What value is the Arkan 8 Cup Taro


Tarot card deck consists of senior and younger arcanes, the total number of which is 78 cards. In this material, we reveal the value of 8 tarot cups in various fields of human life, as well as consider the features of its combination with other arcans in the scenario.

8 Cups tarot

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What is depicted on Arcana 8 Tarot Cups

The Classic Gun Cup of Tarot depicts a sad detached traveler who leaves with the charming glade, which can consider eight filled cups. The traveler is dressed in a red raincoat, which fully wondered him, in his hands he holds a staff (symbol of life experience gained). High in the sky his road is illuminated by the Moon, resurrecting in his memory of the experience of the past.

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If you contact the Taro Era of Aquarius, then the picture changes here. We see on the map a beautiful woman, closed in rich clothes, who left their castle and thoughtfully standing at the river. She is worried about the prospects of his future, trying to understand that it is waiting for it there, on the second bank of the river. Next to her are holding her bowls. She needs to be mad to exchange them and go towards his happiness that is waiting for her on the other bank of the river.

The value of the Eight Cups Tarot

Astrologically 8 cups responds to a harmonious Union of the Moon with Saturn (the character of the tragic separation). Also Arkana patronizes the zodiacal constellation of fish, which has joined the first decade (personifies the departure of themselves, the knowledge of its spirituality, fatality).

Man is now breaking away from someone else's opinion and is engaged in the study of its nature. He prefers a logical mind, not emotions.

This arcan can also be found under the names of the eights of the bowl or the lord of the missed success.

Eight Cup Taro in Little

Spends on the link between logic and feelings: can speak or about their consistency, or on imbalance. It acts as a symbol of shame, modesty, chastity, honor, practicality, the ability to harmoniously interact with people.

  1. General value: Indicates apathy, detachment, complete indifference.
  2. In the event plan: a pointer of idleness, belling.
  3. In work: shameful dismissal, retirement, change work with a better option for the worst.
  4. In the field of health: the emergence of very unsafe for health and for life as a whole situation. Depressive experiences. A person seeks to eliminate all the problems with one fear, but does not want to do anything to do this, which is fraught with suicide. Map is often a death indicator, irreversible changes in health.
  5. 8 Cups tarot value in relationships. Speaks about the psychological detachment of one of the partners. There are no feelings, emotions.
  6. The Arcan describes the identity excluded from life, staying in deep depression.
  7. 8 cup advises to be alone with him for some time.
  8. Warns that you yourself do not want to improve the position of things.
  9. The answer to your question is ambiguous. Now you are at a good wax, isolated from what is happening. Change the occupation.
  10. Additional information: In life, such situations may arise when, as a result of some events, life changes dramatically, but the person on inertia remains in place to once again not risen.

Arkan Taro Era Aquarius

8 cup tarot in reverse position

  1. General importance: a person by all means to strive to attract attention. Creates an artificial, taller version of his life, incites intrigue.
  2. In the field of events: there is no possibility to leave, but the visibility of care is created.
  3. In operation: the time of complete stagnation, tramples in one place, is shifting responsibility. A person wants someone else to deal with his problems. Profit unstable.
  4. Simulates in the field of health, trying to draw attention to others.
  5. In a relationship: There is not enough love, so the questioning actively attracts attention to his person.
  6. He suffers from indifference surrounding, needs love and attention.
  7. The map advises: attract attention.
  8. Warning that your insidious plans will be disclosed.
  9. You can not (and should not) be alone, very much needs to communicate, love and attention.

Detailed card characteristic

General value of 8 bowl tarot

The Gun Cup is one of the three cards that symbolize the "breakthrough", as well as speaking a sad farewell. Fate forces a person to change the familiar situation, leave people or things to which he is tied and go to the distant and unknown future.

Whatever it was, this decision is made on your own accord (another question that perhaps another output was simply not). A person is hard on the soul for two reasons: due to the part of the parting with the fact that it is expensive for him, and because of the unknownness of the future.

In work

Often testifies to care from the previous place of work. It may be suspended from active activities (age limits, the desire to devote themselves to the family or as a result of the "folding" of this area). The person suffers because he has to leave the usual, what was well acquainted. At the same time there is uncertainty about the next day.

Although there may be 8 Cups tarot talking about not such significant vital changes: your work is transmitted to another person or is generally closed as unprofitable.

In the sphere of consciousness

In this area of ​​life, Arkan says that we can no longer live, relying on the former life beliefs. In some cases, it will indicate that this is caused by the transition from one to another age group. We parted with our usual things that have enormous importance for us, often there is a feeling of guilt, fear and hopelessness. But thanks to such actions, we finally acquire such a desirable freedom.

Victorian tarot

The value of the eights of the Tarot Cups in the relationship

The Gun Cups in Personal Life also indicates a gap. The person is now at the confusion of fate, where there are several roads, and he needs to choose the right one of them. Express your gratitude towards the past, but let him go to the world, rupt all the energy "ways" that still tie you to the past.

In a more philosophical sense, 8 cups will tell about the farewell with those ideas about his beloved, which took place earlier (idealization of his image). A person realizes that no one is ideal, ceases to idealize his partner and returns to the harsh reality, which is not treated with the share of the secret, how to make her beloved person more perfect.

Combination with other maps

  • With Arkan "The Jester" - indicates a tramp, a person seeks to change the place of residence.
  • With Arkan "Mag" - will have to abandon what you value.
  • With the Arkan "Supreme Priestess" - a person is started in all the serious women or for other reasons.
  • With the Arkan "Empress" - unwillingness to be a mother.
  • With the Arkan "Emperor" - you have to leave the family or work.
  • With the Arkan "Ierofant" - farewell to what the meaning of life has previously imagined.
  • With Arkan "Lovers" - renunciation from the object of his love.
  • With the Arkan "Chariot" - the need to abandon the plans built before that.
  • With the Arkan "Strength" - a person is lost and conquers his fate.
  • With Arkan "Hermit" - care to the monastery; renunciation; Visiting holies.
  • With Arkan "Wheel Fortune" - moving.
  • With Arkan "Justice" - a person is no longer looking for the truth.
  • With the arcane "hanged" - you will no longer sacrifice yourself.
  • With Arkan "Death" - leaving your past.
  • With Arkan "Moderation" - the search for "Golden Mid".
  • With the arkan "Devil" - a man sin.
  • With the Arkan Tower - the destruction of its former world.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - gone fights with his destiny.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - Nirvana.
  • With the Arcana "Sun" - the unwillingness to be a public person.
  • With the Arkan "Court" - a refusal of assistance.
  • With the Arkan "World" - loss of the meaning of life, goals.
  • A combination of 8 cups and 8 pentacles will tell about the search for themselves in a professional plan, career growth.

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The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

8 cups

General value

There is no movement in life or a decline occurred, which resulted in depressive moods.


The map does not foreshadow physical parting, but the partners will become comprehensive people for each other.


The depression will appear, which can lead to suicide.


The map predicts the loss of work. Gadgets will be fired, with the disorder. The map also predicts the transition to a lower position and reducing profits.

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✚ for the future

8 cups

The eight means that a person will fully change his view on ordinary things, it will do a new life. It may be the point that you consider the previously performed actions with strange and thoughtless, so come to the conclusion that it is time to become wiser or the opposite is reckless. The last option is especially terrible, which often leads to any dependence. Any dependency is seriously transferred by a person, requires long treatment.

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✚ on the relationship

8 cups

If, when you fortunate the relationship appears in the eight of the cubes, the relationship is close to the logical end, one of the partners did not justify in expectations to the second person's account. One probably refused to look at the truth for a long time, but closely the moment is when the paddle displays the eye, and the second person will appear in the true light. However, the card does not necessarily indicate that it is not on the way. Perhaps we are talking about the end of the relationship exactly in the form in which they exist now, after the appearance of a truthful view of the circumstances, a chance may appear to build everything anew and much more successful.

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✚ Today

8 cups

Degradation, the search for spiritual and despondency. In the working aspect, the card indicates the absence of any motivation, the unfavorable atmosphere in the team and the change of work (with the best for the worst); Financial success is still far away, the monetary crisis is expected. You absolutely need rest, in order to restore lost forces; Ahead of irreversible changes in health. Difficulties await you and in love: the lack of emotions and feelings, disgracefulness in relationships; Possible love triangle. You are tired of life and do not feel joy, staying in depression. Analyze your life and review the values ​​in order to improve the position of life!

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✚ Tomorrow

8 cups

Map of family coziness, heat. It can mean motherhood, children, journeys. The outside world goes into the background, attention is focused on the family.

Tomorrow you will find a cozy day in the family circle. Perhaps cards hint that is the time to visit the parents or call them, make a pleasant surprise to children, casting them into some interesting place for family holidays. Perhaps the news of someone's pregnancy or the birth of a child.

In terms of love relationships, the map predicts a beautiful and cozy day in an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding and love.

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✚ What does he think about me

8 cups

Your relationship with a partner is built on fantasy, so you do not notice the truthful facts that constantly come across your path. Soon you look differently on a person who was considered a beloved, because the secrets will open a true face. Illusion - deception itself. You do not feel reality, so you can not confidently join your future. Your love will be a lie, understand and take this fact will be difficult, but it must be done to improve your future.

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✚ at wish

8 cups

It is unlikely that you can boast an optimistic look at life. Guarantees for one hundred percent fulfillment of desire is not. However, there is a chance if you attach maximum effort. In this case, the dream will acquire some other perspectives. The fact that in life is now not satisfied soon will disappear from it. The map says that doing will be fulfilled during the lunar month. Emotions will not affect further actions, determination - the main support now.

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8 cups

It has resulted in the current situation reluctance to improve life. It comes renunciation of events. Actions under the influence of mind, not emotions. Expected harmonious interaction. Risk aversion. Probable depression, imbalance between logical thinking and emotions. Depression.

It is possible to make a reasonable choice. You are using a practical approach. However, the future is ambiguous. Possible self-care from the decision-making. Stay alone with yourself and try to understand their desires.

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✚ on the narrowed

8 cups

Eight of Cups shows a lack of initiative and commitment in your relationship. Fading feelings that kept literally in the last thread, can still be saved, but you need to make some changes in them. To fly far - anything, a good break from the daily routine. It is now necessary, because at this rate you will lose the bond that holds heart in the very beginning of the relationship.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

8 cups

You may miss something very important, which could get, so you see only what they want and ignore the rest.

You are too passionate about the fact that far ahead and foggy. Thus possibilities that lie before you, remain unfulfilled. Guardian Angel is trying to help you to come down to earth and take a real opportunity instead of a blank contemplation of "pie in the sky".

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✚ on the king

8 cups

It is likely that the relationship with current partner no longer suit you. You no longer satisfies communication, Intimacy, leisure activities. More interesting seems self-improvement and the search for spiritual and meaningful context. Card said that within a month there will be changes that will make a profound meaning and fullness to your life.

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✚ on treason

8 cups

It is planned to break relations. Personal life is bursting at the seams, and no one can stop this process. Going Rushen old ideals and rejection of reality.

Being at the crossroads of destiny, it is important to take the right choice. You may need to grow up and realize that begins another, more conscious life, and cease to be in the clouds.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

8 cups

Map pushing to find new experiences and opportunities. Embark on a journey to another city, in another country. Look for new friends, a new self. You may have a sense of fear and uncertainty, but that's OK: all we are afraid of innovations. You need to leave the familiar and routine life. And together with it to leave in the past some people.

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✚ Love triangle

8 cups

Karat heralds a break in relations, but more often than not in the physical and emotional level. This means that the husband (wife) will remain in the family, but no feelings between husband and wife will not. Such a relationship is unlikely to get rehabilitated. His wife (her husband) is to accept this situation or to file for divorce.

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✚ on fate

8 cups

You are out of business, and retired from the companionship. It may seem that you are plunged into a depression. In fact, you need time to understand themselves, their feelings and desires. Time stood still around you, nothing happens, you put life on pause.

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✚ to work

8 cups

Map predicts shameful dismissal, resignation, removal from affairs, retirement. Encounter financial difficulties that are difficult to solve. Relax, consider the situation and make the right conclusions - here's a tip, which gives a map for the near future.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

8 cups

The emergence of the Group of Eight of Cups indicates that fertilization does not take place. To clarify the reasons should draw additional cards. If additional fall Jester, The Empress, The Sun and the Moon, the conception did not take place by accident or due to unavailability of women or men to become parents. Stretching an additional card from the suit of Swords, is necessary to address to the doctor for check reproductive health.

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Will it return to me?

8 cups

Eight cups are not just talking about the fact that the separation is inevitable, it simply advises not to contradict fate and accept the collapse gratefully. If she finds the strength to consciously stop this communication, then her life will go smoothly once. Perhaps the problem is not in the man, and in general in the relationship, but this relationship accurately dragged you to the bottom of a heavy anchor.

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