Definition of zones, sectors in the apartment on Feng Shui: Useful Tips


To organize space in the house on the canons of Eastern philosophy, you need to know how to determine the zones in the apartment on Feng Shui. You will need only a compass and a schematic plan of the premises.

Apartment sectors or house on Feng Shui

Before you define the zones in the apartment on Feng Shui, you need to understand what the sphere of life I want to change first. If you dream to advance through the career ladder, fill the work sector eastern talismans. If you want to meet the soul mate, focus on the love sector.

Zones in the apartment on Feng Shui how to determine

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According to the ancient Chinese teachings, all sectors for which the room is divided is responsible for a certain sphere of human life:

  • Northern influences career and work, relationship with the authorities and colleagues, success in business;
  • North-West attracts human favorable people - those who will patronize him and help him;
  • Western - reveals the creative potential, and also affects the health and mental development of your children;
  • South-Western - Love Zone and Harmony in Relationships, attracts suitable partners and helps to establish peace in a pair;
  • South - Sector of Glory: This is how other people are perceived and evaluated, your social status and place in society;
  • Southeast - the wealth sector, is responsible for material well-being and financial stability;
  • Eastern - family zone and marriage, related bonds and the entire generic system;
  • Northeast - Sector of Knowledge, Wisdom and Education;
  • The central sector is responsible for the health of everyone who lives in the house.

You can view the location of the sectors in the picture with the square of Bagua:

Zones in the apartment Grid Bagua

Feng Shui special attention is paid to balance and harmony. It is necessary that the space is properly organized in each sector, so it is necessary to equally activate all zones so that no part of your life has suffered.

How to find all zones in the house

It is very easy to determine the location of all sectors: arm yourself with a compass and mark on the plan of the side of the world. Define the conditional center of the apartment and divide the sketchy lines of the space in the figure.


  1. In order not to get confused, first of all mark the center on your room plan. Stand in the apartment in the place corresponding to the central part, and only then proceed to the definition of the parties with the help of a compass.
  2. First of all, the plan should be noted the northern part.
  3. Attach the Bagua mesh to the apartment plan and with the help of a copy-up or tracing, transfer the rest of the light on paper.
  4. If you do not have a compass, you can start the markup from the east. It is very easy to find - the sun rises in this side.

By defining the parties of the world and delivering all the space on the zone, you can begin to arrange the premises in accordance with the canons of Feng Shui.

Useful Tips and Recommendations

In order for the energy of Feng Shui to start working, it is important not only to issue an apartment interior in the right color scheme, competently arrange the furniture and decorate the room eastern talismans. Of great importance is how you follow the circulation of energy in the apartment.

Zones in the apartment scheme

What is necessary to do:

  1. Throw from home all unnecessary trash. We often store on the mezzanine and balcony many things that will never take advantage of. It is necessary to conduct a revision and throw everything old. Spoiled, broken and enjoyable items harm the energy space. Energy is stirred and cannot be freely circulated around the apartment.
  2. Activate each zone gradually, get rid of perfectionism. It is impossible to create an ideal atmosphere in one day. Start with those sectors that are especially significant for you, and over time you will come to the rest.
  3. The living room ideally should be located in the central sector. The ceiling must necessarily have a bright and large light source. A crystal chandelier in the shape of a ball is considered a very favorable symbol. This is the medium intensity of the entire energy of the house.
  4. The second largest place is a kitchen, a symbol of a home hearth. Its arrangement should be done immediately after the living room. It is here that you are cooking, putting your positive energy into the cooking process, which the household is then obtained.
  5. Do not overload the space of the talismans. They are very effective, but not worth abuse. Each of the sectors should be approximately an equal number of sacred oriental symbols, but not more than three in the same zone.

Watch the video on how to determine the zones in the apartment on Feng Shui:

How to attract positive energy into space

It is very important not only to equip space according to the rules of Feng Shui, but also follow their actions, emotions and feelings. They directly affect the energy environment at home.

Recommendations are as follows:

  1. Never find out the attitude at the dinner table. This is the central sector of the house in which the energy is particularly strong. Therefore, during a family collection of dinner or dinner at the table, only positive emotions should prevail.
  2. The kitchen is a symbol of a homely hearth of your home. From what mood you are preparing food, the health and emotional state of households will depend on. Therefore, you do not need to be prepared when you are annoyed, evil or offended. First, solve the problem, talk and make it up, and then create culinary masterpieces.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that "on a hairdryer shui, it's not a root." You can force all the space of the talismans, create an ideal setting on Eastern canons. But if at the same time do nothing in real life, not "grounding", engaged in sports, creativity, household chores and work, you should not wait for the magical changes.

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