Numerology by date of birth: detailed calculation


Science Numerology by date of birth helps by the date of birth, learn the strengths and weaknesses of the person, determine its purpose and even understand whether you are compatible with your partner. We will understand how to make a numerological table, and learn how to "read it correctly.

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Numerology by date of birth: detailed calculation 1513_1
Numerology by date of birth: detailed calculation 1513_2

Calculation of numerological test

To make a numerological table, you need to know the full birth date of a person. For example, this is April 17, 1954.

It will look like this:

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Numerology by date of birth

Where did the numbers come from:

  1. First you need to record an accurate birth date: 17041954.
  2. Then calculate the amount of numbers: 1 + 7 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 4 = 31.
  3. We find the amount of the numbers of the resulting number: 3 + 1 = 4.
  4. If the date of birth up to 2000, from the initial amount, we subtract 2: 31-2 (const) = 29 (born after 2000 add 19).
  5. We are looking for the amount of digits of the resulting difference: 2 + 9 = 11.

On this, our calculation is over. The resulting values ​​must be entered in the following table:

Numerology by date of birth

Next, we will tell you what the values ​​from the numerological table are said.

Altruism - Egoism

As far as the man is endowed with these qualities, you can understand if you analyze the table according to the following scheme:

Numerology by date

For altruism, the triangle "11-4-7-5" . Normally must be at least two units, and the total numbers are five. If there is no fourth and five, altruism as a quality is absent. So, a person is not able to sacrifice his own interests for the benefit of other people.

If the figures in the triangle are greater than the norm, altruism above the norm. A person has a sense of guilt if he does not give the life to help and save other people. In the first place for him there are always other people's interests, on the latter - their own.

For egoism, the triangle "5-3-6-99" is responsible . The rate is the presence of five and only five digits. If the triangle is not closed, egoism as a quality is absent. If the numbers succeeded a lot, the person is extremely looped on itself, first of all, its own interests are always important for him.


Numerology by date of birth Calculate helps such qualities as sensuality and creative abilities. They meet the values ​​of the tables located in diagonals.

The first diagonal - "11-5-99" - This is a creativity that develops from such qualities as ingenuity and resourcefulness, flexibility and dodging, the ability to exit dry out of the water in any situation.

The more digits in this diagonal, the more characteristic of the listed qualities for a person. For example, if the test was "11111 + 5 + 99" (three digits are greater than the norm), a person can often change the place of work, constantly take on social functions, create a lot of cases and hobbies. He is a non-permanent and addicted.

If there are empty cells in the diagonal, a person does not use creative skills as a tool for life, it is guided by something else.

Next diagonal "3 + 5 + 7" Responsible for sensuality as well as sensitivity. This is the ability to understand the intentions and thoughts of other people.

If the diagonal is overloaded with numbers, the person is able to penetrate so deep into another person on the wave of understanding, which becomes like an accomplice of his life. It feels when another hurt and bad, it is capable of assessing the emotional state. At the same time, it remains very wounded, touchy, emotionally unstable.

If the numbers are absent in the diagonal, a person has a distorted perception of other people. He is able to be devoted to someone who hypocritically uses it. It is not capable of understanding the true goals and intentions of others, incorrectly assesses their condition and attitude.


The next stage of the analysis, which offers numerous by the date of birth, is the study of numbers in the columns of the table. There are three of them three.


First column "11 + 22 + 3" responsible for independence. Normally, this is a person who can do everything himself. He expects only for himself and does not ask for help if the situation is not critical.

If the column is overloaded with numbers, a person not only always solves its problems, but also constantly helps others. But this is not altruism, but the need for the realization of its "self". This is a bit dangerous - when such a person finds himself in a difficult situation, will need help, he can not get it. The surrounding simply will not believe that he is not able to cope himself.

If there are no numbers in the column, a person does not use his internal resources completely. He prefers to take advantage of the help of others than try to implement himself. She is inclined to make complaints that something "noted" to him, "wrong helped."

Inner world

Third column "7-8-99" Responsible for the inner world of man and his ability to find his "inner God."

Numerology by date of birth Calculate free

Normally in column 4 numbers. This means that the inner world is deep enough. The man believes in himself, he found his "inner God" and is not looking for him in others.

If there are no numbers in the column (for example, 7 and 8 no, but there is one nine), the person is "atheist." He not only does not have his own "inner God," he also fights those who have it. This is another type of people who are creating in everyday life that they want. And they will enter the church - and sharply become tasty.

If the column is overloaded with numbers, a man at first glance is closed, modest. But it is worth talking to him closer, and it becomes clear how passioned, interesting, gifted. With close communication, it reveals, its rich inner world becomes visible. This is a versatile, extraordinary personality.

"I and Society"

Middle column "4-5-6" characterizes the relationship of a person with other people. This combination of qualities that are responsible for the situation in society.

If the column is overloaded with numbers, a person is dependent on public opinion: it affects practically all its actions.

If some numbers lack, a person, on the contrary, ignores the opinion of others, underestimating him. From this there may be many problems.

Men's and female numbers

Male numbers are enclosed in Rhombus "22-4-6-8":

Male numbers

Women's - in the cross "11-5-7-3-99":

Female numbers

Normally there should be a predominance of a female start (regardless of the floor of a person) - these are 5 male and 7 female digits.

"Men's" numbers They are responsible for the qualities of nature as hardness and resistance. This is a notorious "inner rod", which shows how much a person is able to defend its borders and personal principles.

"Women's" numbers They carry flexibility, the ability to negotiate, creativity, peacefulness and diplomaticity, the ability to smooth sharp corners.

If a man has breakdown to female qualities, he is emotional, sociable, rather soft, creative nature. If a woman is dominated by male figures, it is aggressive, strong physically. These are feminists who consider men weak. These are women who are accustomed to cope with everything on their own.

Consider the example of the test of a woman:

An example of female dough

In this example, the girl has 10 male and 4 female numbers, that is, the male prevails over women's 2.5 times. This is a woman with a beautiful body, the right principles. She is smart, sufficiently sociable. May be very tough, especially in work. Principled. She is a wonderful business partner.

You may like men. But she is alone and on the question: "Why should her man?" Can not give a response, because herself perfectly copes with everything.


The psychotype defines the inner motivation of the person, which he exists externally. Having determined the psychotype on a numerological test, it can be understood why some people are more initiative and active, and others are calmer and quiet.

There are three main psychotype.

Psychotype I - "Head"

The people of the first psychotip unit are dominated over two:


In this context, the unit - the ability to generate ideas, twos - the ability to execute them. That is, if a person can invent a lot, he does not have energy to implement all his ideas. Therefore, this part of the work must be assigned to others.

These are people's intelligible, resourceful, they are perfectly suspended. Thinking is always positive, they are optimists. Capably quickly "download" others and find it a lesson. These are the organizers, leaders, starters. Love to be the center of attention.

"Chiefs" need to learn to control the flow of ideas coming to the head. And try more to do, and not just talk. Then they will be able to realize any, even the most bold and, at first glance, impracticable goals.

Psychotype II - "Contractor"

In the people of the second psychotype, two prevail over units:


We usually have more physical forces than ideas, thoughts, proposals. These are workaholics, responsible workers. They rarely sit without a case, and others still manage to get to work.

The performers most often pessimists and critics. They are demanding both towards them and others. This is the type of people who believe that one who is well earned by mental labor, achieved a good way.

First do, then they think, so they often have to redo the work that heviar did, without considering the actions of preliminary.

They see a bunch of flaws in all who surround them. Most people for them are lazy loafers. If something does not work, everything is to blame.

Look in the video, what else can tell the date of birth of a person:

Psychotype III - "By itself"

People have the third psychotype of units and twos equal number. This is a person who is used to count on himself. "How much came up with, I did so much," it is about him.

For "in itself" freedom is very important. In the understanding that they do not tolerate when other people dictate what they need to do. If in the direction of the wrong opinion speaks, it is also perceived as an encroachment to freedom.

A person with a third psychotica is very strictly witching its borders. It is important for him to have its own space, independently solve emerging problems. He is able to work himself without attracting anyone else.

Does not tolerate subordination, but also does not seek to manage. This is a single person who never clings to someone, he himself.

Does not like monotonous conveyor work. The best rest is a change of activity.

At first glance, it may seem closed and closed, but it is not. It simply opens in the process of close communication. Periodically gets tired of people, leaves "in itself."

This is the most perfect psychotype that characterizes the personality one-piece, independent, independent. A person with a third psychotic is confidently in life, slowly moving forward and never even polesaging back. Not a single excessive movement is only rational actions and thoughts.

Numerology by date of birth helps to calculate for free and quickly your numerological test, which allows you to deeper to understand the personality of a person, to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.

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