How to attract good luck and money to yourself: Talismans, rituals and prayers


A person usually seeks to achieve the goal as quickly as possible. He often thinks how to attract good luck and money, and sometimes for the sake of this appeals to magic. Resorts to conspiracies for money and success not only with the help of sorcerers, but also independently. As in the past centuries, confidence in the magic spheres still remains among people.

How to attract good luck and money to yourself: Talismans, rituals and prayers 2503_1

Usually, for the purpose of improving the material side of life, we used white magic, and the spells knew many and worship. Today, techniques continue to use when something is required to sell or buy a meaningful thing. Any transaction in most cases is accompanied by a special spell on a successful outcome.

Cash rituals and their variety

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The happiness of the family is largely, although not in everything depends on the material well-being of its members. Conspiracies are used to attract money and good luck. Their division on the groups largely depends on the manipulation, which are manufactured with money.

  • It is required to return the prolonged debt.
  • Stable launched with the active work of all family members.
  • Fast finding a certain amount.

Great popularity uses Conspiracy (chipping) on ​​a wallet . This item seems to acquire attractive properties for coins and magnetite them from different sources. There are many such whispers, here is one of them.

How to attract good luck and money to yourself: Talismans, rituals and prayers 2503_2

For those who want to attract good luck and money into the house there is a simple way, which is believed to be well applied if it is done correctly. Buying something, paying with the seller, at the moment when they take the surrender, they pronounce about myself: "Your treasury is mine, and your money is in my wallet." This conspiracy is not only on the money and their attraction to themselves, but also on the improvement of matters in general, to the cost of them success.

Conspiracy to the new moon so that money is not translated

You should be 12 coins and exactly at midnight, on the very first day of the new moon go to the road. I put money on your hand so that the moonlight falls on them, and seven times they repeat the words: "Grow money, let everything multiplies from the sun, and the coins from the moon." It is necessary to name your name and ask the wealth to come. The cherished coins on return home are securely hiding in their own wider.

There is still Interesting plot , designed for acquiring a substantial amount. At the moment when there is a decent amount, they say, referring to Christ: "The Lord with Mother walked, the money was carried in bags. As they opened, so they fell on me. " Then mentioned his own name and the fact that they managed to quickly collect, attribute to themselves, who should be distributed, to pay praise to God and his generosity. This is read at candlelight. It is desirable that they were from the church, 5 pieces. When the conspiracy is read, all the remaining wax becomes a talisman for money and good luck and stored in the wallet.

Conspiracy to receive a specific amount

It happens that a certain amount of cash is needed. This is related to the operation or debt refund. Then use spell on a green candle. How do you have to stock?

  • Oil vegetable;
  • Basilic powder;
  • Green candle (preferably big).

On the candle there is a sharp object with its own name and the number you want. Before you set fire to the candle, it is lubricated and collapsed in stored ingredients. Fingering, be sure to senten that the road in his own pocket for money is always open and they will find it.

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If a person decided to contact magic, he must remember that without consequences it does not do, so everything must be done unmistakably. It should be noted that spells for luck, emanating from pregnant women, is stronger, so they are often referred to them. Pain on items should be without hoisting. No need to ignore that some rituals are tied to the time of day or days of the week. It is very important that no one knows about magical manipulations, if there was an assistant, it is impossible to let him go without gratitude.

The strongest ritual for wealth

To implement this rite, a completely new wallet will be required, so it is better to buy it specifically for this occasion. It is also necessary to pre-prepare bills. They should be different: large and small. The handful of coins does not hurt. All this stacked in a new wallet. He must lie in sight, without any handkerchiefs and napkins on it. Otherwise it does not work, the text is next.

How to attract good luck and money to yourself: Talismans, rituals and prayers 2503_4

Prayer should be read at shimmering candles. Nearby do not allow anyone. It is better to make a rite alone. There are still words that speak to attract money over their wallet.

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One of the powerful spells is considered to be read at the door of their own home. After it, the funds will be found under the condition of proper behavior. Monday is done on Monday. In the morning, you need to get up early with your input door, the key must be in the castle. Words read:

How to attract good luck and money to yourself: Talismans, rituals and prayers 2503_6

After that severe conspiracy from the door to get the key and always keep the mascot with you. Mages advise changing the castle to a new one. This, in their opinion, attracts funds without touching someone else's energy field.

Baba Vangu rite for good luck

Nehutric actions, according to Bulgarian clarifiers, will help to say goodbye to the need and gain well-being. What will required for the ritual?

  • a piece of black bread from the whole row;
  • privacy.

Before holding, there is nothing more than 3 hours. Then the piece is packed and put in front of him. Everything is held at night or backwater, alone. Prayer is read over the bread. This is done only once. More can not.

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Rites on apples

It is necessary to buy, and even better to rip it from the tree with 20 exclusively fresh fruits. If still you have to buy, then the delivery cannot be taken. A day when scheduled to hold ritual, 14 apples should be distributed to people, anyone. The next day, 3 fetus is given to the beggar, the rest rushing to the temple and are left on the memorial table. At the same time pray.

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Rite multiplying wealth

To increase, which is already there, and do not lose the cost, often the rite is carried out in the dark, the existing amount of money is taken and placed under the lunar light in any room without lighting. After they will try there for two hours, they are taken and transferred to another. The meaning is that conspiracted funds should be without a host. Then they are carried out, but necessarily from a dark place. These money must be laid in their wallet and try not to spend at least a month. After this time, you can go shopping and spend your good.

During the specified ritual, you should read any money conspiracy. The selection of text remains for those who want to get rich. The main thing is to comply with all the steps right.


To attract good luck and money often resort to conspiracies and prayers. The features of these actions are that:

  • Texts should be known and clearly, without knocking them to pronounce;
  • not to violate the specified sequence of actions and time;
  • To resort to Magic rituals only in the most extreme cases.

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