Queen of Pentacles (lady coin) Tarot - meaning and combination with other maps


The queen of pentacles in most layouts symbolizes a woman, but may also indicate that your life will be financially stable and comfortable. The negative value of the lady of the coin acquires in an outrestimate position.

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The value of the queen of Pentacles Taro in the literal position

The lady of coins is the personification of the female energy and the elements of the Earth. This card indicates a person endowed with such qualities as love for labor, kindness and high degree of responsibility. At the same time, he is a sensual nature that can persistently experience any life adversity and difficulties.

The card indicates the love of its land, the unwillingness to change the usual situation and place residence. In the family of such a person, there are usually many children. It has creative abilities and is endowed with numerous talents that need to be implemented.

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Queen Pentacles

A small minus of character is the lack of a sense of measure that is capable of bringing positive qualities to no. Reasonable thirst to get the desired, the high need for sensual pleasures can lead to serious disappointments and even despair.

In a favorable value of the lady, the coin symbolizes a very feminine and beautiful representative of the beautiful sex. This is a real lady, sophisticated and well-groomed. In relations, she with understanding refers to the elect, generous for love and gratitude. At the same time, it is capable of successfully conducting a business and earn a large amount of money without much effort.

If in the scenario of the queen coins appears along with the queen of the wands, in the near future it will work out to find a new job, which will be associated with creativity.

Also, the card indicates good health. But you need to not forget to take care of yourself, eliminate bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle.

A woman whose symbol is a map is an open and sociable nature. It stretches to her and men who seek to take care and take care of her. But the girl needs to learn not to focus on herself, and try to carry good and joy into the world.

Queen of Pentacles Tarot in a turned position

If the lady of the pentacles appears in the defold position, the value of divination acquires a negative shade. The map in this case indicates the following:

  • You are wasteful in the spent, thoughtlessly spend money. Or, on the contrary, too stupid and constantly save. Such an approach is risky - at one point there may begin serious problems with money.
  • Sometimes the card indicates that you will be drawn into financial fraud, because of what they suffer. Try not to keep any cases with people, in good intentions of which are not sure.

Often the map promises the loss of work, illness, problems in relationship with others. You will be to blame for trouble only yourself - hurts egoism, hysterical character, lack of concerns about yourself and loved ones.

Queen of Pentacles Taro

Queen of Pentacles Tarot - meaning in relationships

In the defolds of the Queen of the Coin Taro, the following is:
  • There is a very important solution to be taken, which will radically affect the entire future life. Prepare for this step together with the partner, you need mutual support. A reasonable view from the side will not hurt.
  • Your couple is configured for long and stable relationships. Both partners are true to each other and happy, strive to develop, wish harmony. At this stage, it is important not to feed in vain hopes and not to put obviously impossible goals.

The queen's pentacle is often used to make love mascots. They possess a very powerful energy. A similar amulet will attract a lonely person a decent satellite of life, will allow building healthy relationships, full of love, mutual understanding and harmony.

Queen of Pentacles - a combination with arcans

In combination with the arkans, the deck of a lady of pentacles acquires the following values:

  1. The jester - you lack rationalism in actions and actions.
  2. Magic - thanks to the efforts attached in the past, the case will be completed with the benefit for you.
  3. The Supreme Priestess - in the actions you used to be guided by reason, and not by emotions.
  4. Empress - Get deserved.
  5. Emperor - a favorable time for business development or career growth.
  6. Ierofant - it is necessary to develop, receive new knowledge and skills to succeed in the future.
  7. Lovers - your relationship develop in a favorable side.
  8. Chariot - If you want to succeed, you need to learn how to carefully control your life.
  9. Strength is a matter that takes all your thoughts will be completed successfully.
  10. Hermit - promises a long period of laptop.
  11. Wheel Fortune - Fate will provide a chance to radically change life for the better, do not miss good luck.
  12. Justice - to pay for sins committed in the past.
  13. Haved - you are in the state of searching for your destination and meaning of life. This period will last long enough.
  14. Death - control each of its own action, think well before making any act.
  15. Moderation is your life in complete chaos. It is necessary to bring thoughts in order.
  16. The devil - there is a very greedy person in your environment who wants to use you in his mercenary interests.
  17. The tower is coming unforeseen and very big expenses.
  18. Star - It is time to fulfill dreams, all opportunities will appear for this.
  19. Moon - you feel a happy person, but it is only illusions.
  20. Sun - Testing joyful emotions.
  21. The court is needed in development, the current state of affairs does not suit you.
  22. The world is coming an increase in the service staircase or the conclusion of a profitable contract.

Watch the video about the value of the lady map of Pentacles Tarot:

The lady of pentacles - the value of Tarot in financial scenaries

The appearance of a lady of coins in the sields to work may have the following values:

  • Any business for which you take will end with success. You are a comprehensive and very talented person who is capable of almost everything.
  • Thanks to patience, smelting, perseverance and professional skills, you are always high quality and with pleasure, they will be happy to be rewarded.
  • Now is not the time to rest. If you relax, work will stop and welcome you will not receive. It is necessary to work a little more, achieve the desired result, and then the period comes when you detect well.

Value Queen Pentacles Tarot

The value of the Map of the Queen of Pentacles is almost always favorable. It indicates the right solutions, the positive outcome of events and a person endowed with good features.

The value of the map in various sobs

✚ Singing "One Card"

Queen Pentacles

General value

Symbolizes wisdom and experience.


Partners take care of each other, but feelings are not so bright as before.


It is recommended to start taking care of health.


There is a serious work that he awaits, from which he will enjoy.

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✚ for the future

Queen Pentacles

The map is very similar to the meaning with the knights of the pentacles, however, it has a deeper value for the person's personal life. Boldly Meet the new man. Relationships with it will lead to marriage and excellent understanding, which is so lacking so much. Health will give activity, vigor and raised spirit, which is always accompanied by luck and success. In career growth, explicit progress will notice, which will be caused by a number of features: good luck, success, happiness and understanding. These components lead to a new higher stage.

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✚ on the relationship

Queen Pentacles

A man and a woman whose relationship is held, can consider the queen of pentacles - a good sign for the development of relationships. The main thing is to stop talking logically and succumb to real feelings, then you can feel the need to bring attitude to a new step soon. Development will only benefit this relationship. A person who has not yet been in a relationship, will soon notice among the close environment an interesting person, with which there is a good chance to build a romantic relationship.

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✚ Today

Queen Pentacles

Experience, common sense, generosity and revelation. You have great prospects for the growth of career and finance that you must do not miss. You have a strong immunity, there are no serious diseases. The map promises you new acquaintances with a hint on the further development of relationships; Ahead of stable relationships. You are an emotional creative nature without a sense of measure. Treat close people with patience!

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✚ Tomorrow

Queen Pentacles

The card personifies the earthly woman, very practical and consistent, honest and reliable. For a gadget man often means a wife, but for a woman mother.

Tomorrow will be held under the sign of this woman, and therefore will be filled with peace of mind and homely comfortably, a sense of security. However, it is worth expecting some repression of will, albeit in a soft form, since the queen of pentacles, whoever she would be, in nature, the powerful, but loving mother.

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✚ What does he think about me

Queen Pentacles

A woman in this relationship is the perfect indicator of a real spouse that fully cares about all family members, creates excellent conditions around his beloved person, allows him to enjoy life, husband and child always delighted with such a woman. She supports the spouse and take care of his future, however, in an intimate plan, she is ready to surprise her beloved person. This is a wonderful woman with which every man will be happy to build a serious relationship.

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✚ at wish

Queen Pentacles

You have a completely high chance of fulfilling a desire. You think sensible, experienced enough, and luck accompanies all endeavors. All this works more exclusively beneficially. But to say for sure when you wish and whether there will be obstacles, it is difficult to say. Continue to move in the selected direction.

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Queen Pentacles

There have been change in life. Period improve life, development without fuss. Help from the side, comfort, provision of material benefits, successful permission of cases is expected.

Despite the favorable forecast, it may interfere with an uncontrolled desire to get everything possible. Need sober assessment of the situation. Generously share with the world with its benefits!

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✚ on the narrowed

Queen Pentacles

The queen of coins positions itself as heartfall, good and tender relationships. Often partners are looking for protection, what will help them in a difficult moment. Such relations are formed for a long time and, as a rule, never fuss. Sincere love will pass through all the obstacles!

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✚ Guardian Angel Council

Queen Pentacles

Pragmatism, egoism, care, greed.

The card indicates a woman whose thoughts are selfish. She communicates with the world of benefits. Issive and mercantile, it is not able to compassion, help, help out. In her little Mirka there is a place only for her.

Do not assume on her mercy, she does not know him.

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✚ on the king

Queen Pentacles

At the moment you are completely ripe in order to become a mother. You can safely consult with a woman who is older than you. She is intelligent and practical will help advance forward. Your chosen one will be happy to support the idea of ​​the increase in the family. If you still do not have a close person, then you may soon meet a reasonable, active and reliable person. Perhaps you will introduce a woman of mature age.

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✚ on treason

Queen Pentacles

The queen of pentacles says that ahead is waiting for you a events that will be decisive in your life. Most likely, it concerns relations with a partner. You have serious collaborative plans for the future. This alignment only confirms the correctness of your intentions. You sincerely and with love treat each other, confidence and mutual understanding reigns in your pair. The logical continuation of this story will be a happy and harmonious marriage union.

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✚ Singing "Three Maps"

Queen Pentacles

Positive and joyful time came when all your works are appreciated. You will find a reason for a smile literally in every little thing. All your troubles and care will be connected exclusively with something nice: preparation for the holiday, creating a cozy atmosphere, buying gifts and so on.

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✚ Love triangle

Queen Pentacles

The map speaks of a good, reliable relationship. Partners experience mutual feelings, care about each other, help each other. There are no third parties in the relationship and can not. Lovers will value with their feelings and appreciate them. At this stage, the parting is not expected. Rather, the pair expects development, transition to a new level

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✚ on fate

Queen Pentacles

You have enough strength and vitality for everything: and to work, and on pleasant romantic adventures, and on your own spiritual and creative growth. Everything, for which you take, brings you satisfaction and profit. Your secret is simple: you love and appreciate yourself, giving tribute to your talent and beauty. This is a reasonable egoism and most importantly - to know the measure in it.

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✚ to work

Queen Pentacles

The map foreshadows a serious work from which you will enjoy. Arcan also promises stable, high income, prosperity. To achieve a positive result, it is recommended to apply a creative approach.

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✚ for pregnancy and children

Queen Pentacles

The conception occurred and the pregnancy is on the early development date. For a light course of pregnancy, it is better to limit yourself in active activity and devote time to yourself. The condition during pregnancy will not be changeable and completely depends on your inner sensation.

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Will it return to me?

Queen Pentacles

The queen of pentacles promises fertility, which means that the relationship is not easy, but even need to be restored. After all, this communication has a good future, good development, you can build a family and make children - a real family happy life. Do not miss your chance and go to meet a man.

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