Feng Shui for happiness and wealth - Tips and recommendations


You can use the basic principles of Feng Shui for happiness and wealth. The value has everything: the location of furniture in space, the use of special talismans and even the color gamut of the interior.

Where is the wealth sector in the apartment

The most important thing in the teachings of Feng Shui is considered to divide the space on the zone, each of which corresponds to a certain sphere of human life. After you divide the rooms to the sectors, you need to activate energy using special talismans.

cash talismans hairdryer shui

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Features of working with a zone of wealth and happiness:

  • For material well-being, the southeastern part of the apartment or at home is responsible.
  • In accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, the element of water activates the flow of money. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase and arrange objects symbolizing water in the appropriate sector. It can be paintings or photo wallpaper with the image of the seas, rivers, oceans.
  • It is important that the interior of the southeastern zone is decorated in shades of blue. Therefore, you need to choose the decorations, wallpapers and furniture just such colors.
  • Strengthen cash energy live plants. Fikuses, lemon trees, palm trees or "money tree" are considered to be the best for activation.

These are the basic principles that need to be observed if you want to attract money in your life. You can also add the interior, including special oriental talismans of wealth and good luck.

Talismans attracting money

Feng Shui is a whole oriental philosophy. This teaching has its own attributes - symbols that are considered sacred because they are charged with money energy. Consider the most common talismans.

How to attract wealth on Feng Shui

Monetary toad

  • Ideally should be made of gold or stone painted by gold paint.
  • In the hole, imitating the mouth, you need to insert a coin to activate the mascot.
  • Put a statuette need in the southeastern part of the apartment. Ideal if there is a living room at this place.
  • If you have a decorative fountain at home, place the statuette next to it. Water element enhances abundance energy.
  • It is very important that the monetary frog "watched" into the house, and not towards the entrance door. If you put it with a "face" to exit, the money will be treated, you do not have to talk about good luck.
  • Forbidden places in which it is impossible to install a statuette: a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.
  • If you want to put some similar statuettes at home, make sure that they differ from each other form or sizes.
The followers of Feng Shui consider gold toad a very powerful symbol that attracts strong streams of cash energy into a person's house.


  • Symbolize water element, so help to attract money and financial well-being.
  • You can put on the shelves as decorative figures, and get live fish. But do not forget that the aquarium needs to be put in the "money" zone of the apartment.
  • This talisman does not tolerate loneliness, it should be pair - so buy an even number of figurines, pictures with the image of fish or living marine creatures.

This talisman is equally good for the zone of wealth, and career. Therefore, they can be placed not only in the south-east, but also in the northern part of the house.

Decorative fountains

  • I bring good luck and financial well-being, so they can become not only an interior decoration, but also attract money to your family budget.
  • It is very important that the flow of water in the fountains are directed upwards. According to Eastern teaching, it means that your financial affairs will always go uphill.
  • Place indoor fountains in the living room or in the office, in which you are doing business.
It is impossible to put fountains in the bedroom - it hurts relationships inside the family.

Chinese coins

  • This is one of the most popular oriental cash talismans. But they are not placed in the apartment, and carry with them.
  • You do not need to buy my own coins, they will not work. Attracts cash energy only a presented talisman. You can also make it yourself.
  • No one except you should touch the talisman. Alien touching destroys all the magical power of coins.

Other Cash Chinese Talismans

  • The money bowl is needed in place, securely covered with prying eyes.
  • The ship of wealth - placed at the entrance to the house, you can store decorations, fill with coins. The more precious things put into the ship, the stronger the effectiveness of the talisman.
  • Money envelopes of red - they need to put several bills in them, and then decompose in different sectors at home. Then the money energy will come into space from all sides of the world.
  • Elephant - a symbol of wisdom, attracts not only money, but also helps to make the right financial decisions. It put on the windowsill so that the trunk watched out.
Check out the video about how to attract happiness and wealth with Feng Shui:

Tips and recommendations

Very often, people begin to fall in extremes: buy money talismans in large quantities and fill their home. But this approach is extremely incorrect - it is better to purchase only one oriental symbol, but to place it perfectly correctly.

Feng Shui for happiness and wealth

Tips and recommendations:

  1. In the south-east of the apartment, place no more than three talismans. If there are more of them, the streams of money energy are "confused" and you will get complete confusion in financial affairs.
  2. The prerequisite for the activation of cash flows is the presence of living plants in the house. So you have to learn to care for them. Put at least one flower pot.
  3. The mirror in the hallway should not look at the front door. It will negate all your efforts.

It is very important that the house does not have broken items. This is especially true of plumbing: dripping faucet, clogged pipes, a teapot with a sloping nose - all this will make money "to leak" from your family. Therefore, throw away what is already hopelessly spoiled, and fix everything else that can be restored.

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