Compatibility of Aries and Scales


Compatibility of Aries and weights is considered favorable. These signs perfectly complement each other, and their elements are fiery and air - combined. This relationship in the type "opposite is attracted", which have every chance of becoming long, happy and harmonious.

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Love compatibility

The Union of Aries and Scales is pretty explosive. It will have an incredible amount of emotion: positive and negative, because people are converged with absolutely opposite characters. Nevertheless, such a couple in astrology is considered to be favorable.

Aries and Libra Love Horoscope

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Features of relationships:

  1. The contrast between the characters of partners is the main source of their feelings. They never borrow with each other, getting all the necessary emotions. They usually converge quickly, immediately rushing to the outer with their heads.
  2. They are so different that they can periodically pull to each other with an incredible force, so with the same force and repel. The fate of the relationship depends on how much they can interact together, not conflict due to the difference of opinions.
  3. They perfectly decide common serious problems together, but they can quarrel on trifles and household trifles. Small conflicts are inevitable, but with them it is quite possible to cope with both partners to preserve relations.
  4. If Aries and scales learn to pass through life difficulties together, uniting, they will remain together forever. If it becomes focused on the difference in views and character, will break up very quickly.
  5. Aries in the scales attracts their refinement, grace, beauty, pupil and aesthetic appearance. They also fly from the skill of the scales to please, find compromises and obey. Therefore, for the fiery sign, such a partner seems almost perfect.
  6. But sometimes the diplomaticity and tactfulness of the scales seems to be labeled and inappropriate. It is important for them to understand and see that it is not at all. Just the Aries got used to breaking the walls, and the scales are always looking for the door to enter.
  7. Scales get a huge charge of emotions from a fiery partner, a bunch of energy and inspiration, the stimulus develop and move forward only.

In such a union there is always a lot of passion, physical compatibility is almost perfect. And if the partners learn to respect each other and make compromises, they can build incredibly harmonious, long and happy relationships.

Causes of conflict

Of course, there are negative moments that should be worked out to keep feelings and not part.

Aries and scales compatibility

The main causes of conflicts in such a pair that should be paid attention to:

  1. Aries will always strive for at least equal rights in relations, as a maximum - to unlimited leadership. Sighs Important to take into account this and not claim a dominant role in a pair.
  2. Softness and diplomatic scales sometimes annoying their volitional and decisive partner. The Aries is important to understand that the tactfulness lies the colossal power of the will and the ability to bypass sharp angles by gaining benefits for themselves. And the point is not at all in the lack of battery.
  3. These signs are very sociable, social, both love to be the center of attention. And if the popularity in society one of them begins to outweigh, the second will be envy. Hence - jealousy and conflicts.
  4. Aries must learn to listen to the opinion of the partner, and not to defend its position until the latter. Weighs - oblast your personal boundaries, not allowing your beloved to break them and heat them.
  5. It is very important to realize partners, to understand and accept the fact that they are very different, and do not try to redo each other. On the contrary, it is necessary to learn from your beloved to those qualities that deprived himself. Then the Union will become almost inseparable, very harmonious.
  6. Such couples usually break due to the reluctance to look for compromises. Most often it happens between young couples, which lacks experience and everyday wisdom. In a more mature age, problems usually do not occur.

Look at the video with a love horoscope for these two characters:

Couple Woman Aries and Male Scales

A very difficult union in which the woman will constantly become striving for leadership in a couple, which, of course, is detrimental to the man. Yes, it can yield due to natural softness. But the risk is the risk that they will change roles - it will be a pair of a strong woman and a weak man.

Compatibility Aries Scaiva

At the beginning of relations, romanticism and beautiful caressing will make a woman fall in love. But over time, the partner begins to annoy it, it becomes sharp, coarse, impel and breaks his borders.

To preserve the relationship, a man needs to learn to be tougher, and the girl is softer. Then there is a chance that the Union exists long and happily.

A woman must also learn to appreciate his man, admire His victories and not to grasp the problems. Its role in this pair is inspirationors, the muse, which charges the beloved energy for new achievements.

A man must clearly designate his borders, even if it leads to conflicts. Otherwise, he will sit on the neck and stop respecting at all.

A pair of man-aries and woman scales

This is almost the perfect union and the same "love at first sight", which is more common in films and books than in real life.

It is worth seeing to see each other - and they can no longer take the eyes. In this pair, the opposite qualities of partners are very successful complement each other. Strong and temperamental Aries occupies a clear male leading position, and a soft and diplomatic woman-scales with pleasure takes her and obeys.

With its fasciance, female wisdom and sophistication, scales inspires Aries on incredible feats. Next to this woman he can achieve a lot. That's just at a young age, a man might think that there is too a weak person next to him, and quickly comes bored. But more adult men think more deeply, so they appreciate our beloved and shit.

Both partners in such a pair receive what they need to be completely. Therefore, this Union is considered one of the most favorable, despite the diametrically opposite characters.

Other compatibility

Compatibility ♈ Aries With other signs:

♈One 91% ♌lev 100% ♐Leslets 92%
♉Telts 81% ♍Deva 84% ♑Kozerog 82%
♊Libers 65% ♎veps 83% Expand 82%
♋RAK 81% ♏Scorpion 97% 87%

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