Scientology - What is this teaching with simple words, what is it dangerous?


Scientology is a new religious movement, the philosophical teaching, which has developed and implemented the American Military Military Democation and Writer-Fantasy Ronald Hubbard. The creed appeared in the 1950s in America, but quickly spread throughout the world.

To date, movement is used in 152 countries, although in some states it was officially prohibited. Scientology - that these are simple words and what is its danger to people? Find out after reading this material.


Scientology: Description

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If you ask any adept of this cult to clarify you, Scientology - that these are simple, not intricate words, most likely, he will call her "the highest form of knowledge about life."

The name of the teaching is very similar to the scientific term and not in vain: Latin "SCIO" is connected in it - "knowledge, know" and an ancient Greek "λόγος" - that is, "doctrine." It comes out, Scientologists are convinced that they comprehend a certain layer of knowledge about man and humanity, the universe, our planet, the Most Him, God and about any other things.

Scientology is a Gnosticity, that is, its main provisions use elements of Christian and other religions and partly mythology. This is a dualistic doctrine.

Appearance of Scientology

The considered teachings with an ambiguous reputation founded the American Ronald Lafayette Hubbard, a science fiction writer and a former soldier. It should be noted, in the United States of those years, a massive increase in interest in occultism, mysticism, religion (in particular, pseudo teachings) was observed.

In 1950, Ronald Hubbard presents his work as a world called "Dianetics". It presents information obtained as a result of personal studies of the spirit and reason conducted by the author from 1923. Earlier, Hubbard issued 6 books - some of them were treated to the genre of science fiction, and part were a religious and philosophical nature.

It was "Dianetics" it was based on a little later than Scientology. Hubbard stated that a person could neutralize the negative impact of the traumatic situations of the past invented.

Negative emotions and sensations he considered the consequence of the work of the too fast and inflamed mind. Ron convinced his followers that they need to get rid of internal fears, negative beliefs, insecurity and other similar states (he gave them the name "Ingrams").

Then there will be a cleansing of their mind from all the negative past, it will start working in an updated form, more efficiently. "Clear" - so the chief scientologist of the world called the state of internal purity and freedom.

L. Ron Hubbard

Basics of Scientology

The followers of the Hubbard religious cult, in contrast to Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and other faults, are not worshiped by the deities. Their main idea is self-improvement, gaining knowledge and use it to improve your life. This is how her creator in the book "Scientology: Basics of Life" wrote about Scientology.

Naturally, he positioned his doctrine as a true knowledge based on true knowledge and sound logic. So, Hubbard said that people should accumulate information throughout the life, study themselves to surrounding the world. And then apply the information received in practice.

Scientology, according to him, acts as a whole layer of systematic knowledge. The most important Scientological principle sounds like this:

"A person is a spiritual being, he has such abilities, about which he often does not even know."

Scientologists also convince the newly minted adepts in the fact that each of us has enough strength to solve all difficulties and achieve the state of high awareness (which is equivalent to spiritual freedom and absolute happiness).

But, of course, everything does not happen immediately - to begin with, it is necessary to join this organization, to study all the works available in it (paying for them a decent amount), and then begin to apply them in practice. We will talk about money in more detail, but now let's get acquainted with the main provisions of Hubbard's teachings.

The most important symbol in Scientology is a cross with eighth ends, rounded in the form of petals. It correlates with the components of life - "eighth speakers", which personify the survival stages, passable by all spiritual beings:

  1. The first stage is represented by the person himself, his home, major needs and desires. At this stage, the individual seeks to survive.
  2. The second stage is associated with creativity and sex, personal relations, birth and raising children, intimate, as a means for continuing life.
  3. The third - demonstrates the importance of human life in groups (family circle, school, institute, at the level of their city, nation, country). A group is an independent unit that seeks to survive.
  4. The fourth is the desire of all mankind to existence.
  5. Fifth stage - involves the desire of the survival of various representatives of the animal and plant world. Nature is needed to ensure life in the future.
  6. On the sixth stage, the importance of the survival of inanimate nature (the physical universe, which is formed by matter, energy, time and space).
  7. The seventh stage - implies the importance of improving the level of spirituality, care for high values, moral norms.
  8. The eighth stage or dynamics - implies the desire to exist in the form of infinity, acquiring eternal life.

The followers of Ron Hubbard believe that all people gradually overcome each of the eight steps. In this process, allegedly, they are improved spiritually.

Why does Scientology gained great popularity in the world? The fact is that its leaders actively use psychological methods of processing people who are well acting especially on impressionable and emotional personalities. In addition, it features various terms, which additionally creates a halo of "seriousness".

What is this concept?

  • Oditing - a ritual, in the course of which a person is cleared of negative, the direction of the path in which, according to the Adepts of the cult, should go to the Scientologist to increase in its spiritual development;
  • Tathane - describes a person as a personality, consciousness and spiritual being, a kind of analogy of the soul in other religions;
  • Clear - the sacred state of liberation from the shackles of the human mind, obtaining spiritual freedom, is the effect of tinting.


What is the danger of Scientology

"What is Scientology?", And "What is it dangerous?" - Two most popular issues related to the faithful religion. And if we have already found an answer to the first, now, finally, go to the second.

The basics of Scientology, its basic concepts and principles sound at first glance quite innocently. An ignorant person may even seem that this is a serious religion, because its goals seem so high and noble - self-improvement, spiritual growth, immortality.

It is on this fishing rod and catch their customers from the experience. At the same time, no one will tell you that such methods of psychological influence as hypnosis, suprast and others are applied on mass scientological meetings as hypnosis, suggestion against the background of the illusion of internal happiness.

Although in fact, a person does not get happier - on the contrary, his condition is only worsening. For not knowledge of this information, it is very easy to "stick" to scientology. This is what one of the former followers of the cult is written:

"Do not own sufficient information, I got involved in the Scientological sect. In fact, there is no spiritual or religious activity (despite the beautiful promises). But there is a sale of Hubbard publications, numerous audio sets and "services" in the form of psychological courses (not approved by official science).

At the same time, Scientologists do not stand still - they are engaged in the regular development of new and new programs in order to receive money from naive and gullible citizens. "Press" and psychologically, apply special techniques from business, make focus on "deliverance" from detailed dependencies, the education of the population.

They act according to the cunning scheme - first they call the relatively small cost of services. Then the price grows up to 500 dollars. If you still do not understand that you are simply "bred", then, most likely, you will walk on their psychological trainings and will regularly sponsor the Scientology centers with round sums.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of reviews of unfortunate victims sects that sold the property: cars, apartments, at home just to pay "valuable" knowledge. I hope now it became clear to you, the Scientology of the sect - what is dangerous and to which consequences can lead to it.

Eyewitnesses call this organization no more than a dirty business, which came from the West and steal the time and money of impressionable.

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