Human biorhythms by man birthday online


Biorhythms are a mental watch of a person who are launched with birth and "tick" all his life. According to the theory of biorhythms, each of the spheres of man (physical, emotional, intellectual force) in different moments of life is experiencing ups and downs.

On our site you can find out online your biorhythms by date of birth. To do this, it is enough to indicate your date of birth and the date you need to make a calculation.

The value varies from -100 to +100. The greater the number, the more favorable period in this area.

Date of Birth:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan. Feb. March April May June July August September October November Dekabr2000201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200119991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920
The start date of the period to which biorhythms should be calculated:
(Biorhythms are calculated a month ahead)
0112345678910111213141911213141920217181920217181920222232422222324226223242622728293031 August May June July August September May June July July September September November November 19.

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Human biorhythms by man birthday online 1448_1
Human biorhythms by man birthday online 1448_2

Meaning and methods of calculation

Why with some people it is impossible to establish contact, and with others one pleasure to communicate with others? The answer to the question is in the plane of biorhythms, which in detail explores science biorhythmology. Biorhythm compatibility is important when contacting your beloved person, friends, colleagues or relatives.

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Scientists found out that compatibility depends on three factors - physical, emotional and intellectual. Consider the question: biorhythms by date of birth, online calculations. Knowledge of the functioning of the body and psyche on the invisible eye level helps to build harmonious relationships with any people. My sister has learned to understand his spouse only with the help of biorhythm information: the reasons for his behavior and attitude towards one way or another have become clear.

Biorhythms by date of birth online

What is biorhythms

Biorhythms are called cyclic processes occurring in the human body. Social and natural factors have a direct impact on their functioning. Biorhythms are constantly changing (age-related changes, changes in the region of residence), and it imposes an imprint on behavior and the worldview of each person.

The degree of coincidence of biorhythmic cycles provides comfortable conditions for any type of joint activity. The calculation of the online biorhythms allows you to establish not only the relationship between people, but also determine the correct time for specific joint activities. For example, on what day and hour it is best to recover on cosmetic procedures.

Biorhythms are conventionally separated by 3 types:

  1. high-frequency;
  2. mid-frequency;
  3. Low-frequency.

All biochemical reactions in the body include all biochemical reactions in the body: heart rate rhythm and peristaltics, breathing and brain biotoks.

The mid-frequency rhythms include daily changes in the body, for example, increase / decrease in body temperature. These include such conditions as sleep and wakefulness, change in pressure, activity and inaction, cell division, etc.

Low-frequency rhythms include changes in the endocrine system, sexual cycles. They depend on the influence of the Moon, the seasons of the year, etc.

In addition to the listed biorhythms, there are also such an exacerbation / decrease in the concentration of attention, emotional oscillations and phases of sleep. Therefore, human biorhythms can be divided into categories that depend on the time of day, month and season of the year.

Biorhythms online


The daily chronotype is an important feature in the characterization of the vital activity of a separate person, because the peak of physical and mental activity has different and comes at different times of the day. In connection with the chronotype of people divided into 3 types:
  1. Lark;
  2. pigeon;
  3. owl.

If the larks with the dawn of the Sun begins active life, then Owl is sleeping at this time. There is a third - pigeons between the specified two types. These people lay down to sleep after 23-00 and stand around the alarm clock at 8 am.

Belonging to a particular chronotype determines some health indicators and the ability to quickly adapt in new conditions. Scientists have established that the "owls" are most flexible to different conditions: they are easiest to change their livelihoods.

On a note! The inconsistency of the work schedule of human natural biorhythms can lead not only to functional disorders in the body, but also to serious pathological processes.

It was also established experimentally that the productivity of a separate person is at times rising during the accounting of its chronotype. If owls put in the morning shift, the efficiency of their activities will be much lower. This is due to the violation of the individual rhythms of the life of the body, which in the morning the clock is at the bottom point of activity.

Calculation of biorithm

Comfortable communication with another person is largely determined by the coincidence of biorhythms. It is especially important to take into account compatibility in marital relations and in closed groups (cosmonauts, submariners). The compatibility rate must exceed 75%: this suggests that people understand each other perfectly and can be together without restrictions on time.

On a note! Establishing biorhythms is the best method to determine the possibility of mutual understanding between specific people. It helps to avoid conflicts and groundless quarrels.

Today you can calculate biorhythms online using various free programs. To calculate, specify the date of birth. These programs help determine what time of the day the person increases activity, and when it is better to simply relax and not overvolt the body.

Biorhythms by date of birth can be calculated independently if you can use algorithms. With the help of free programs, you do not need knowledge about biorhythms, this is the convenience of using ready-made schemes. However, automated calculations require adjustments, as they do not take into account weather conditions and other atmospheric influences on the well-being and human activity. Automated programs show a generalized picture of the state of a person and its activity without taking into account additional impacts from the outside.

Online Biorhythms Calculation

Sophisticated compatibility

Biorhythms directly affect married and family relationships. Compatibility is determined by three directions:
  1. physical;
  2. emotional;
  3. Intellectual.

If partners are well compatible at the physical level, they are enjoyable to communicate with each other. With good emotional compatibility, we can talk about the coincidence of temperaments, with intellectual coincidence, it is already about the harmoniousness of thinking.

On a note! The calculation of biorhythms by the date of birth online does not apply to errorless methods for assessing the harmonicity of relationships, but it helps to understand the behavior of other people.

If all 3 biorhythms are compatible, a pair has mutual understanding. These relationships are characterized by stability and durability. An indicator of 50-80% says that the pair formed a good friendly family. Understanding, though not at the height, but it allows you to coexist conflict and rather harmoniously.

Compatibility of more than 80% - the perfect couple. So harmonious relations, it is not necessary to fill the emotional, physical and intellectual gap on the side. This is particularly noticeable on the women, foreign men are nice to look at, but there is no desire to possess. Because of these women do not come enlistment impulses that are felt on a subconscious level.

physical layer

This is an indicator of health and sexuality. This includes the perception of a person's appearance, body odor, physical activity. Partner allocates a strong immune system (the ability to resist disease), reaction speed, endurance, strength. This is a purely animal level of interaction. The higher the compatibility of indicators, the more comfortable feel spouses to each other.

The incompatibility of the physical layer will be characterized by dissatisfaction in sexual relations, hostility and repulsion. Partners exist as if in different phases, and their desires do not coincide. In the absence of physical compatibility talking about enjoying intimacy is impossible.

emotional level

When emotional incompatibility between partners are experiencing mental discomfort and repulsion. Man causes irritation, a subconscious feeling of anxiety. If the partners do not understand each other on the level of feelings, to speak about a harmonious relationship is impossible. It is due to emotional harmony seemingly unprepossessing man becomes attractive in the eyes of another.

The emotional level is conventionally considered a female, it defines the behavior of the woman and her perception of the world and partner. This explains the affection and love for the seemingly subhuman - rowdy or even unlucky in life.

intellectual level

This level of perception of the other person does not use the term "stupid-smart", it is about self-esteem. This level is conventionally considered a male, it determines the behavior of a man and his perception of life and partner. Lack of self-esteem leads to various addictions - alcohol, gaming, drug. In this way, a man trying to cope with low self-esteem, if he does not help in this partner.

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