Personal development factors in teachers: what dependes


All children are born with equal opportunities, but in the process of socialization, some develop their data, and the second does not seek anything. What is the factors of personality development depend on what they are connected with?

The process of forming an individual occurs under the influence of family and society. The child draws information about the world in which he lives, and about society from its environment. If it is favorable, a fully developed person is formed. Under adverse conditions, the process of formation is not full.

My nephew did not go to kindergarten, which had a negative impact on its socialization: he adapted for too long to the children's team at school. Sister's second child gave a private children's kindergarten in which he received all the important social skills. It provided him with adaptation to school, and mom is a full sleep and calm nerves.

In the article, I will share with you information on how to correct the child.

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Personality development factors

Personality Development Factors

The development and formation of a person's personality occurs during socialization. On the formation of the nature, motives of behavior and spirituality, the environment of a person is strongly influenced by the environment in which it lives. From this not going anywhere. The child grows and absorbs everything that sees and feels around, and this is the basis for the formation of the worldview.

Personal development factors in pedagogy are those spiritual forces that affect the process of forming an individual in all spheres of life. . They influence the person throughout his life, starting with the cradle.

Personality factors are divided into 2 types:

  1. external;
  2. internal.

The external is the environment of residence and education, society. The inner is the personal activity of a person, his desire (for his absence) to development.

There is also a different systematization of factors:

  • heredity;
  • upbringing;
  • Wednesday.

Each person is born with a certain genotype, in which a predisposition is recorded for something. For example, a child inherits the level of intelligence by 60% from parents, the remaining 40% of intellectual development is the influence of the environment.

Education is a vaccine vaccine vaccine. It forms a person, determines the set of his desires and aspirations, skills and skills. For example, rustic girls can deftly make a cow and goat, and urban do not know which side to approach the animal. The task of society (kindergarten, school) - to instill (raise) safe behavior. In a word, so that a new criminal has not grown.

The medium in which a person lives, also has its influence on the formation of a person. For example, in the Muslim environment, the child will be believed in Allah, and in the Christian environment will honor the Trinity. The medium also forms tastes, priorities, determines the set of desires. Only this is all aimed at social consumption.

Factors affecting the development of personality

Family education

The first social skills of the child receives in the family. It depends on it, what a person will strive in life. Either he will strive for knowledge, or will be content with patriarchal affair. If parents find time to develop a child (read books, learn to sing and tell poems), then he begins to strive for knowledge. Such children are well study at school, they are easily given educational material.

Education in the family is targeted and chaotic. Purposeful education aims to organized the process of learning a child with the rules of behavior in society, basic moral values, good manners. Chaotic education goes by trial and error. The child absorbs the basic concepts of good and evil, the methods of chaotic education are extremely simple - whip and gingerbread.

Success in raising a child contributes to:

  • conscious approach of parents to the process;
  • consistency with the educational program in kindergarten;
  • consistency of educational methods at the father and mother;
  • the authority of parents in the eyes of the child;
  • Proper relationships between spouses.

If parents are asked by the issue of proper education, study the appropriate literature, it has a big impact on the final result. The coherence of methods of education in the family and in kindergarten has a great positive effect on the child. For example, if in the kindergarten put the rules of etiquette, then at home they should be practically reinforced.

The coherence of educational techniques at the father and mother of the child is the key to the successful development of a small man. But when one parent requires an obedience from a child, and the second in every way indulged by whims, it will negatively affect the worldview and ethical qualities of a small man. He will learn to hypocrite and adapt to please and dad, and mom.

The correct relationship between spouses is a small school of life for a child. He sees how to build his relationship with other people. If the dad and mom are constantly conflicted, then this is the most demonstrate a negative example for imitation.

It is also importantly important to combine in the educational process:

  • love;
  • rigor;
  • respect. To personality.

Education without love is defective, so children try to give to adoption so that they can feel family link and love for themselves. Love is impossible without respect for the identity of the child. Thus, parents form self-esteem in itself.

Without a rigor, the educational process is impossible. Frames are needed, bans - a child should know that a penalty should be punished.

Personality Development Factors in Pedagogy

Influence of society

If parents are constantly engaged in making money, the role of the teacher takes the street. The socialization process (integration into society) should be held in the right environment and under the guidance of experienced mentors. If the role of mentors takes on the street, then nothing good will not succeed.

Socialization is the formation of a person in accordance with the rules adopted in society. Social environment in different societies is different and depends on customs and legislation. The process of socialization begins with early childhood and is completed by the period when the personality is aware of their actions and may be responsible for them.

The Company has a fundamental impact on a person, puts him stereotypes and standards of behavior. If the person does not adhere to the generally accepted norms of behavior, it becomes a marginal or outmade at all. At first, the child absorbs the rules of behavior of a specific social group, copies them and seeks to be similar. As we grow up, the individuality laid in the genotype begins, which helps him successfully (or not very) to manifest himself in society. In some social groups, the manifestation of individuality is suppressed.

Stages of socialization

The factors affecting the development of the personality in the team can be traced on the example of the socialization of the child at school:

  • adaptation;
  • integration;
  • self-development;
  • Self-regulation.

Finding into a new team, a person needs a certain time for adaptation. He carefully looks at an unfamiliar environment, trying to understand and adopt new rules of behavior. This time is associated with the study of a new public group.

Next, integration takes place, that is, the personality is poured into a new team and becomes part of it. It is important here to fully comply with the rules of behavior in society and not surpass in someone else's monastery with its charter.

Integrating a society, personality begins to develop. This is a relatively quiet period when all conditions are created to obtain and develop new skills. As you get used to the new conditions, the personality begins to regulate his behavior according to the mentality of this society.

However, society can have both positive and negative impact on the person. If students in the class do not seek to gain knowledge, then the newcomer can also reduce their performance indicators. Conversely, if strong disciples gathered in the class, the newcomer also begins to reach their level of knowledge. Children teach imitation.

Successful integration and self-development of the student will be facilitated by an atmosphere of friendliness and respect at school, confidential attitude with teachers and a class teacher. With a hostile setting, performance indicators will decrease, self-development can stop.

What affects the development process

We found out that the development of the personality of genetics, upbringing and society is affected. Is there an additional mechanism for the formation of an individual in addition to the indicated factors? In the conscious age, the personality can independently manage its development by choosing one or another educational sphere. To the conscious age, parents played the decisive importance in the formation of a person:
  • They chose a suitable environment for a child;
  • They chose to him school, drove into the circles.

That is, before the conscious age, the parents fully managed this process.

Psychologists argue that personality is developing unevenly. The most actively this process manifests itself during training. In the future, development is suspended or completely disappears.

Personality Development Stages:

  • preschool age;
  • school age;
  • Student years;
  • age 26-30 years;
  • Age 30-35 years;
  • Age 35-40 years;
  • Age 40+ years.

The active formation of personality and development occurs from the moment of birth and up to 276 years old when a person ends the university. During these years, the personality quickly assimilates new knowledge, it is wondering all new and forms its own worldview.

After 26 years there is a decline, a person is concentrated on the formation of a family, and he is not up to new knowledge and skills. However, if a new passion appears during this period, it gives an impetus and impulse to self-development.

After 35 years, a person continues to develop, but the brain works not so intensive, and knowledge is absorbed much slower. After forty years, there is a noticeable decline in the level of attention, memory is not working for all power. Physiological changes occur in the body, which are reflected on the quality of life of the individual.


A person is not born successful and developed, he receives these qualities in the process of self-development and implementing his knowledge and skills in society. The main factors for the development of the personality are the right upbringing, society and the environment.

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