Pokrov to the Most Holy Theotokos - what a holiday that you can and can not


Pokrov to the Most Holy Theotokos - is considered a large Christian holiday. His in Russia began to celebrate during the rule of Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky (1155-1174 G.N.). And the foundation for the holiday of Pokrov was the wonderful event, which had a place in the 910 year of our era in the city of Konstantinople. About him is told in the life of St. Andrew Constantinople.

In 2021, the holiday is celebrated on October 14.

If you are interested in finding out what happened then, and also familiarize yourself with the traditions of this holiday, find out what can be, and what you can not do on the cover - I propose to read the following material.

Pokrov to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Historical information

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As an ancient legend tells, that day Varyagi, he managed the prince of Askold, attacked Constantinople, trying to take him in the siege. Residents of the city did not remain anything else how to start praying. Their prayers were directed towards the Mother of God, whom they begged to save from the right sentence.

As for the further development of events, there are 2 versions of what is happening. Which one is correct - we can no longer know:

  1. According to the first version, The Virgin Mary was diagnosed with Konstantinople, sketched their omophore on them (covered for the head), so they became invisible for enemies. The same version suggests that after such an amazing event, Prince Askold, together with his warriors, received a dedication to Christianity.
  2. The second version is somewhat different - According to it, the clergymen were diligently praying the holy maiden to help them in a precipitated city. And about 4 o'clock in the morning, the famous Christian Holy Holy Yurodny Andrei Konstantinopolsky saw the vision, as if the Mother of God was going on heaven, heavenly light illuminates, and the angels and saints surround it.

Then Virgo Maria took off his bedspread, which was like lightning, and spread it over praying people, defending them. Immediately, a strong storm rose, destroying the barbaric ships and Constantinople was saved.

There are a lot of documentary information in which this wonderful event is described. The only question where historians have not yet come to an unequivocal conclusion - who were the invaders? Some experts believe that Konstantinople attacked at all the prince Askold, but the army of Saracinov.

What date are the Pokrov of the Virgin Mary celebrate?

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The date of the Holy Holiday remains unchanged annually and always falls on October 14 (new style). In addition to the traditional name, the celebration is also otherwise called simply the cover or the third is the most recent.

The image of the cover of the Holy Virgin Mary

The most old image of this amazing event we find at the gate of the Christmas Cathedral (the city of Suzdal), as well as in the Snainogorsk Monastery (Pskov City). They date back to the 14th century of our era.

At the same time, two main traditions of the Iconopy of the Intercession are distinguished:

  • Suzdal type;
  • Novgorod.

On Images of Suzdal Type God's mother is depicted in front of the church, stretching his omophore, who holds angelic creatures, over praying people. The very early example of the icon of this sample can be called a temple image created in the Pokrovsky monastery (the city of Suzdal). The icon wrote closer to the end of the 14th century, her today's location - the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Icon of the cover of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Concerning Novgorod type icons Here, here the magic bedpop holds only the Virgo Maria herself, while it is inside the church. As an example, such an image can be called an icon that was created in the animal monastery in 1399. The modern location of the relic is the Novgorod Museum.

Under the end of the 15th century, two iconographic flows occur.

Traditions of the holiday, which can not be done, rites

Previously, in villages, the Pokrov was made to finish with any agricultural work. In the mountainous area (Carpathians), by October 14, he should be back from Polonin to all shepherds, and Chumaki ended their last hike. Also, the time of the match was also completed, the time of the match was completed and the pre-wedding preparation began.

In this celebration, believers do not adhere to the post, you can talk and delight yourself with delicious dishes.

Before the autumn holiday, young unmarried girls had popular fortune telling and rituals to attract the future spouse. Consider a few of them further.

Rite to attract a man with rye bread

A small rye bread was baked in the furnace, put a bunch of flax and treated in a barn, uttering such words:

"My mute, my dear, come today in the barn, look at work, show from the window."

But at night, stayed in the barn alone was very terribly, so Lyon and bread left there, and they went home themselves. In the morning, after the church service was defended in honor of the holiday, they took the loaf of the barn, and then in secretly gave to taste it to the guy who liked the lot. Linen thread should have thrown into his pocket. They believed that if everything is done correctly, the chosen one will surely reciprocate.

Rite to marry

The representatives of the finest sex who dream of a cherished rod and a wedding can take advantage of a unacceptable ritual in the day for marriage.

Girl prays with icons

To do this, it is necessary to go to the temple on October 14 and before the festive service to put a candle at the image of the cover of the Most Holy Virgin. We sincerely ask the Mother of God, so that she will quickly attract your life to the soul mate.

May hold such a rite and marriage couples if they want to improve their relationship, get divine help.

Rite attracting well-being in the house

In the bright cover, every woman should put a composition of red chrysanthemums in the house. According to beliefs, scarlet chrysanthemums have a special energy, they harmonize the space around themselves, attract happiness and calm.

If the girl can not meet his fate, then the flowers will become a love talisman for her. It is necessary to put the composition, collect all the petals and fold them in the bag made by your own hands. According to belief, then real love will surely come into life.

What still need to do On the holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

  • Praying the Holy Virgin, ask her so that all relatives and relatives are always healthy, and also received help over and protection when such a need arises. If there is no love - ask to meet your person. It is believed that then the whole year of God's Mother will keep asking for a causing, covering it with his cover;
  • sacrifice money or things with beggars, orphans - the more give, the more you get the best in the next year;
  • lay down the dwelling by smoke from burning apple and cherry twigs - to attract good luck and well-being;
  • Previously, there was always a fire, but not to firewood, but dry moss;
  • For the health of all members of the senior hostess family, you need to take an embroidered towing from the image of the Virgin and lead him at the entrance to the dwelling.

What actions are under the ban?

  • Similar to any Christian holiday, it is prohibited to work: construction, digging of the garden, cleaning in the house, washing, sewing, knitting or ironing things;
  • It is impossible to quarrel, use bad words in speech;
  • It is forbidden to use alcohol;
  • Also, you can not give money to debt - otherwise you can distribute your happiness and well-being along with finance;
  • The girl who come to win in the cover should not refuse, otherwise for 3 years she will walk unmarried. Of course, this ban is somewhat outdated, but you can interpret it to a new way: to pay a lot of attention to your beloved person, remember your first date and repeat it.

Signs of holiday

People always created certain signs for each religious event. Next, consider the posts on the cover day.

  1. Cranes fly south - wait for the cold and early winter.
  2. From oak and birches trembled all leaflers - a year promises to go easily; The leaves remained - winter will be harsh.
  3. Which side, the wind blows, from there and will come first frost.
  4. Blowing on holiday South winds - Winter will be warm; Northern or Eastern - there will be severe frosts; Western - a lot of snow will fall.
  5. The first snow fell until October 14 - winter is expected warm.
  6. Throw the stove of the apple tree to cover - all winter in the hut will be warm.
  7. Pour water through the sieve on children in this holiday - protect them from diseases.
  8. The celebration will be fun - a good bridegroom will come.
  9. Snow fell during a wedding in a holiday - young waiting for a happy married life.
  10. A lot of snow fell into the cover - the next year will be rich in the wedding.
  11. In a holiday, strong winds blow - a hull guy promises a lot of brides.
  12. It is good to marry this day - the husband and wife will live in peace and harmony.

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