Compatibility of Sagittarius and Cancer - Causes of Conflict


The compatibility of Sagittarius and Cancer is a complex short romance without a happy end. The elements of partners are poorly combined between themselves, so it is difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding. Is there a chance to keep love? Let's try to figure out.

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Compatibility in Love

They entail them to each other with terrible force, they fall in love with a glance. This is the union of two opposites that are attracted. But subconsciously they feel that nothing good to wait for the relationship to wait, so for a long time I am avoided meetings with the chosen one.

Compatibility Sagittarius Cancer in Love

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What is characteristic of such a zodiac union:

  1. Having met each partner thinks: "Yes, well, he is absolutely not in my taste!" But after a long time, this moment comes when the spark runs between them. And relationships begin, short, but painful.
  2. Astrologers characterize their pair as an alliance of boa and rabbit. The first role plays, oddly enough, cancer - he only allows himself to love and plays the feelings of a partner. The "rabbit" becomes an emotional shooter who falls in love completely and is ready to satisfy all whims of the second half.
  3. Despite the fact that they are talking in different languages ​​and as if existed in different worlds, at first the union can be successful. But it will not be favorable in the emotional and sensual sphere, but in business. Joint efforts they can quickly and easily find solutions to a wide variety of problems, offering a non-standard approach.
  4. Cancer sometimes it seems that Humor Sighter is too flat, and thinking is quite limited. But it really likes the purposefulness and a strong partner's character, fearlessness and the ability to find a way out even in the most difficult situations.
  5. Cancer feels that the partner is capable of everything for him, and because of this can start hard. But he must understand that at the very beginning, the right to download the rights. First, you need to conquer the trust and respect of the chosen one who, who, quite possible, was chatted on such a relationship more than once.
  6. But the cancer can not be completely afraid that the partner will change or weave intrigue. You can trust completely and limitlessly. Sagittarius considers his companion special, he idealizes him, focusing on advantages and not noticing flaws.

We summarize: this union can become extremely painful for Sagittarius. He will suffer in a relationship, not receiving returns and love from the partner. It is better to interact in affairs. Together they can achieve great success in life. But the build love is better not even attempting.

Causes of conflict

As we said above, this novel will not be happy. Such relationships rarely end with something good. But you can try at least a little to turn the union in more or less happy if you learn to solve conflicts and successfully overcome problem situations.

Compatibility Sagittarius Cancer in Relations

What is worth working in relationships in this pair:

  1. Sagittarius is often too straightforward and not picks up words. It offends and hurts his partner, forcing it to quarrel more and more. He needs to learn how to be more tactful and diplomatic if he wants the relationship to last long.
  2. Cancer at first is trying to re-educate Sagittarius, but all his efforts will be in vain. He should not even try to remake the partner. The only thing you need is our personal boundaries, do not allow them to break them and sit on your neck. Then he can conquer respect and not turn into a "rag".
  3. Conflicts will also occur on the basis of different views on the distribution and spending of the family budget. Both do not want to take responsibility, so they are always lacking money, which creates a pair not a very good emotional atmosphere.
  4. Cancer - Nature is extremely emotional. This also lies the secret of their incompatibility. Sagittarius is more in thickness, it does not attach great importance to small problems, unlike its sensitive chosen one.

Check the video on the topic:

Woman Cancer and Male-Sagittarius

So that these relationships existed for a long time, a man needs to show that it is quite successful and promising. Only then a woman will pay his attention to him and wants to stay together.

He does not have to talk about love - the girl comes into relationships exclusively for the sake of benefits. She skillfully manipulates in love with a cavalier and gets everything from him that he wants. And he does not even recognize, idealizing the chosen and endowing it with a lot of non-existent advantages.

He will never make her work, will perform all whims and solve her problems. But at the same time she will constantly be something missing: then romance, then gifts. Lack of emotions pushes her to search for entertainment on the side. Changes without a branch of conscience.

Compatibility Sagittarius Cancer

And if it comes to a divorce, she will notice half of the property.

Cancer and Sagittarius Woman

This is a very ambiguous couple in which many difficulties and problems. A man seems to choose enough and shy, which can push. But at the same time, it is capable of appreciating his rich inner world, intellect and romantic nature.

She is looking for a strong satellite with whom will go through life. But in the cancer of this force does not see. This makes it constantly doubt: whether the person is next.

The man of the Sagittarius girl seems too temperamental, active and bright, it is always too much. He would prefer to admire the distance without coming close to not burn. However, the attraction is so strong that in the end it does everything possible to get it.

Between them a rather strong passion. But rarely there are some other points of contact. Relationships can last for a long time, oddly enough, only if the woman is successful financially. Then a man will sit down on her neck, that it will be quite arranged.

True, for a long time, such relationships will not last anyway, because sooner or later the girl will understand - they are simply used, and not love.

All compatibility ♐

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