How many people weighs the soul after death - scientific fact


In modern science, much more mysticism than it may seem at first glance. So, many scientists have been tormented by the question for a long time: "Is there a soul?". And if so, then how much does a man's soul weigh?

Several scientific studies were held to clarify these issues, with their results I propose to get acquainted in today's material.

How many people weighs the soul after death - scientific fact 2891_1

Experiment "21 grams"

Its author was the American scientist doctor Duncan Mac Dougal, who lived in the city of Havorhill Massachusetts. In early 20 century, several scientific experiments were conducted in order to establish the weight of the human soul and, accordingly, confirm the fact of its existence.

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William McDougall repelled by the theory that the soul has its own weight and when it leaves the body at death should occur a reduction of physical body weight. And comparing the difference in the weight of the living and the deceased, it will be possible to establish how much the human soul weighs a scientific fact.

Duncan had the qualification of the surgeon, the place of his work was a house for patients with tuberculosis - Mansion Manor Grove Hall (Blue Hill Avenue Location, Dorchester city).

It was there that in 1901 the doctor constructed a special bed suitable for monitoring the mass of the body of dying patients. Weighing was made on highly sensitive industrial scales of large size intended to determine the weight of Sheochel. Their error did not exceed 5 grams.

The experiment itself was that Macdled placed 6 dying patients on the bed in turn. The advantage of the doctor gave a sick tuberculosis, because they were in the premieration stage in real estate, which contributed to obtaining more accurate data.

When placing a patient on the bed, the scale mechanism was fixed at the zero mark. And then there was the most important part of the experiment - it was necessary to carefully monitor the testimony of weight, especially at the time of the biological death of the body.

The result was shocking - the weight loss of the dead body was stably fixed. The difference in the mass was slightly different for different people, but on average about 21 grams ranged ranked.

Dr. Duncan Mac Dougal

The findings of Dr. William McDougall was published in 1907 in the authoritative sources - the scientific journal "American Medicine" and in the "Journal of the American community mental health research." In the journal "American Medicine" find this information, the scientists recorded:

"Watch the first patient started 3 hours 40 minutes before the cardiac arrest. He was placed on a special bed, standing on the weighing mechanism. At the same time he tried to arrange the most comfortable conditions, as he was dying on stage.

In the few hours that he spent on a special bed, there was a slow but steady weight loss of about 1 ounce (30 grams) per hour. Its cause is evaporation of perspiration and moisture from the respiratory tract.

All 3 hours and 40 minutes I held the scales at a level slightly higher than the average - to more accurately determine the weight loss (if it happens). After the specified time period (3:40 hours) the patient's death occurred. At this moment the scales fell sharply down, you could hear even the sound of it hitting the bottom edge of the scale, where she slowed down. weight loss were able to establish it was ¾ oz (21 grams).

Such a sudden loss of weight could not happen due to the evaporation of moisture (via inhalation or sweating), as all of these processes occur gradually, the average patient lost one sixtieth ounce (0.5 grams) per minute. And at the time of death was sudden and large change in weight (21 grams) in just a few seconds.

the internal organs of the patient motion processes also might not cause a significant jump in weight, because the scale was located all over the body. In step dying present allocation of the bladder (incontinence 1-2 grams), however, it remained on a bed and with a high probability of resulting in a slow loss of weight. But could not cause a sharp decrease in weight.

The only error might occur due to exhale the moment of death. To test it, I'll lay down on the bed, and my assistant recorded the scales in a stable position. It was found that even the most powerful breaths does not affect the reading of the weight of the mechanism.

In any case, on a bed and decided to check out my colleague. But his breathing attempts were also unsuccessful. So we came to the conclusion that the first patient on death inexplicably became lighter by 21 grams. Can we call these figures the weight of the soul? If yes, then it may prove? ".

Observation of the second dying also led to the identification of a sudden change in body weight. But in this case, the researchers find it difficult to call an accurate minute of death, therefore, the number data was questioned. The third patient, dying, lost weight in as much as 45 grams, and after a couple of minutes - it was half up for another 30 grams.

The fourth patients had difficulties due to the interference of other doctors, which are opponents of such experiments.

As for the fifth case, at the time of death, a decrease in body weight by 12 grams was established, however, then the weight revolves again on the same numbers, and after the expiration of 15 minutes it decreases again (also by 12 grams). The final case can be considered unsuccessful: a person died at the time of setting the weight mechanism, it was not possible to fix the data.

Subsequently, Mac Dougal decides to repeat the study, but already for the participation of not people, but fifteen dogs. In dying animals, the body mass has not changed that, according to the assumptions of the doctor, indicated the absence of a soul in dogs.

Dr. Duncana's experiments caused an ambiguous reaction: many people were inspired by the results of the study, believing in existence not only physical, but also a thinner shell (known as the soul). Although, of course, enough and critics of his method, which began to doubt the accuracy of the information received.

Mostly doubts were associated with insufficient measurement control, as well as the insufficient accuracy of the mechanism used.

But regardless of the doubts and expressions of different opinions, until today, no one of the scientists managed to reproduce the Experiment of Mac Dougal. And, it means that the results obtained by them cannot be finally confirmed or refuted.

Experiment Konstantin Korotkov

Another attempt to scientifically diagnose the presence of a soul in a person belongs to our compatriot - the Russian doctor Konstantin Georgievich (born in 1952).

For more than 25 years, he is engaged in research and development, using the exact scientific approach and philosophical thinking, formed by the Eastern teachings about the soul.

Peru Korobova belongs to 6 books that are available for reading in English, German and Italian, more than 200 scientific articles published in journals in physics and biology. He is also the author of 15 patents. Achievements of Professor received well-deserved world recognition.

Konstantin Korotkov

The Korotkov experiment by definition of the human soul was carried out in the morgue. A special Killian apparatus was used to take pictures of the human energy field. With it, it took pictures of the brushes recently dried people (1-3 hours after death) in a gas-discharge outbreak.

Then the received photos were subjected to computer processing to determine the changes arising. The process of shooting of each deceaser took from 3 to 5 days, the latter differed on the floor and age (men and women aged 19-70). Also varied the nature of their death.

As a result of the study, it was possible to establish the presence of an energy glow around the object, which gradually disappeared, was growing in space. This served as an alleged proof of the existence of an energy membrane longer than the physical body.

Depending on the cause of death, gas discharge curves obtained in the study were strongly changed:

  • In the case of calm death - there was a gradual change in the luminescence, which lasted on average by time 16-55 hours;
  • If there was a sudden death - there was a visible leap or after 8 hours, or by the end of the first day, after 2 days from the moment of death, the oscillations reached the background level;
  • Also, in the case of a sharp death, the energy changes were stronger and long-term, the glow became less bright after 24 hours, even more noticeable dullness was manifested by the end of the second day.

In conclusion, it can only be said that scientists make numerous attempts to scientifically identify the fact of the existence of a spiritual substance.

Despite their stunning results, researchers cannot say anything 100%, because the spiritual world and all its components are too thin region, inaccessible to characteristic scientific explanations.

No one may surely confirm that people have a soul or find out how much a man's soul weighs after death (and even more so - what happens to her in the afterlime world).

Yes, and truly believers do not need empirical confirmations, perceiving the soul and all with it related as revelation, exclusively the subject of faith.

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