Catcher Dreams

Dream catcher must be regularly cleaned from accumulated negative energy. If this is not done, over time, he will lose magical properties and stop working.

The easiest to clean the amulet with solar energy. Wait until noon and put it in a suitable place so that the sun warms the amulet. It is believed that such manipulation helps literally burn the entire negative.

You can strengthen the "solar" cleansing in this way: Try to put a catcher so that the wind blew it. Air flow will like the aspect from the burned "bad" spirits.

A high-quality amulet, which is regularly cleaned, over time only enhances its magic properties. If a new dream catcher only helps a little to improve sleep, then gradually you will begin to see as bright, beautiful and rich dreams that you will wake up in an excellent mood, completely rested.

Is there a harmful dream catcher?

Incorrectly made amulet can harm. For example, not very good catchers made of synthetic materials: plastic, artificial fabrics. It is undesirable that chicken feathers or glass in it.

Such a catcher will not only improve sleep quality, but also provokes nightmares, insomnia. So make sure your amulet is made on all magic canons and carries only benefit.

Well, if the catcher is made of natural materials, decorated with precious stones or minerals, feathers taken from a living bird. Women are suitable feathers of owls, men - eagle.

Instead of glass - rhinestone, amethyst or topaz. These stones have their magical properties, reinforcing and complementary amulet energy.

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