Numerology Pythagora - how to make a schedule of life by date of birth


Numeric vibrations have high-quality characteristics reflecting the essence of events or phenomena. Another people who studied the numbers and their combinations knew about it. Recently, Pythagora numerology has gained widespread, because the combination of numbers can be found their future and prepare for unexpected gifts of fate.

The numbers help to understand the essence of phenomena and can describe the character of the person who is interested in us. Consider how you need to add numbers to learn about your fate.

Numerology Pythagora

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Numerology Pythagora - how to make a schedule of life by date of birth 1469_2
Numerology Pythagora - how to make a schedule of life by date of birth 1469_3

Schedule of Fate

The schedule of the life of Pythagora by date of birth will be able to make up anyone who knows how to fold, multiply and deduct numbers. There is no sacrament in this. In order to learn the basic numbers, you need to multiply the number of birth of birth in the number of day and month of birth. As a result, a five-digit code must be obtained, on the basis of which the schedule can be built.

An example of calculation for the date of June 15, 1988:

15 x 6 x 1988 = 178 920.

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Now you need to draw two axes of coordinates. On the horizontal axis you need to put marks (divisions), the corresponding twelve years of life, the first will be considered your year of birth. On the vertical axis, we make 10 marks with ordinal numbers - from zero to 10.

Now you need to find on the chart of the number corresponding to the resulting code 178 920. We put the figure 1 over the year of your birth - it will characterize the first 12 years of life. Next, we put the figure 7 over the second division of twelve years - it will characterize the next 12 years of your life

Now we look at the crossing of the coordinate axes on our schedule:

  1. If the lines rise up, it is considered a positive feature for a person. So, the circumstances of life will develop the most positive way - you will be on top of your career or personal life.
  2. If the lines of the graph are lowered down, an unfavorable period occurs - either a black band in life, or the impossibility of realizing conceived plans. In this period, it is not worth building grand plans or plan changes - energy will go into void. This time is better to wait.
  3. If the lines do not take off and do not omit, life will flow in a calm bed - no change, takeoffs and drops will not happen. If you had a business, things will remain in the same condition. During this period, you can plan a wedding or the birth of a baby - everything will pass safely.

Schedule of life Pythagora by date of birth

Decoding the values ​​of numbers

Now you can find out in detail what expects in these periods of life. For this, we look at the characteristics of the numbers:

Zero - characterizes the decline of forces, recession of energy. At this time, a person needs to be just resting, not planning anything and not to change in his fate. A person can pursue negative thoughts up to a protracted depression. However, you should not despair - you just need to wait for an unfavorable period, accumulate forces for the subsequent jerk. This life stage is well suited for spiritual search and the meaning of life.

Unit - characterizes the period of formation. A person is dissatisfied with the situation of affairs and is trying to achieve more. This life segment will be filled with the struggle for a place under the sun, the desire to realize itself as a person and succeed. A difficult period, but the trend of the rise compared to zero is planned.

Two - characterizes life takeoffs and falls, alternation of success and failure. Also a difficult life period, but close people and friends will come to help people. Together it is easier to overcome the infancy of fate.

Troika - characterizes the ambiguous period. A person can not handle circumstances yet, but trying to adapt to them - looking for how to avoid shocks of fate. If during this period, it is possible to start flexibility, you can make useful relationships with business people and break out of the circle of failures due to mutually beneficial contacts.

Four - characterizes a quieter period of life, dimension and conservatism. A person will do everything in a habit, move along a kicker. For people of a calm character warehouse, such a life may seem to be paradise, for mobile and active people - boredom mortal.

Pythagora Fate Table

Five - characterizes a happy lifetime, but not for everyone. For people with an adventurous warehouse of character, this period will deliver a lot of impressions, because the knife is walking so exciting. For people of balanced and calm, this time will be marked by strong experiences - you should always be alert, then you can harmonize energy and feel happiness.

Six - characterizes a balanced and calm life period. However, not everyone will be happy for everyone. Those who are accustomed to go on their heads to receive the gifts of fate should be tangled their fervor - unsuccessful time. For those who are used to take a moderate amount of good from life, the period is marked by a complete well-being. Tikhony can breathe calmly - happiness is already knocking on the door!

Seven - characterizes an ambiguous and mysterious period in life. This is the number of mysticism and unknown. A person is invited to start looking for a spiritual in life, listen to the voice of his own intuition. Do not rely on logic and mind - you can lose everything. Especially dangerous this period is for businessmen - it is better not to make large bets and do not put all its property for conversion.

Eight - characterizes good luck in money. This is a happy period for opening your own business and any manipulations with securities, money and real estate. Money will flow by the river.

Nine - characterizes success in all spheres of life. If this figure is present in your destiny code, you are just lucky through life. Twelve years under the figure 9 marked luck, which will pursue a person on the heels.


A table at which any life life can be calculated is not a sentence of fate. The numbers give a hint, how best to do, but a person himself must take decisions. You need to listen to the numbers, but do on the deck of heart. Only then can be a truly happy person.

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