Epiphany divination: ways how to tell fortunes


"Once a girl guessed Epiphany evening: for shoe gate, took off his feet, throwing .." - words from the famous poem by Vasily Zhukovsky "Svetlana". And it really Epiphany divination are considered an integral part of the Slavic tradition.

They have survived in spite of the long reign of communism, when all the other world and the unknown was considered forbidden. I propose today to talk in detail about guessing on Baptism and to consider the most popular options.

girl wondering on Epiphany

Features Epiphany divination in Russia

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We can not say that guessing at Baptism are fundamental differences between those that run on Christmas Eve or during the whole Yule week. In Russia, all the ways of predicting the future was the most popular mainly among unmarried girls in the big cheerful company. But if you want you can always retire and seek assistance from the impure forces in splendid isolation.

Epiphany divination there is a huge number of species: the most popular, of course, to her spouse, love. But there are also divination wish fulfillment, the money that is waiting for the next year.

At the same time to carry out most of them you do not need expensive ingredients - taken that are in each house: a mirror, a candle, broom, hairbrush and other everyday objects. Perform the ritual of spying for the future and will not be difficult, because they are usually simple in design.

Epiphany divination performed last night at the Yule week, on the eve of Epiphany - that is, in the night from 18 to 19 January. The best time for this - when the sun had set in the sky. But some of old divination conducted only at night, in the period from 12 to 3 o'clock.

Ancient divination Baptism: Options

Now let's look at specific ways how to tell fortunes on Epiphany.

Guessing on boots

It was about him that he was told at the beginning of the article. This is an old way to pay on the narrowed. You will need to take any subject of your shoes (shoes, boots), in the evening of baptism to go outside and throw it at a certain distance. Then see what direction the boot is located in the direction of the light - on the other side and will come the bride. But maybe such that shoes indicate its own yard - this means that, for a whole year, a girl will have to spend unmarried.

Fortune telling "Mirror stranger"

Perhaps the most popular way of fortune telling on the future husband. To do you need to stock the following simple attributes:

  • 2 colorless candles (ideally, they should be natural wax, you can take church);
  • 2 mirrors (may be different in size);
  • a box of matches;
  • not translucent white cloth.

The girl goes in front of the mirror

When everyone has prepared, take directly for the ritual itself:

  1. Eliminate from the room where you will guess, people and pets. The room should be in full solitude.
  2. Somewhere 5 minutes before midnight, put the first mirror on the front from myself (let's say on the table), and put the second behind your back. It is necessary that a mirror "corridor" formed, creating an infinity effect.
  3. Then check 2 candles to the first mirror - the one that your face is addressed.
  4. In the process of mirror fortune telling, it is impossible to turn back and watch the mirror that stands behind. Use only the first mirror.
  5. When midnight appears on the clock, it should be lit candles and carefully pepper into a mirror corridor, taking the following words while:

"My squeezed mellow, appeared to me fit."

Under the conditions of fortune telling in the mirror at a certain point there should be a future spouse or his face. When it happened, remember very quickly, say the phrase:

"Chur me"

And make a white fabric on the mirror, having extinguished the candles. In no case, do not neglect this safety technique, because in reality in the mirror surface there is not at all your future husband, but an unclean spirit. If you do not close access to our world on time, then the consequences can be low. Therefore, the risk is completely unjustified.

Fortune telling on the Orthodox Church

Are you afraid to resort to terrible fortune on the mirror? Fortunately, more secure options exist for nervous. For example, divination in the Orthodox Church, designed to disclose the information of the upcoming 12 months of the year.

At midnight baptism, go to any temple, go to its closed door, turn around and call and listen to and listen. Depending on what you have been dried, and the result of this prediction of the future is decrypted:

  • The sounds of noise, similar to laughter, songs, cheerful conversation - this year will enter into marriage;
  • If I heard the sound of crying, moan, screaming or deaf sounds - in the near future the wedding you do not see, repeat the fortune telling next year.

Divination "Ask Stranger"

Will help you find out the name of the future chosen one. The girl should go outside and ask the name of the first guy or man's name. Also will be called and her spouse.

If a woman appeared first - the fortune telling says that this will be the name of the mother-in-law. But, not wanting to be content with them, you can wait until the representative of the strong sex appears on the way.

Fortune telling with a guy / husband

Not only the lonely girls turn to the soda and baptized fortune tells - married young women are also interested to know what is waiting for them in personal relationships. Here the next fortune telling comes to the rescue.

Woman overhears

To fulfill it, choose a house in which you know that very happy spouses live. At night, the baptism is quietly approach to the house, as far as it is possible close and listen to the sounds outgoing from it:

  • A parangious speech is heard - you will be in the stretched relationship with your chosen one, there is a lot of quarrels;
  • Silence - he will tell about a quiet and harmonious atmosphere in love life.

Important moment. In the conditions of modern megalopolises, find a private house - a whole problem, so you can safely replace it with an apartment. If you do not know any family with a good marriage, living nearby, then come to any apartment in your home.

Fortune telling on zerns

A variant of the ancient village fortune telling to the baptism for which it takes to get a homely rooster (live). The bird will clarify the situation for the next 12 months of the year, will help you understand what events you expect.

To repay, you need to scatter on the floor in the Seine (hallway) of the grain and run the rooster. And then looking at how he will absorb treats:

  • The bird embarrassed everything to the grain - the family is waiting for luck and happiness for a whole year;
  • There remains untouched half the grains - the situation will not change much compared to last year;
  • If the rooster did not touch any of the grains - it is necessary to prepare for difficult times.

Fusion with playing cards

It is designed to give the characteristic of your future husband, how will it be. Bare for him with a card deck of playing cards - or rather, remove the 4 kings of each queen from it and on the night of January 18 to January 19, put them under the pillow.

  • If you have seen at night in a dream Peak king - Fate will send you a spouse who will be older than you;
  • Dropped up Through king - He promises a Military or Businessman's husband;
  • Bubnian king - foreshadowed that you will marry the man already known to you;
  • Chervoy King. - symbolizes a very successful marriage.

It is possible that you will not dream any of the card kings. Do not be discouraged, but just waking up, remove any card to choose from and interpret its value.

Fortune telling with calculation

It will help to see the image narrowed in a dream. The girl needs to not derive the hair before the departure to sleep, putting a call next to him and say plotted words:

"My squeezed, moody, come, make up my hair."

Girl with dollars

Then go to bed, at night I must donate the face of the future spouse.

Divination for the execution of the desire for papers

Performed before bedtime. It is necessary to cook 12 small leaves to write a variety of desires. This is all when the candle is light, and not with electrical lighting. It is important to choose exclusively realistic desires that will be able to implement. This should not be something unreal like buying a private aircraft or acquaintance with aliens.

Place the paper with desires under the pillow and go to rest. The next morning, as soon as you woke up, get any 3 leaves arbitrarily. What is written on them and exercise this year.

If suddenly he accidentally got more than three desires, then the fortune telling promises that they were all destined to come true. But you should not do this intentionally, otherwise the result will not be.

Fortune telling with a mirror

There is another interesting version of the Epiphany desire for the execution of a cherished dream. You need to put a small mirror on the street on the street. In the evening, before the departure to sleep, pick it up into the house, write a finger on it, what you wish.

After that, the mirror is placed under the bed, spans or pine branches next to it. And in the morning carefully study the mirror item for the presence of inscriptions.

  1. The divination states that if the desired is not destined to come true, then the inscription on the mirror will be preserved in full form.
  2. The presence of only traces - indicates a small chance to make a dream real.
  3. If it is written to read in principle, it is impossible - everything will come true.

Small mirror

Simple fortune telling "yes-no"

You can perform this method and not only on the night of baptism, and when you have a need for. Purchase nuts or seeds in the store, pour them on the table either on another comfortable surface.

Then we specify your question so that it can be answered uniquely "yes" or "no." Consider the number of items: if it is used - the answer is affirmative, and if the odd is negative.

Divination by subjects for the profession of the future husband

Girls always worries not only when and under what circumstances they will get acquainted with the narrowed, but who will be by profession, his financial situation. To obtain a response to this question, use the following baptismous fortune.

At clean table, spread different items that symbolize certain areas of activity. In antiquity, for example, the girls took such things:

  • A piece of coal - describe the husband-blacksmith;
  • stone builder;
  • Bread - will indicate the peasant;
  • keys - foreshadow the merchant;
  • book - scientist (if religious, then priest);
  • Cache - official.

In the modern world you can slightly diversify the list, putting there:

  • USBA or disk - for a programmer's husband;
  • credit card - describe the banker;
  • tie - for the boss;
  • Constitution - for a lawyer or lawyer and so on.

And do not forget to add a wedding ring here and take a wedding ring (take a woman from a married thing). After the listed actions, the one who will guess should be tied up, and its girlfriends - mix objects. The girl will have only 3 attempts. And if it is at least twice in a row, the same item falls - the likelihood that the spouse will be very high.

In the event that the wedding ring was caught up - it was destined to go under the crown this year.

Candle and water divination

He will help learn what is preparing in the near future. To hold it with such objects:

  • 2 wax candles;
  • a big bowl or basin;
  • A large spoon (or a small bucket to melting wax in it).

Then, ideally, you need to dial a little snow on the street, molding it so as to fill the container at least half. If there is no snow, then take ordinary water. The easiest thing is to guess this method at the table on which all items should be located so that they are in easy accessibility.

When the closmen night clocks are trying 12, fill the bowl with water and put them opposite yourself. Light one of the candles. Wax from the second candle should be folded into a spoon or the bucket. Heat it from the flame of the candle so that it completely melted, and then pour into the puddle to the water.

fortune telling in wax

Now you can be taken for the interpretation of the obtained images. Below are several options:

  • The bus is a good journey;
  • Angel - Help from the Higher Forces;
  • Eye - It is worth carefully look at your surrounding;
  • Girl in a dress - gossip, empty conversations;
  • Brain - wisdom, purity;
  • Crown - career growth, promotion;
  • leg - get ready for the trip;
  • Glasses - Take a look at the situation in a new way to fix it;
  • Ear - always be alert;
  • Dress is a magnificent celebration.

Divination with chain

Follow it with a chain of gold, platinum or silver. Take in your hands, spend slightly, and then throw it on the floor. Please note what form formed:
  • Circle - serious changes are not foreseen;
  • flat line - a good sign of happy events;
  • Triangle - Good luck in love;
  • Bow - pleasant news, perhaps marriage;
  • uneven line - lifting will be replaced by drops;
  • Hearts - you look after a strong keeper angel;
  • Square or rectangle - a sign of financial good luck;
  • If the chain is implanted, nodules appeared on it - it foreshadows; Difficulties will need to cope with obstacles.

Fortune telling along winems

This method of prediction of the future is distinguished by cheerful configuration and correct results. He will tell you what is preparing in life in the near future.

Necessary subjects:

  • Cups - 6 pieces;
  • Matchbox;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • Sugar piece;
  • Ring of gold or silver;
  • a piece of bread;
  • The coin of any nominal, most importantly, not yellow.

The time of divination is the night. One piece of items are put on every cup. Anyone who goes, you should tie my eyes and choose any wine glass. After the results, they are interpreted depending on what got:

  • bread - full and comfortable life;
  • coin - material well-being;
  • Matchboxes - a new family member will appear;
  • Salt - hard time;
  • Ring - a symbol of the fast wedding;
  • Sugar - tells about great luck.

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