Karmic nodes: what it is and how to unleash them


In our life, we can very often observe situations in which people are striving to make any changes, but they do not come out. Such situations include unlucky love, family conflicts, dysfunctional relationships at work and many other options. If we consider it from the point of view of karma, then we are talking about such a concept as karmic nodes.

Karmic nodes

What are karmic nodes

The karmic node acts as a situation in which the souls associated with one on the other in their past incarnations have unresolved conflicts or obligations to each other. That is why they are again and again forced to fall into close relationship until they are successfully allowed to go to them.

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In the present embodiment, the situation from the past is often becoming a mirror. Thus, who raped becomes a victim, offended turns into an offender, who loved the hotly, becomes indifferent and so on by analogy.

The essence of the problem is that one person was unfortunate anything else or, on the contrary, made him some kind of evil. So, according to the law of Karma, they will be forced to experience new and new meetings in different incarnations until they give all the necessary, they will not make the right conclusions, they will not be able to let the offenses of the past and do not fulfill all the obligations.

karmic nodes between people

It should be noted that the formation of a karmic node occurs far from all cases. It is tied when the affected side is experiencing strong emotions in relation to its opponent. If a person perceive the incident as an accident or a chart over his own misconduct, a node, as a rule, does not appear.

How to set the presence of a karmic node

This is simultaneously difficult and easy. Ease is that by default there is a feeling of dissatisfaction of man by the current position of things. At the same time, a person is helpless, he cannot make changes, although sometimes applies tremendous efforts for this. Beats like a fish about ice, but fate hard does not give him a chance to escape from a vicious circle.

The junction of the karmic node also delivers certain difficulties. First, you need to understand exactly for what reason you encountered the problem described. And only people who have a gift over, who are healers or practicing reincarnation therapy can make it.

You can also try to come into contact with your subconscious mind, removing the necessary information from it. This shows meditation, a good effect has yoga. And the disclosure of higher energy centers will help significantly increase intuition and always receive truthful information from the inside.

If the appeal to the internal "I" turned out to be successful, be sure to find out from him, what actions you need to take to correct the position of things.

Karmic nodes how to unleash

Three ways of eliminating karmic nodes are known:

  1. Realize the problem and sincerely repent.
  2. Change your attitude towards the situation and to life as a whole.
  3. Pass spiritual cleansing.

Consider these methods in more detail.

We invite you to view the next video that will deepen your knowledge of karmic nodes and ways to unleash them.

Awareness and repentance

When you can extract the initial situation from the depths of your subconscious, you will realize that you have done not so, who caused harm, only then you can get rid of the node.

But repentance should be sincere, proceed from the depths of the soul, you really should feel your mistakes and understand that, you will be once again in the same position, they would have acted quite differently.

repentance is very important in the junction of karmic nodes

Change attitude to life

This method is also very effective. At first, you again will need to realize the presence of a karmic node and find out why he appeared and how can you get rid of it.

The next stage will be a change in its attitude to life, which will reduce the number of your negative karma.

To do this, you need to take a situation with all its nuances, and then try to deny it from it. Do not exaggerate the level of the problem, set up on a positive and ask for mental forgiveness from all people who were offended. It can be done in real life - then the result will be much more efficient.

Spiritual cleansing

Here you will need an appeal for help to healers. It is important to find people who really possess abilities, not charlatans (the latter are now found at each corner that somewhat complicates the situation).

A person having karmic nodes needs to be corrected its wrong life looks. This is done by changing consciousness, increasing their awareness.

When you understand what was wrong, I adhered to the wrong tactics of behavior, but we have a strong desire to change everything, my life itself begins to send you people who will perform your teachers. And this will not necessarily have Tibetan monks or guru - as a teacher can speak your friend, work colleague, school teacher, trainer, business partner and so on.

He will share with you his experience, will help look at the old things under the new angle, which will contribute to the change in consciousness, and therefore life in general.

It should be noted that spiritual cleansing is the most difficult point, it is necessary to start it when the previous two stages passed and when you feel the inner readiness for long-term work on yourself.

Knowing how to unleash the karmic nodes, and not lying to work on solving the problem, you can get rid of many blocks in your subconscious, from the relationship destroying you, fill your life with peace, harmony, light and tranquility.

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