People with superpowers in real life: 16 examples


People with superpowers have always caused interest in their own person. What is surprised - most of us have a standard set consisting of 5 senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch). Well, sometimes, if you're lucky, a more or less developed sixth sense is added.

However, the heroes of our today's review prove that in fact the human abilities are much larger than it is considered. Who knows, maybe we can also reveal something like that?


Human superposses: list

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First, I propose to learn some of the super-abilities known today.

  • The absolute memory is the ability to instantly memorize any volume of information and reproduce it.
  • Absolute rumor - a person hears sounds from the distance of many meters from their source.
  • Memory absorption is the ability to read other people's thoughts by touching man.
  • Atmocynez - gift to control the weather, causing various atmospheric phenomena.
  • Abberation - the ability to distort the time or reality.
  • Astral projection is the ability to create your astral twin (accurate copy of a person, an intangible translucent substance, easier - the yield of the soul from the body).
  • Aerockise - the ability to control the elements of air: create hurricanes, tornadoes and so on.
  • Agnosticism is to control the surrounding people with the help of special voices fluctuations. A kind of gift perfect speaker.
  • Agliakinosis is an ability to control someone else's pain (its increase or decrease).
  • Bioelectric field - its creation leads to disabling or destroying all electrical devices nearby.
  • Aura vision - the ability to clearly distinguish energy bodies.
  • Vision in the dark - yes, yes, just like a cat or a cat.
  • Bioouyr generation - the ability to create energy control of any size (to protect or increase your energy).
  • Hydroise is a gift of water control.
  • Breathing under water - no explanation does not need.
  • Sound waves are created by the power of votes, they can have huge power.
  • Cyberpathy - a gift to think as well as a computer: in the shortest possible time to extract the necessary information from memory, to make several things at the same time.
  • Levitation is the gift of resistance to gravity by force, if it is easier - the ability to fly.
  • Magnetism is the gift of the creation of magnetic fields of arbitrary shape and control them.
  • The aggravated feeling - they can be any of five: hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste.
  • Communication with animals is a gift to "talk" with representatives of the animal world, understanding them.
  • Prophetic dreams in which the events of the coming are revealed.
  • Pyricenz - gift control fire.
  • Psionics of fear - the ability to inspire another person that he is scary.
  • Psychometrical abilities - often manifest in psychics. Meet the reading of information about people or unnecessary objects from the distance either when touched.
  • Understanding any texts - regardless of which language or what font they are written.
  • Radar - gift detection of different objects.
  • Regeneration - the ability to heal any damage, withstand different poisons.
  • X-ray look - here, actually it is clear about what is the speech.
  • Superchor forces (superstitude, supereness, supervision).
  • Erase of memory - the gift to eliminate memories from someone else's memory.
  • Telekinis - gift of movement with objects of thought.
  • Telepathy is the ability to read other people's thoughts or, on the contrary, the introduction of the necessary thoughts into the consciousness of other people.
  • Teleportation - the gift very quickly move to huge distances.
  • Terracinesis is the ability to control the element of the Earth (feel strawberry, call them).
  • Technopathy - the ability to control the technique from the distance (but it should be seen).
  • Ultrasound - Created by the voice of a super-man.
  • Photocies - gift to control the light (create bright light, blinding).
  • Walking on the walls (here also applies to the gift of moving on water, air).
  • Sixth feeling - developed intuition, premonition of the events of the future, increased susceptibility to the environment.
  • Electrichenez - a person creates high current discharges, manages them.
  • Electrocinse - gift to control the electrical impulses (throwing lightning with hand, erasing or recording information on magnetic media).
  • Empathy - the ability of the feeling of other people's emotions, fears and feelings.
  • Clairvoyance - the gift of premonition of the events of the future.

These were not all human superposses, but only some of them are the most famous. Now let's get to the examples of people who may well compete with the super-heroes of famous films.

People with superpowers in real life: examples

Liv Tau Lin - Walking Magnet

A resident of Malaysia named Liv Tau Lin boasts an amazing ability: it attracts and keeps up to 36 kilograms of metal objects. The magnetic gift allows Liva to drag up even a whole car! The man says his abilities for the first time manifested itself in 60 years.

Liv Tau Lin - Walking Magnet

Vim Hof: Ice Man

Vim Hof ​​from Holland became known thanks to the ability to endure a very low temperature. So, Vim once spent in a bath with ice record 1 hour and 52 minutes!

Also a frost-resistant man dived into extremely cold water, ran a marathon barefoot on the ice. They are also climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, when the shorts were put on it on it.

And scientists who studied Wim officially confirmed that it consciously controls the processes of its vegetative and immune systems. In general, it was not for nothing in vain Hoodle called "Ice Man."

Michelle Litoto - a fan to enjoy metal

Michelle Litoto is the famous French artist of the 20th century, which during his lifetime demonstrated a stunning superpost: he could eat anything, whether it was a piece of metal or glass. At the same time, Michel did not harm any harm to his body, because he had very thick walls of the stomach and intestines. For which he got the nickname "Mr. omnivore".

It is estimated that in the interval of 1959-1997, Litoto used to eat approximately 9 tons of metal items. And for 2 years he is not much not much - the plane "Sessna-150".

Cumber Antico - Woman Rainbow

The artist of the countercourts is also an unusual gift - her eyes distinguish much more shades than an ordinary person. The cuhat is a tetrachromat - it has not 3 (as normal for people), but 4 types of colums in organs of vision.

And then, as we distinguish 1 million shades, Miss Antico is able to see 99 million colors! It is even difficult to imagine how colorful and beautiful it sees this world.

Kidfort antico

Veronica Core - Orliny Vision

Veronica Core lives in the west of Germany. The world found out about it because of its super-view, whose sharpness is 20 times more than that of ordinary people. So Veronica perfectly distinguishes passersby from a distance of 1.6 kilometers (while under the condition of 100% of vision, man is hard to consider what is happening even 6 meters from himself).

Scott Flanswberg - Live Calculator

It is impossible not to mention the list on this list, because he knows how to read in the mind faster than the calculator. Throughwhel, the man turned out to be twice in the Guinness Book of Records (2001 and 2003).

Joy Miln - the owner of the phenomenal scent

A rather interesting superpost also has the Scotland Joy Miln - she is able to "teach" Parkinson's disease in the initial stages, before the very appearance of the first symptoms. So Miss Milne participated in the study from the University of Edinburgh, in which she managed to diagnose alert in 11 cases of 12 people.

Unfortunately, the spouse Joy in 2015 passed away from the very disease of Parkinson. Finally, the wife gave him a promise to develop his gift, using it for the benefit of people and science.

Daniel Kish - had semonar eyesight

Daniel Kishu was not lucky as a child to survive one of the rarest forms of oncology - retinal cancer of both eyes (retinoblast). To save his life, both eye apples were removed.

But the child discovered an amazing skill - possession of echolocation technique (or sonary vision). Similarly, volatile mice are also seen: they create special sounds, and then focus on reflect sounds from different obstacles.

Daniel perfectly developed sonar vision: he could "see" at home from a distance of 300 meters, people with a distance of a couple of meters. The man succeeded in echolocation that he began to help other blind people and even took the presidency of the World Blind Organization. Unfortunately, he died in 2009.

Stig Severinsen - Male Amphibian

Dane Stig Severinsen put a record for the ability to detain his breath under water: he managed to do this as much as 22 minutes! In addition, he is seriously engaged in underwater hockey playing on the side of the Spanish team.

Norman Gary.

Norman Gary - Bech Caster

When looking at the photo, goosebumps on the skin. But Norman Gary remains cold-blooded, because he has a super-ability - to control thousands of bees, while while holding them on its body.

Norman talents did not remain not noticed: they helped him to play in "secret materials", "Leonard 6", the film "Invasion of Girls Bee" and some series.

Lawrence Kim Peak - Supersavant

The amazing superpost was at the US inhabitant Kim Peak is the only Savant in the world who managed to read two pages of the book by each eye separately. This is also worth adding amazing memory: at the age of 20 months I read a book in 60 minutes, remembering its contents.

Stephen Wiltshire - Super Summary Memory

The work of the autistic artist named Stephen Wiltshire truly turn into shock: a man is able to memorize and reproduce a detailed landscape of any terrain, seen from height. The only thing he needed is the city at a helicopter once. And then photographic memory will help Stephen to recreate an accurate panoramic image of seen.

Radharkrishnan Vella - Mr. Jaws

Malazian by nationality Radharkrishnan is not tired to hit people around with its steel jaws: it is able to drag the whole train in a 260 meter with an extension of 4.2 meters. The man got the nickname "tooth king".

According to Radharkrishnan himself, he revealed his unique gift at a fourteen age, learning from the Indian Guru.

Radharkrishnan Velia

Thai Ngok - Eternal Walking

Sleep is the most important component of normal, healthy life. Do not sleep enough and one night, how your state of health will noticeably deteriorate. However, definitely not at Thaya Ngoka - a peasant from Vietnam. After all, he stopped sleeping back in the 1973 year, but is alive and well today.

And although Thai performed desperate attempts to immerse themselves in sleep state, using alcohol and special medicines, but they were not crowned with success. However, a man is not very frustrated, because unusual ability does not harm his health.

Dean Carnases - Super Highly

Dean is a supermarket, runner on long distances. The man is so hardy that it is capable of running without stopping: 80 hours on a treadmill (a total of 560 kilometers), 50 marathons in fifty states for 50 days. The main thing is not to forget to provide him with food and water on time.

Raj Mohan Naire - Mr. Electricity

For an ordinary person, the current is very dangerous even with a voltage of 0, 1 A (i.e. 1/10 amp). True, only if we are talking about Raja Mogen Moire, because he misses the tension of up to 10 amps, remaining absolutely unharmed! The only thing to which Raja complains is a short no view.

The man revealed his amazing gift at the age of 7 under the tragic circumstances: after the death of Mother Raja wanted to commit suicide, he climbed into the power line and took his hands behind the bare wires. The highest tension did not harm him, it turned out that he had ten times more resistance than the ordinary people.

Are there people with superpowers? Of course, and you could see it higher. And finally, I propose to do a test for a super supervision of a person in her next video:

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