Value Page Pentacles Taro


The Page Pentacle map is among the younger arcanes tarot decks. It corresponds to the elements of the Earth and is associated with a traditional deck currency. Consider the importance of Arkan in the direct and overwhelmed position and talk about its meaning in various scenaries.

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Value Page Pentacles Tarot in Little Position

Page Pentacles Taro can appear in the scenarios both in direct and in the turned position. In the first case, the forecast is mainly favorable, in the second - you can talk about negative predictions.

Page pentacles

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The value of the junior arcana when appears in the scenario in the literal position may be as follows:

  • The map is a symbol of the potential laid in a person from birth. And meaning the potential that helps to succeed in the matters of material. The map suggests that now the most favorable time to solve financial problems.
  • Page promises a profitable deal in the near future, which will bring significant dividends. It is important not to miss the opportunities that fate will send, and take advantage of them on time.
  • Probably the onset of certain events, thanks to which you will acquire an important experience - it will certainly be useful in the future, will help develop and become successful.
  • The card can symbolize the mentor, which gives valuable tips. Use his experience in order not to make your own mistakes.
  • Sometimes Page promises a profitable job offer. You will be offered a position that will bring good money. You will also receive satisfaction from work, it will become a loved one.
  • Page Coin Taro may indicate that the complex situation that currently concerns you will end favorablely. You can find the perfect solution to the problem and free yourself from liabilities.
  • Page promises receiving some kind of benefits, not necessarily material.

In most layouts, the Page can tell about financial affairs, predict what awaits you in work and affairs.

Page Coin Tarot: Meaning in the turned position

If the map appeared in the expansion position, it can tell us about:

  • There will be difficulties in the material sphere of life. There are probabilities with work - you will be fined or lose the current service.
  • Inverted Page Taro Coin symbolizes egoism, wastefulness and greed. These qualities interfere with develop spiritually and see prospects for improving life life.
  • Also, the junior arch can be a symbol of the lack of ideas and the ability to implement the goals. In life, the period of stagnation will come - it's time to wait.

An outdated Page is almost always the personification of unjustified hopes. This is a collapse of plans, obstacles to the goal, lack of interest in life and lack of patience. If you want to change the unfavorable forecast, look for non-standard ways to solve problems.

Page Pentacles Taro

Page Pentacles Tarot: meaning in relationships

In the defold on the relationship, the junior Arkan decks have such values:

  • Fate will provide you with the opportunity to receive invaluable experience, which is necessarily useful in further life. Perceive your partner as a teacher, even if the relationship with him is now extremely negative.
  • Sometimes Page Pentacles in Tarot in relations promises a new acquaintance that bright emotions will bring. Probably the birth of strong love.
  • A person who has already been in a relationship, Page is promulit the strengthening of communication. You will learn to better understand your partner, your union will become truly spiritual. Relationships will move to a new level, harmony and happiness are filled.
  • The map of the cup may indicate that you need to translate the current relationship to another, more serious level. You have already matured with a partner for something more.

Sometimes the Arkan points out the lack of respect for the partner. Therefore, relations suffer. You need to learn to be grateful and understand the needs of the chosen.

In the inverted position, the Page promises parting or serious conflict with a loved one. Eleaches can be avoided if you can find a compromise and try to understand the needs of the chosen one, and you will not dwell on your own desires.

Also, the launched Page symbolizes boredom and routine in the relationship. Try to diversify the time you spend together, new emotions and impressions.

Value Page Pentacles Taro

And since the Page coin affects the material side of life, it may indicate that money is a great influence of money.

Combination with other tarot cards

The importance of Arcana is a group of pentacles may change if it falls in conjunction with other cards.

This is what a pair of tarot cards can tell in the scenarios:

  • If the cracks of the wands and pentacles fell out in one situation, wait for favorable news. New information will help improve the financial situation. It can be a mailing with a new vacancy that you have long been waiting for, or a profitable job offer.
  • Page combined with a magic of pentacles promises acquaintance with a very interesting, creative person, which will have a significant impact on your worldview and life.

If the magician and cup fell into a pair in the turned out position, it means that you need to expand the horizons. There are not available knowledge to achieve success and realize the goals.

Watch the video about the value of the map of Page Tarot:

Layouts and business relationships

In the scenarios for money and work, the map is manifesting itself "in all its glory." It can have such values:

  • In the near future, fate will provide opportunities for career growth. But the path to success will not be easy - you need to work seriously, master new skills, improve your knowledge, take advantage of the help of teachers and mentors.
  • It is also likely that you can change the work on a more profitable and acceptable for you.
  • Owners of their own business, the map of the group is promoting a profitable deal or acquaintance with partners, cooperation with which will be long and successful.
  • Junior Arcan also indicates: you need to be very careful in affairs. Carefully learn documents and contracts that sign, paying special attention to points printed in small font.

The incurred Page in the scholars to work predicts complexity. If you have a business, you will need serious financial injections to avoid collapse. There are also problems that will arise due to the fact that in the past you did not take into account any little things.

In classical scenaries, the map is rarely evaluated on its own. As a rule, experienced tarologists look, which arkans are surrounded by a card, and only after that make conclusions about the interpretation of divination.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

Page pentacles

General value

Symbolizes sensuality and naturalness.


The map foreshadows strong feelings and proximity.


It is recommended to engage in health promotion. Weak place - joints.


You need to bring the work started to the end. The map foreshadows a new job.

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✚ for the future

Page pentacles

Tarot Map can have a beneficial effect on the near future of man. You will get nice news that will definitely please you and your loved ones. Wait for the appearance of joy, which will last a long period of time. Health can progress from diseases characteristic of young children. Try to avoid viral infections that in adult age are much harder to go. For a woman, it will be possible to get pregnant and feel the happiness of motherhood.

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✚ on the relationship

Page pentacles

Page Pentacles promises an inappropriate acquisition of a new experience that will become a step for the further development of relations. If you are at a crossroads - whether the wedding will be, or the relationship will continue to stand still, then be sure of the marriage will take place. If a difference was observed between partners, they will soon be gone, and this harmony will become a step to a new turn. Single people also get from the card sign on a good development of personal life - if someone is on coming, then you should expect steps from him, and if there is no candidacy, then it will soon appear.

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✚ Today

Page pentacles

Naturalness, hard work, initial stages and good prospects. With diligence, you approached the work that gives you pleasure, and it will not remain unnoticed: your profit will increase. Completely ordinary diseases; For women - possible pregnancy. All you need to achieve success in a relationship - take the initiative to your hand. You are a practical and hardworking person who knows how to adequately assess the situation. Do not lick the grip!

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✚ Tomorrow

Page pentacles

Sensual sensation map, latitude of views. Maybe a young man - a good-natured materialist.

Tomorrow will bring or a meeting with a person of this type, or a search, progress in the work, arrangement of life and everything that is associated with the outside world, tangible.

In the professional sphere, talks about the accelerated rates of promotion on the service staircase - perhaps your candidacy for a promotion will already begin to discuss.

In personal relationship a lot of sensuality, tactfulness.

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✚ What does he think about me

Page pentacles

You have long been waiting for a surprise from your beloved person, so you will get attention to the near future and a gift that will give positive emotions for a long period of time. Such a positive allows to reinforce the relationship that lasts for several years. There is a chance that you will find a common hobby that will fully take you both. This will help spend everything free time with each other, which is very important for a serious relationship. The hobby allows you to enjoy the time you spend next to each other.

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✚ at wish

Page pentacles

Negative emotions will lead to a planning result. If you do not get rid of them, then a great chance of losing what is already there. It will make you think about liberty and boldly look at life. There will have to expand the range of interests and consult a lot with close people.

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Page pentacles

The time of the potential laid upon birth. You are waiting for success in affairs, solving material problems, obtaining important experience for the future. Favorable offers and transactions are possible. It turns out to find the perfect solution to the problem.

For the implementation of desires will have to study a lot. It is necessary to show hard work. The decision in itself will not come. Focus effort in one thing! Give preference to practical skills.

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✚ on the narrowed

Page pentacles

Sensuality, sensuality and once again sensuality. Here is the motto for the near future relationship. Your partner will love you to the depths of the soul and the same soul will once again prove it. Without a doubt you will be happy. The main thing is not to climb in dreams and shoot pink glasses, sometimes you will not have enough real look.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

Page pentacles

Pleasant news, favorable offers, gifts.

Very soon you will get wonderful news, it is possible to get an inheritance. Now it is important that you are active, made the right actions, moved in the right direction.

Success will be tangible if the opportunities received will not be missed. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

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✚ on the king

Page pentacles

The map predicts newlyweds do not plan large acquisitions or investments. The most important thing now is to finish education or decide on the work. If you are no longer young, then pay attention to new offers for you or your spouse. They will help to significantly improve the financial situation of the family. Help your satellite stand up on your feet and reach a new vertex. Now in the first place is the development and desire to achieve the best results.

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✚ on treason

Page pentacles

Page coins establishes a strong and favorable union. Relationships are developing, and the time comes to switch to a more serious level. The card indicates a partner as a person who cares and protect. There is practically no place of romance, but all earthly benefits are ready to quit your feet. Also, this alignment speaks of a harmonious intimate life.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

Page pentacles

Page Pentacles indicates that you will be touched by a successful project in which you kill two hares at once. You are implementing your creative potential and professional talents, and you will not be deprived of money. You will also get an important and future experience in the future. In everyday life you are also waiting for luck.

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✚ Love triangle

Page pentacles

The map foreshadows the birth of strong feelings. Arcan can also fill the development of relationships, transition to a new level. Another value of the map is the readiness of partners or one of lovers to intimate intimacy.

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✚ on fate

Page pentacles

You skillfully build a negotiation process, being on a wave of cooperation and mutual understanding. Negotiations are successful, your suggestions are perceived with due attention and the degree of your influence is growing. Be careful and friendly to people: their respect and support you will be very useful, because there is still a lot of work ahead.

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✚ to work

Page pentacles

Arcan foreshadows good news. There is an opportunity to get a good job. The card also recommends bringing the work started to the end. Arkan says that there is a good time to organize a business. If the opportunity to open an enterprise, which in the future will bring large profits. To achieve a good result, the card recommends accepting an offer and start learning.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

Page pentacles

The conception has already happened or will occur soon. In the womb, the child will develop within the normal range, but the development of multi-way and row of other small problems is possible. It is necessary to start the reception of the necessary vitamin veils in advance and on time to inspect the doctors to prevent problems in the generic activity.

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Will it return to me?

Page pentacles

If you see that these relationships have a development towards family life, the creation of a new cell of society and the division of pleasant everyday worries for two, the relationship will be easily restored. However, if you are waiting for the partner of high moral qualities, a spiritual connection, then you are not at the address, and you should not wait for reconciliation, it is better to refuse relationships.

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