Knight Pentacles (rider, knight coin) - Interpretation of the card


Knight pentacles or knight coin symbolizes the dynamic movement of events on the path to the target target. This is an impersonation of a favorable result, the realization of the goals, a positive atmosphere in business communication. There are negative card values. Consider the interpretation of the card more.

Knight Pentacle Taro

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The value of the map in the literal position

The value of the knight of the Tarot pentacles can be as follows:
  • This is the personification of reliability and stability. The map says that a person can be trusted. He is faithful to his word, always fulfills promises and is responsible for obligations.
  • Sometimes the knight indicates the successful development of events, good luck, favorable chances for completing any case. Thanks to luck, planned plans will be implemented very quickly and rapidly. The person moves along the selected path without stopping and doubt.
  • The card indicates that you can not be looped for your own purposes. It is necessary to relax, learn to enjoy the selected case, see positive moments in even the most negative situation. With such an attitude you will quickly achieve success.

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The rider map suggests that you are characterized by such traits such as patience, perfection and perseverance. Thanks to these qualities, you are able to build a happy future for yourself. But it is important not to forget about rest - hard work without a minute of relaxation can lead to decay of forces and energy. Therefore, sometimes you give time and entertainment.

Map value in a turned position

In the turned position, the knight of Pentacles Taro promises troubles and failures. Events will develop unfavorable to you, and luck will turn away.

It is important not to dwell on the problems, but to wait for some time when a series of failures will end. Give events to develop a natural way without your participation, then the period of stagnation will finish quickly and everything will return to the circles.

Knight pentacle

The knight of the tarot coins in an inverted position can also point to a person who casually refers to the duties assigned to it. He is not familiar with such qualities as perseverance and patience. On the contrary, he is inclined to idleness and laziness, which prevents him from achieving his goals.

Knight Pentacles - the value of tarot in the relationship

In the defolds on the relationship, the knight of the coin tarot value has the following:

  • Your union with a partner is reliable and stable. Your relationship is almost impossible to break, because the connection between partners is very strong. You are true to each other and will never look for a replacement.
  • Despite stability, your relationship cannot be called monotonous. Parabe there are feelings, passion. Moreover, emotions will not subscribe over the years, and the union will be long, happy and extremely harmonious.
  • The knight indicates that for partners in priority it is a relationship, and work, friends and hobbies are departed into the background. In order not to break the harmony, it is important to learn how to not focus only on each other, but also have our own interests.
  • A lonely person appeared in the sake of the rider promises acquaintance with the future satellite of life. Therefore, if you are customized to create strong and serious relationships, such a chance can not be overlooked - your second half is somewhere close.

Value Knight Pentacles Tarot

If the knight fell in the situation on the relationship in an inverted position:

  • Current relations have become boring and monotonous, so one of the partners is thinking about the rupture.
  • It is also possible that relationships prevent you from achieving life goals. The partner does not give to develop and pulls you down, because of this, conflicts constantly arise.

Sometimes the rider map foreshadows the crisis in family relationships, which must be survived. Apathia and depression are constant your companions now, but try to escape from this state and save relationships at any cost.

Combination with other tarot cards

The value of all tarot cards changes or supplemented, if in the scenario they fall out with other cards of the deck. Knight coins - no exception to this rule. For example, it may mean the following in combination:
  • With seven wands, promises progress in a matter that has greater importance for you. Fate will provide chances to change the course of events for the better. Such a combination may indicate the recovery of a seriously sick person, improving relationship with a loved one, termination of an unpleasant situation or the long-awaited realization of the goal.
  • In combination with the arcan, the rider indicates that you do not understand how purpose you are moving. Your life passes empty, because you did not find your destination, do not know what you want. This existence is one day, without plans for the future.
  • In combination with the arcany of the world, the knight indicates that the cherished desire will be or conceived plans will succeed successfully implement.
  • In combination with a two-shods, the alignment becomes unfavorable. He suggests that at the moment you are disoriented and confused, do not understand, in which direction to move on, and unable to understand the problem situation. Wine everything is the lack of information that needs to make the right conclusions.
  • The fourth of the wands in a pair with the knight of the pentacles indicates heroism - a person is ready to sacrifice himself for the good purpose.

Watch the video about the value of the map of the knight of the coin tarot:

The value of the map in the sobs to work and money

The rider's card in the sobs to work and business, professional activity has the following meanings:

  • A healthy atmosphere reigns at work: relationships with colleagues and bosses you managed to build perfectly. The whole team is aimed at work in a team to achieve big results.
  • You have a well-developed business intuition, so business has a business to be successful. You know how to build relationships with partners, to predict, which deal will be particularly profitable, correctly select the staff. Therefore, business is growing, developing and brings good dividends.
  • If the target of the defold is to find out how successfully the situation will end, you can talk about a favorable event of events. Fate will provide opportunities, thanks to which you can succeed. Negotiations will end beneficial for you, and subordinates will never be submitted, responsibly performing their work

But the knight of coins in the turned off position in the situation acquires a negative value. The map says that the stable and successful result of current affairs is not worth waiting. The workflow is greatly launched, all the cases responsible for the outcome belong to the work chally.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

Knight pentacle

General value

A person should show an assertion to achieve the goal.


Relationships will be reliable traditional.


An increase in endurance and physical strength.


Ambulance business trip.

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✚ for the future

Knight pentacle

You, like any person, have certain goals that you really want to achieve. To do this, you are moving in the right direction if you continue to act in the same direction, then in a short time we implement a planned dream that is able to change your life for the better. The achievement of helm will not happen quickly, but patience plays an important role in any business. Patience is the main component of success, which is achieved later and blood over long years. Try not to lose the excitement to the actions performed, your reliable partner and good health will be reliable support.

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✚ on the relationship

Knight pentacle

The knight of the pentacles is a sign that the relationships that exist between two people are so strong that there is no talk about any parting or quarrel. At the same time, the relationship is not just strong and constant, but also a variety of, partners are not tasty with each other, they are ready to surprise each other literally every day. For those who are looking for their destiny, this card is a chance to finally meet a satellite or companion. Do not miss your chance, this meeting has every chance of becoming the basis for prolonged relationships growing into marriage.

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✚ Today

Knight pentacle

Establishment, self-confidence, improving skills and seriousness. You are successfully moving through the career ladder and get the desired; Honest earnings. You have excellent well-being and a wonderful physical form. Your relationship with routine partner and monotonous; landing relationship. You are a responsible and very atherpelny person, straightforward. Do not pay special attention to the killes and sometimes rest!

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✚ Tomorrow

Knight pentacle

A pressure map, unshakable desire for the goal, refusing to react to obstacles and obstacles. It can also mean a very ambitious young man.

Tomorrow, the questioning may face a young man of this type or should expect a special purposefulness from himself. The goaded tomorrow will see the goal, and go to her without being distracted by the little things of life. However, the result will be achieved gradually, everything will not fall immediately to the arguments, the fruits will need to be crown.

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✚ What does he think about me

Knight pentacle

Your beloved person is very careful about the future of your relationship. He is configured to create a family, the birth of children. However, indecision does not allow him to make this important step. But be sure that in the near future it is not easy for this step in the near future. Try to support him so that it is easier for him to tell you the cherished words, but do not press him. Pressure can scare and become an obstacle between you. It is better to act attention and attentiveness.

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✚ at wish

Knight pentacle

You lack concentrations. Take a rule to focus in fact entirely and completely. Do not think and do not worry about everything immediately. If something failed at once - do not lower your hands, do not pass and do not give up. The factories and realism of thoughts should be your main qualities and after the fulfillment of desire.

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Knight pentacle

Methodology and patientity, focusing at work in the past gave results in the present. Now there is a rapid development of events, opening new horizons. There was a period of formulating clear tasks. Reliable support will help. Development.

The scheduled can be implemented only quickly, but hard work can lead to decay of forces. Do not dwell on purpose and try to relax. Continue calmly cultivate!

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✚ on the narrowed

Knight pentacle

The stability of the relationship, trust and reliability will accompany the entire period while the couple together. The feelings are not expected, but not always it is necessary, especially when it comes to life spent together. Such relationships will quickly move into a marriage, in which, in fact, little will change. Your love will continue, and reliable communication will never break.

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

Knight pentacle

Help from the side, support for a dedicated friend, facilitating the situation. When a piece of oshche is delayed by a friend's shoulder, it is possible to stay.

You are tired and depressed by the situation. But do not lose optimism - help is close. Certain alone with all concerns is incredibly difficult, but you do not have to. The one who is ready to come to the rescue always has faithful friends.

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✚ on the king

Knight pentacle

Good time for family planning and pregnancy. It is important in addition to their desires to take into account the feelings and needs of relatives, in particular, the second half. Lonely girls are waiting for a novel with faithful lover. Feelings will be serious, with a perspective of marriage in the future, but you will have to show all your good qualities, to take care and attention.

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✚ on treason

Knight pentacle

Partner relations in such a situation are characterized by stability and are rather harmonious. Lovers rifle and protect each other. They may have a strong and happy marriage, in which there will be a passion and reliability, which remained for many years. Family relations for such people always stand in the first place, pushing work, friends and other hobbies.

Map of the knight of pentacles absolutely excludes the possibility of treason and any connections on the side.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

Knight pentacle

The Arcan says that you are slowly, but confidently go to your goal and implement ideas. Continue in the same spirit, and you have improved welfare and moral satisfaction. During this period, you can "pump" your abilities. It is important to remember that you need to enjoy not only from the final result, but also from the process itself.

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✚ Love triangle

Knight pentacle

The map foreshadows the birth of strong feelings. Arcan can also fill the development of relationships, transition to a new level. Another value of the map is the readiness of partners or one of lovers to intimate intimacy.

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✚ on fate

Knight pentacle

You have taken an important decision and now the main thing is not to retreat from it. Be consistent in your actions, do not fall into extremes, act according to the planned plan. You don't take patience and perseverance, but you cannot leave our mental health and bodily health. Listen to your feelings, do not overstrave.

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✚ to work

Knight pentacle

The map foreshadows success at work. A business trip is possible from which it is not recommended to refuse. Good period for businessmen. The case is well evolving, although not at such a pace, as I would like. It will be possible to conclude a profitable deal. Arcan recommends to take only serious, proven things.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

Knight pentacle

The conception of it is difficult for you, but the result will be successful. It is worth how to prepare health and financial situation in the family to the emergence of a new person. The spouse will be happy, receiving news about the birth of pregnancy. Presuming sex of the future child - a boy born naturally without health problems.

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Will it return to me?

Knight pentacle

Do not postpone the decision of personal problems, now you are filled with confidence in yourself, namely, this will help solve the conflict situation. Deletion is like death, and in this case, the final discontinuity. The point in the impatience of your partner, but that he is waiting for the first step from you.

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