Generic Egregor: Calculate the surname of the Father


Egregor genus keeps knowledge and experience accumulated by ancestors for all the time of its existence. Generic egregor can be calculated by the surname of the Father. If a person changes his father's surname to another, then the information entry in the genes remains anyway.

Generic surname a lot solves in a person's life: it determines the life direction and forms the worldview. To know your life destination, you need to calculate the egregor of the order and see what is a tendency.

If a person is developing data from the birth of a deposit, the generic egregor will help him take place in life. The ignorance of its destination leads to the fact that the person goes on the life path either not in the direction or "in the pit" in the article Consider the issue of the value of the family structure, the calculation and decoding of the numbers received.

Generic egregor calculate

Communication with ancestors

The generic egregor can be represented as a tree: roots are ancestors, barrels and branches - descendants. The newly born person automatically connects to the generic egregor, the relationship with which can be strengthened over the years or weaker.

An important feature of the generic egregor is the fact that its members are in different time formations - alive and long dead. Belonging to the generic egregor is determined by the awareness that man is a descendant of the same ancestor.

This is a general energy information field in which the entire experience of previous generations is recorded.

The basis of any family egregor is the rules and traditions, life goals and priorities, principles, and even superstitions.

Sometimes a person can unconsciously disconnect from the egregor of the genus for the following reasons:

  • refusal of parents from the child;
  • blood killings;
  • Forgetting family traditions.

Also, the connection inside the family egregor is violated if a person stops communicating with its turnings. For a full connection, permanent energy exchange is needed, which is carried out during communication and family holidays.

The disconnection from the generic egregor occurs automatically if a person in its development climbed above the ancestors. This is happening when changing religion.

What threatens a violation of connections between relatives? Over time, a person begins to lose force, since the family egregor is a powerful source of well-being and personal success of man. How to feel the energy power of supporting ancestors? Enough to take a thing that belonging to the rapidness.

When scanning a family photo, extrasens feature a protective frame that covers relatives captured on it.

Who enters the generic system:

  • blood children;
  • adopted children;
  • wives / husbands;
  • Close like people;
  • enemies.

It is surprising, but those who have caused damage to the family - killers, tormentors are consistently in the informational field. The memory of them is not erased.

The keeper of the genus is the senior woman. After her death, the relay takes the following woman next to her seniority.

New family members connect to the generic egregor through the change of the surname, for example, when a woman takes the surname of her husband. If a woman leaves his maiden surname, then the family connects to two egregram.

If a person changes the surname or refuses her, he automatically loses contact with the egregor. For example, a monk with a post is refused to give up his last name and name, it connects to a powerful Christian egregor.

Egregor Rod How to find out

Numerology of generic egregor

The family surname contains a numeric code to which the egregor is connected in the energy level. Generic is a surname that was at the father at the time of conception of the child. Even if the woman get married and change the surname, her maiden name remains the birth.

The husband's family will include her in his egregor, but he will not be a birth. Therefore, before you always pointed out the surname of women on her husband and added the word "nee" and maiden name.

How to calculate the generic egregor? To do this, add the digital expression of all the letters of the family name and bring a two-digit number to uniquely.

Generic Egregor: Calculate the surname of the Father 2865_3

An example of calculating the name Ivanov:

  • 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 3 = 21;
  • 21 = 2 + 1 = 3.

The value of numbers in the interpretation

  1. Active purposeful people who will overcome any obstacles to achieve the target target. They are prone to self-knowledge, self-improvement, self-development. These are people who have academic knowledge: teachers, mentors, instructors. They may have conflicts with native brothers and sisters.
  2. These people are able to dissolve in society, reflect all the social foundations and traditions as a mirror. It is so convenient for them to realize themselves, the loss of individuality is not at all like them. Conformist position, second roles. In this system, good signs and healers can be born: they feel good other people.
  3. They manage to quickly find their place in life, easily achieve their goals. A little scattered, live under the motto "The goal justifies the funds." Good educators, nanny and governess, as they have an approach to children.
  4. These are the keepers of traditions, heritage ancestors, teachers and mentors. Of these, good leaders are obtained, chiefs and organizers. Four have the ability to make an elephant from fly, but in a positive sense: they can turn any undertaking into a major business project.
  5. The calling is serving the state, law, submission to the Charter. Also traveler lovers, researchers. These people can also become spiritual mentors, they have a burden to occult practices and philosophy.
  6. See the meaning of his life in disinterested ministry. They are distinguished by internal equilibrium, harmony, love in her spiritual terms. Of these, excellent artisans are obtained, the masters of their business. These are the seamstress, cooks, designers, small artisans. Skillful fingers.
  7. These are the herds, which is good and mischievously alone. They do not need society, communication, teamwork. They will be roaring their privacy from the invasion of strangers, do not allow anyone to their world. They are peculiar to wisdom and balance. Try to know the world with an experienced way.
  8. These are people of powerful nature that seek to subjugate all around. In addition to submission, they seek to suppress the will of others and impose their opinions. They are also prone to material addiction. Of these, good lawyers, lawyers, advisers, judges will turn out.
  9. These are dreamers and fantasies. The goal of their life is to achieve internal equilibrium and harmony. Of the nines, good psychics are obtained.

Egregor Roda

Relationship with Egregor

It is important to understand that the egregor of the genus gives not only support and protection, but also forces its members to pay for karmic accounts. Therefore, before changing the surname, you need to think a hundred times.

To strengthen the family egregor, you need to pay a maximum of attention:

  • celebrate all family holidays;
  • honor the dead, visit their graves;
  • Store family relics, traditions;
  • Pay more time to relatives than friends (other egregram).

If there were healers, scientists, representatives of the clergy or military leaders, then you can try to get their knowledge and skills in the general information field. To do this, restore the generic memory.

If the race is weakening, he will not defend his members. You also need to carefully treat children when divorced. If the egregors of children and parents will begin to be enjoyed at the energy level, the protection force will weaken. It happens like this: the egregor is drawn up those members who threaten its security.

The genus may disappear if its members do not comply with generally accepted laws and are not going to change themselves. The universe simply turns off the unfavorable family from the energy flow, and the genus dies.

Rod may disappear due to a strong curse. But it will work only if members of the genus are really guilty and violated the laws of the Universe. Signs of such degenerate species are stillborn children, addiction to alcohol, serious diseases, mental illness, etc.

To save your genus from negative karma, you need to be cleansing. Usually it is done using a prayer person from sins of kind. But the one who gathered to report his genus from sins himself should not sin. You need to start a correction from myself, then the universe will help the cleansing and restoration of the former well-being.

The generic system will continue to maintain and fow the family member, who tries to improve the karma of the genus and bring it to a new level. The personal development of each family member is very important: it strengthens the generic system.

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