Archangel Mikhail - What helps women and men


Archangel Mikhail enjoys great respect in Christianity: he stands at the head of the holy host of angelic creatures, for which he received the title of ArchReart. What is known about him from the Bible, as it is depicted on icons, as well as Archangel Mikhail, what helps people - let's talk about it in today's material.

archangel Michael

Biblical information about archrest

According to the Christian religion (as well as, in many others), our universe is not limited to only rude, physical matter. In addition, it is mentioned in the Bible about the spiritual world - the habitat of angelic creatures, also created by God.

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The task of the latter is not just serving the Lord: periodically they descend to the ground to help truly believers.

archangel Michael - One of the few Angels, which mentions the Holy Scripture . The name of the Messenger of God is repeatedly present in the Old Testament ("Book of the Prophet Daniel").

For example, there is talking about how Angel visited Daniel, a hotly prayed, and told him that he would have appeared before, if I didn't face the opposition of the "Prince of Persian" (Daniel 10:13).

Opening the New Testament, we find the mention of Michael in the message of Juda Faddey, in the 9 poem. And about it is told as a great prince, who will protect the people of God, when a terrible court will come (Daniel 12: 1).

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As Christian legends say, not people, but numerous angelic creatures of different ranks were created.

In a common background, the Angel named the name of Dennitsa was the strongest - as the strongest, beautiful and smart. However, caught up, he decided to take the place of God himself, so he called on his fellows to rebel against the Creator.

Some really joined Dennica and other fallen angels. But those angels who retain loyalty to the Lord, minted them, extinguish from heaven.

Archangel Mikhail headed the army of God, before the battle, he pronounced phrase: "Who is equal to God?". It is explained by the meaning of the Angel Communication, if we translate it from Hebrew speech.

It is believed that Michael took part in many other significant events from the Bible, but he did not always be called the real name. There is an opinion that it was he who performed the function of a fiery pillar, which was distinguished by Israelis from Egypt, and he also destroyed the Army of Pharaoh in the Red Sea.

Interesting! Holy Fathers believe that Angel Mikhail is Cherube, standing by the paradise gates with a sword in his hands.

As the archangel is depicted on icons

In Christianity, there is a huge number of faces with the image of this angelic character. It is not surprising, because its image is very important for believers.

As a rule, the icons of the ArchReart, as the Head of the Holy Card, appears to be found in military clothing (Tavlion - Cloak with a rectangular embroidery and chiton). There are waist images or full growth.

archangel Michael

Starting from the 17th century, there are images of the Laratic Angel of Mikhail - he is dressed in the costume of Byzantine courtesky with such characteristic details:

  • Dalmatics - a long fitting rice having an extended hem and shoulders, high sleeves;
  • Laro - a woven part of a large size, blocked over his shoulder. It is usually decorated with precious stones, pearls;
  • Boots are also with decoration of gold and valuable minerals.

Popular scenes where Mikhail is depicted in the form of a Roman commander in a short tunic with a metal shell over her. Angel has a mustache and gaiters with an intricate relief, and on top of a decreased by an Alay officer's mantle that is tied in the left shoulder area.

There are differences in military armor on icons - it all depends on the nation depicting a messenger from heaven, time and circumstances of writing an image. Whatever it was, Angelic clothing is designed to focus on a high rank occupying the archrest.

Often he holds an instrument in his hands - a spear, an ordinary or fiery sword, and sometimes both weapons at the same time. Other items are found: rod, grazor, Labarum. And, given that Mikhail will become one of the judges during a terrible trial, then sometimes they have scales.

Wonders committed by archrest

The ancient chronicles contain many information about the wonders who made an important angel. So, in 1239, he took away from the inhabitants of Novgorod, in despair praying, the army of the Terrible Khan Batya.

They tell, as if Archangel unexpectedly appeared to the attacker and ordered them to move away from the Novgorod fortress. As a result, the city was released, the war stopped.

But even more amazing miracle, Saint Mikhail committed even earlier - in the first centuries from the Nativity of Christ. It happened in Frigia, next to the city of the hierarp. There, one pious man wanted to build a church in honor of Angel.

At night, in a dream, he came in the vision of ArchRearty and gave a promise that his dumb daughter would speak when he drinks water from a healing source.

The peasant listened, and everything happened as the angel said. Vera Men in God strengthened even more, so he created a small church in honor of this event. It operated for more than 60 years, even many pagans came there to abandon the worship of idols and devote to Christianity.

At that time, the church was served by a pious shear named archite. But, of course, there were people who did not support Christianity, they wanted to erase the temple from the face of the earth, flooding it with water (and he was in the valley). They combined the beds of two mountain rivers, sending them to the church.

What else remained the righteous, how not to start zealously to pray to the Lord? His prayers were heard - Archangel Mikhail went with heaven and dug away from the temple. It was since that time and became the people to celebrate on September 19, a holiday in honor of such a significant event that called Miracle Mikhail.

archangel Michael

Saint Mikhail Archangel, what helps people?

The question that worries believers: "Archangel Michal - what helps women and men?" According to the apocryphs, the Heavenly Guard fulfills the following duties:
  • Meets the souls of the dead, prepares them for entering the paradise gates, accompanies to heaven;
  • will protect righteous Christians in the vessel day;
  • Stores all people from the first to the last breath, fixing in the book of life every good and bad deed committed by them;
  • Being the main thing in the angel arrest, the archrest is acting as a patron of military standing on guard of their native land from enemies;
  • consider him and the patron saint of navigators, those who serve on the fleet;
  • It is worth the most important angel not only on guard of physical bodies, but, above all, human shower - in every way helps them find their destination, to follow the true path in life;
  • It personifies the hope, salvation, dismaying the wicked thoughts and intentions, grants God's righteous.

Having an Angel icon stands in the house to protect all its members from different misfortunes, theft and attacks, evil people, dark entities, the forces of the elements, failures and grief in any of its manifestation.

What are the Archangel Mikhail pray about? Contact the Bulletin standing in such cases:

  • with serious diseases (physical and mental);
  • When you can not decide on your life road;
  • Want to defend yourself from nonsense, someone else's negative;
  • assistance in military affairs is necessary;
  • They fell into difficult life circumstances, of which it seems that there is no exit;
  • On the eve of an important event: a long journey, a difficult exam;
  • If doubts arise in the soul, anxiety, I want to strengthen your faith in God;
  • If you want to do construction or restoration of temples.

It is believed that truly believers receive assistance on any prayers, unless they have exclusively consumer motives and are not inactive, count only for help over. It is important, praying, maintaining spiritual purity, righteousness, do not forget about helping the world.

Day of Remembrance

Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. Michael November 21 According to a new style (or November 8 - on the old calendar). In this date, in a distant 4th century, for the first time, it was necessary to celebrate the Day of the Council of All Angelic Being at the head of the ArchRatch.

There is another date - September 19. (or September 6 - according to the old style), in memory of the amazing salvation of the temple by Angel Mikhail.

What makes Christians in the days of the messenger of God? As usual, pray to him, you can go to church if desired. But prayers are recommended for reading every day, and not once for the year.

They must be sincere, come from the heart. And do not forget that only the Lord is a true Wonderworker, and any angel simply fulfills his will in this world.

Now you know, Archangel Mikhail, what he helps men and women. Finally, browse the thematic video:

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