Andrei Hyperbori: predictions that have become reality


The predictions of Andrei Hyperborea are rather unusual, as made in the form of poems. They do not cease to call a lot of contradictory emotions from those who follow his life. Although even desperate skeptics still recognize the presence of Andrei Dar from over.

If you are interested in learning more about the specified person, as well as familiarize yourself with some predictions, read my next article.

Andrey Hyperbori Photo.

Who is Andrei Hyperbori?

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Initially, people learned Andrei Hyperborea on collections of his poems. "Hyperbouri" is a creative pseudonym of the prophet, and on the passport his name is Andrei Pavlovich Primachenko.

He is a Ukrainian poet, actor, director, also practicing oriental martial arts. It was born on 21.06.1980 in the sunny city of Ukraine - Odessa. From the eight of the age began to draw up poems. Subsequently, he received a philological education in the Odessa Institute named after I. I. Mechnikov.

Nothing foreshadowed that the guy would begin to be interested in clairvoyance. But then he began to practice oriental martial arts, after which she encountered the attacks of visions. Gradually, Andrei poems are filled with eastern topics, and Wang arises in modern interpretation - Andrey Hyperbori.

A man considers himself clairvoyant, but prophecy is not the only sphere of its implementation. In addition to them, Andrei engaged in creating films, writes poems, publications, and also adheres to active social life.

Numerous abilities helped Andrei Hyperboree to get the title "The most progressive and sophisticated psychic of the modern world."

Predictions made by the Odessa Prophet are of interest in people. And this contributes several factors: first, they are quite specific, do not contain foggy phrases, and secondly, they really come true!

To date, the social web takes the most important place in human life. And it can be used with different purposes. The predictor Andrei Hyperbourie places its prophecies in social networks. He has his own blog in which you can familiarize yourself with what worries him in life, personal emotions and experiences.

Do not forget about critics that have every person emitting from gray mass. Andrei also has enough worships, claiming that he is not clearly changing, but just a tricky deceiver.

Believe in his prophecies or not - certainly, is the case of each of us. Sometimes everyone does not prevent a little to think about and listen to such things. Further in the material I suggest familiarizing yourself with the predictions of psychics, which have already come true, and also learn about those that are only planned for the coming.

Performed predictions

The main proof of the words of clairvoyant are his prophecies. Recently, Andrei Hyperbori focuses on political topics, pays attention to and global global changes.

About what people learned in advance thanks to the Prophet will tell his clan sounds.

Screen page Andrei in VK

Airplane crash in Russia. On the eve of the tragic event that happened in the Russian Federation, in the social network of Clauds published a note about the terrible fall of the airliner. He believed that the cause of the tragedy would be insignificant interference, and even offered their description: allegedly, the plane clings to the branches of the trees.

Literally, after a couple of days, everything said with hyperborem was carried out with the fall of the Russian aircraft, crashed due to trees.

Kiev explosion . In 2015, clairvoyant suggested that a man-made tragedy would happen soon in Kiev or its area. And indeed, only a couple of weeks passed, and the streets of the Ukrainian capital flooded the toxic smoke. Environmentalists said that the cause of smoke was the emission of radiation.

Flooding of Western Ukraine . Also Andrei Hyperbori made a prediction of strong non-judgment, which will affect the western parts of Ukraine. Subsequently, this forecast was confirmed. A similar foresight is clairvoyant proposed about Afghanistan. And in just a few weeks later, severe storms arose in the country, which brought many deaths and losses.

You can read about all these prophecies in the publishing house "Diaries of the Predictor." A very large amount of predictions are associated with earthquakes for all corners of the world. They also came true, however, often passed quite a long time between the providence of hyperborea and its implementation in practice.

Bright example - prophecy about Mexico Made in twelve months to tragic events. So, Andrei Eighth September 2016 lay out the publication that an earthquake will occur in Mexico. And exactly one year later, at the same date the first impetus happens with the subsequent powerful cataclysm. Today it is one of the most serious natural disasters that were fixed.

In one other predictions of a clairvoyant, we see the following lines:

"I hear, Mag, miserable, Tungusky is flying on us ... Meteorite."

You can not know, but this is another of the predictions. Talks O. Falling meteorite in 2013 in Chelyabinsk . The incident was convicted by several thousand eyewitnesses, but, fortunately, only the buildings were injured. But the residents of the city had to suffocate the fear, because this phenomenon could not be called pleasant.

What else from Andrew's foreseen became better?

  • Earthquake, touched Central Italy, Romania;
  • prediction about the Vatican;
  • The earthquake from which California coast was injured;
  • The train that came down from rails in the Russian capital;
  • natural disaster in Ecuador;
  • Aviation attack on the city of Lugansk;
  • Serious flu epidemic in Ukraine;
  • Military actions in Donetsk and many other.

All prophecies fall into personal diaries, access to which is open to each willing. You can go to the page of Andrei, familiarize yourself with the predictions and even share your comments about the read.

But he says ashovideo not only about natural cataclysms. They made a lot of prophecies regarding politics: for example, Hyperbori predicts the outcome of the elections or broadcasts serious changes in the political elite. Therefore, if you are interested to know what will happen next with politics of Russia and Ukraine, read the material further.

Predictions about the Russian Federation

The Prophet basically considers the political life of domestic states. Probably because himself comes from Ukraine and worries about the life of his fellow citizens and their closest neighbor - Russia.

That's what he promises the Russian Power for several next years:

  • gaining the stability of the economy;
  • probable change in power;
  • difficult foreign policy activities;
  • Conclusion of agreements with new allies.

Andrei is convinced that Russia will be able to find a faithful political path. But so that it happens, you will need to refuse ideas about your superiority. The right decision will be the identification of its strengths and their subsequent development.

In the meantime, the Russian Federation interfers in the affairs of other countries, it is, first of all, it makes it worse: slows down its own development. Psychic believes that Russia is undesirable to conclusion of any unions until 2020.

Future of Ukraine

Motherland arises in most of the prophecies of a man. Events of the future of Ukraine are seen hyperbore in dreams. And in all of them feel sincere heat.

What future is Ukraine waiting for Ukraine?

But He tells Andrei about the difficult way to go to the Ukrainian people. The coming is preparing a large negative change country. Basically, they will affect the social and cultural side of life. Cause - a new political face will not be too disturbing the social development of the country.

But by no means all the prophecies about Ukraine are negative. In particular, they are stated in them and positive changes. Thus, the young generation of Ukrainians will be able to bring the state to a higher level. But for this you will need an application effort. It is impossible to count on rapid results, but it is important to maintain faith in the best future.

Experts drawn up the rating of the predictions of the hyperbeda and concluded that it was 80 percent of the total number of forecasts.

Prophecies about Novorossia

The eastern part of Ukraine, as is known, has now been subjected to military conflict and is known as Novorossia. Andrei Hyperbori speaks of the complex position of the specified region. He made the prediction about the war with its catastrophic consequences in advance.

What to prepare residents of Novorossia in the near future?

  • There will be unity between the Slavs, but only when both parties are ready to solve the problem in a peaceful way;
  • The beginning of the global crisis will stop hostilities;
  • When the war in Novorosssy finally completes, the general forecast will be very favorable.

At the same time, clairvoyant asks not to forget about the fact that the present affects our future. Therefore, you should not count only on forecasts - you need to make efforts to change life for the better.

In conclusion

Let's summarize the article:

  • Andrei Hyperbori is a popular predictor of modernity from Ukraine. Creates its prophecies in the form of poems.
  • Made a lot of forecasts: about world cataclysms, plane crash, political life of states.
  • If you are interested in familiar with the prophecies of Hyperborea, add to your friends on the social network VKontakte.

In conclusion, browse the thematic video.

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