Tunnel thinking in psychology: tips, how to get rid of it


Tunnel (differently "tunnel") thinking is a psychological term that appeared relatively recently. It means the concentration of a person's consciousness on one obsessive idea against the background of full ignoring of everything that is outside the mental corridor.

What are the dangers of tunnel thinking and how to get rid of it - consider further.

Tunnel thinking

Tunnel thinking in psychology: how appeared

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Concept "Tunnel thinking" It originated in psychology thanks to the doctors of oculists. In ophthalmology there is another similar term - "Tunnel vision", which characterizes vision with insufficient development or complete atrophy of the peripheral field of the retina.

If you explain to simple words, with a tunnel vision, a person is able to see only those things that are in front of his eyes. And other objects - fall into the zone of inaccessibility. And in order to consider it, what happens around, you only need to turn your head.

After conducting an analogy with tunnel thinking, we obtain that for an adequate assessment of the surrounding reality, a person needs to think versatile. But in practice, patients with such a diagnosis usually come to hostages to their own beliefs.

And if at first glance, the illusion of the correctness of the actions is created, then with the slightest changes in the situation, a person risks spoil his life.

As an example, you can bring classic excellent students - children, all their time spending study. Thanks to high estimates, the flattering words of parents and teachers, they gradually begin to believe in their own genius.

But in reality, a lot of complexes are often hidden for excessive studies, the unwillingness to deal with other life problems (for example, to build a personal life, if we are talking about older children).

When such a teenager enters the university, he risks greatly to disappoint: here it is already much more difficult to achieve recognition of his "genius" from professors, plus, it is difficult for him to find mutual understanding with classmates, "join the team".

Tunnel thinking

Characteristic signs of tunnel thinking

It may be difficult to understand that you have a problematic thinking. After all, an externally person can be quite educated, successful, to make a good career. Still, there are typical signs that will indicate the presence of incorrect perception of the world:
  1. There is an unshakable belief in its own right, categorical of judgment. A person does not accept someone else's opinion at all, considering its right solely. He does not even have thoughts about listening to someone else's point of view. Everything new is habitually rejected, as it causes fear.
  2. A person does not recognize his mistakes. And if he does something wrong, he will always be guilty around: colleagues at work, evil chief, bad weather, etc. A real solution to the problem, clarifying, in what he was mistaken, extracting life experience from the situation, such an individual prefers a battle with windmills.
  3. There are no halftone in thinking: there is only "white" and "black" or more nor less. Moreover, if the holder of tunnel thinking considers something or someone "bad" - for nothing to change his opinion. Even if there will be many arguments. As a result, it becomes impossible to see the world adequately, to understand the meaning of what is happening, to make the right conclusions.
  4. He will never agree to be content with half success, in his life his motto is "anything". It is not surprising that most often gets just the second option.
  5. Of the physical symptoms, it is worth noting a strong reduction in memory. Many events of the past, people remember only scraps, not remembering the details and positive emotions. But the negative is remembered very well.

Important! Tunnel thinking is a dangerous state of psyche, it is fraught with the appearance of the state of the inner void, loss of the meaning of life, depressive disorders.

How to get rid of tunnel thinking

It becomes clear that with incorrect thinking it is necessary to fight. According to psychologists, thanks to getting rid of mental limitations, the usual patterns are destroyed, people learn more simply, difficult to solve difficult situations.

After all, now there is no one-sole solution to them, but a lot of his variations.

The owners of the same tunnel thinking are difficult in order to easily eliminate problems: they do not use the full potential of their mental capabilities, which is why they suffer. And thanks to the elimination of internal restrictions, the persistent fear of failure disappears, the person acquires harmony, its success increases in life.

But what to do those who were in captivity of their own thoughts, how did they "find the light at the end of the tunnel"? Psychologists offer several ways:

  • sign up for the reception to the psychotherapist and work out the problem with him;
  • Go to the appropriate psychological training.

If you have diagnosed by the narrowness of thinking, you feel uncomfortable, depression is gradually developing - be sure to talk with loved ones, share with them your experiences. Hold negative emotions inside, without letting them out - extremely harmful to the psyche.

In particularly launched cases, the doctor prescribes a patient with medicines to cope with the symptoms of depression. But, In no case do not self-medicate - It can lead to sad consequences.

Important! The greatest difficulty associated with the treatment of tunnel thinking is, the patient often refuses to recognize that it thinks incorrect and spoils his life.

Healthy thinking

Tips how to develop adequate thinking

But analogies with any other ailment, the prevention of tunnel thinking is easier than treatment. Parents, starting from children's age, should teach their child to think versatile. Recommendations are offered to help developing adequate perception of the world.

  1. You need to read a lot, but not limited to love novels and detective stories. Read the developing literature, the one that trains thinking, expands the common horizon, teaches empathy.
  2. Try to write yourself. Of course, not all of nature are endowed with literary abilities, writing books and novels - not everyone. But everyone can retell what he read, saw or heard, preferably in writing. Why is it necessary? To make it easier to figure out whether your judgments are correct. You can ask someone from loved ones to help you in this matter.
  3. Sleep the riddles, rebuses. Especially aimed at logical thinking. Today they are easy to find on the Internet or you can buy a special collection of mysteries in any bookstore. The solution of tasks will make the brain constantly work in various directions.
  4. Practice creativity. Dance, sing, paint with oil paints - show your creative talents in practice. Creativity contributes to the expansion of the horizon, opens a look at hidden things. Also learn the works of great artists, listen to the legendary musical works, learn to understand in different art types.
  5. Conduct analysis. Your task is to try to understand the reasons for a certain scenario for the development of events. For example, why one colleague at work is generally respected, and the other is only frank mockery. What do their chatting, what do they do differently? Analyze on the examples of your relative environment.
  6. Do not scare changes - internal and external. Each person independently creates its way of thinking. And without sincere desire, no one can help us with us. Therefore, take the responsibility for your life entirely and completely on yourself and change it for the better!

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