Doll Charg Bell: Symbolic meaning, master class


Ancient Slavs prayed to bright gods, asking them to protect against dark deities and entities. To this end, they used special items - charms whose task is to protect a person from ailments, misfortunes, evil eye, magical influences, from the forces of the element. They also attract good luck and well-being in the house.

Beregini's dolls from the fabric in Russia were most popular as a faith, which served simplicity of their manufacture. Doll Charm Bellol - a bright representative of this group. Today I suggest to talk about it in more detail, learning its value and getting a master class on creating.

Doll Charg Bell Photo

Historical information

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Reliable information about the period of the appearance of the doll - Motanka, the bell tape is not. Historians put forward a suggestion that, perhaps, she first arose in the 15th century.

But the specialists consider her homeland Valdai (where the famous Valdai bells arose there. In the 15th century, a big bell crashed there, and enterprising Valdians gathered fragments, making miniature bells from them.

The bells began to attach to their glazers. Therefore, the movement of the latter has always been accompanied by a cheerful ringing. The sound of the bells marked for people to get good news and made a variety of a long road of the spicy thing, parallel to wild animals from him.

Local women decided to make a similar charm, which would attract well-being and bright news in the dwelling. Since then, the Motanka doll, the bell becomes a reliable keeper of the house and all its inhabitants from bad news, someone else's envy and different black and magical influences.

And also the bell has become the personification of the houses - the spouses of the house, guarding the home of the hearth from any evil.

The value of the doll bell

This Slavic Obereg has its secrets and features of the meaning:

  • Doll in shape repeats the bell : She has a waistline from which the books of dome-shaped skirts are scattered. The bell symbolizes women's energy.
  • In total, the pupa is 3 skirts, which correlated with the three worlds of Slavs: Jaw (the material world of people), right (divine peace) and Navo (the world of the dead). The unification of these three worlds creates harmony of bodily, mental and spiritual in the life of a person.
  • Doll The bell always looks very bright , festively, there is a explanation: Slavs believed that the Motank was delighted in elegant clothes, they will be attracted joy in the dwelling, happiness, abundance.
  • As soon as you take the charm in your hands, then hear Pleasant sound bell . And it is known to have a healing force: promotes the cleansing of the space from negative energy, dark entities, and also improves the well-being of people and animals.
  • The bell doll is the person of man's happiness For which a tandem of a healthy body, a quiet spirit and a bright soul is required.

Pupa-charging bell

Important rules for creating an overlap

So that everything has passed successfully and ownly made Beregin, the bell tape performed its main action, it is worth following the following recommendations:
  1. It is possible to work for work, exclusively in the positive location of the Spirit, with positive thoughts and intentions.
  2. Consider the Lunar Cycle Phase - you need to do the charm on a complete or growing moon (use the lunar days calendar).
  3. Having boost with the manufacture of Motanka on Friday and Sunday, in festive dates, as well as if there is bad weather on the street.
  4. The bell doll is created within one day, do not postpone work on other day.
  5. It is impossible to use piercing-cutting items in the manufacturing process! And the threads and pieces of fabric are torn by their hands (do not worry if the fabric remains uneven). If you have a tight fabric, it is desirable to prepare some details of the clothing in advance.
  6. All items must be adopted to each other using a thread of red. And control the number of turns - it should be even. At each turn, pronounce your good request or desire.
  7. If I wanted, you can decorate the product with embroidery, but only the coasters are motifs and you need to do it in advance by taking a separate piece of fabric.
  8. You can tie the nodules, but only in reader. For each knot, tell your innermost desire. But the thread does not break down at the node itself - leave the tip in several millimeters long.
  9. You can not give the name of the Motanka doll, you can contact it only by name - the bell.
  10. The Cup of the Pupa always has a lear from white fabric, because it will be the best protection, reflecting the negative. And also symbolizes pure thoughts.
  11. The face of the Motanka should remain faceless - only then a doll who has no twin, will benefit without harm.
  12. For the manufacture of Beregini, use only natural materials: they are made of flax, cotton, sitz. Moreover, it is better to take an old fabric. But in no case are the patchworks from the clothes of the patient, bad or, the God, a deceased person.
  13. Doll The Bell Tumbler is the personification of female strength and energy, because it should only create a woman (usually - the main host house). Men can not touch the Motka.
  14. The doll can be given to the housewarming, but then to touch it is the right of an exclusively craftswoman and a gifted person.

Doll Charg Bell: Master Class

Please note that the Motank cannot be created if there are men in the house.

First, stock all the necessary items:

  • 3 Bright ratchers of natural material (go to skirts) - dimensions of 30, 35 and 40 centimeters. One piece should be made of red fabric;
  • Square white tissue 24 centimeters (go on the head and torso);
  • a small amount of filler (flax or syntheps);
  • with a rigid, a ribbon or a piece of matter (go on behalf);
  • a triangular piece of bright fabric (go to the shawl);
  • the bell tick (you can not use it, it is at will);
  • thread;
  • Beautiful mood and 1 hour time.

Coasting Doll-Motanka Bellol

The process is happening like this:

  1. Cut 3 mugs from those pieces of fabric, which was prepared for skirts dolls. Pruning remains from the flap can be added to the printed material.
  2. Skirts are manufactured by various methods: or each is formed separately (from the largest to smaller) or everything is observed together.
  3. Spread the fabric circles on the table (from smaller to more), the wrong side should look up. In the middle of them, put trimming of flaps, sintepon, flax, wool or dried herbs).
  4. Start forming the head of the doll: Carefully collect three flaps together, tie the head with a red natural thread (it is believed that it has protective properties).
  5. Find the center on the white flap, put the windows in such a way that the macushkin agrees with the center.
  6. When the head is ready for it, you need to climb a thread to the neck. Weak should be a clear amount, and the nodule is only three.
  7. Further start making handles. To do this, make a white cloth from the edge (clap the angle inward, and the edges to the center), fold in the center twice. Return one finger from the edge and take a thread. Pens ready.
  8. Now start forming a shirt - bring the edges of the free flap (so that the shirt does not break down) and secure the thread. Fix the shirt with the help of a double coast of the cross (but you can simply touch the doll in the waist, it is done from left to right).
  9. Feel.
  10. Wear handkerchief.
  11. If there is a desire, you can bind the dread to the doll and lead it over the children's cradle or at the entrance door. You can bolk bells to the hands of Motanka, their sound will regularly raise you mood.

How to activate

The doll wubble the bell is ready, but that it starts to work it must be activated. Otherwise, it will remain just a rag craft. The main activation is already performed on the finished doll.

But even when it is important to make it important to start: Invest your positive energy into the talisman (thinking about your innermost desires and joys, ask the Universe to help you in their execution).

Traditional activation implies pronouncement of the conspiracy (the latter were very loved by the Slavs, read at each convenient case). In this case, a conspiracy will be required to the Lade - the Slavic Goddess Mother, the Keeper of the Home Field, the patroness of women. Ask Lady Mother to attract all the best in your home: health, happiness, good luck, well-being, abundance.

A small ritual is accompanied by a conspiracy (it is done on the growing moon): pour into a saucer of milk, put a slice of bread and leave near the entrance to the house. Then he burn the candle and say the words of the statement. The food needs to hold the entrance door for 24 hours, and then feed her pets.

And here is the conscription:

"Lada, Ladushka, the Mother of the Heavenly Most! Do not go away with my love, do not leave without happiness, do not accept Liha, yes trouble! Slavim and honor you, Mother of Heaven, forever in centuries, do not leave us with gratefulness! So it was, so it will be so so! In the eyelids, the eternal, while Yarilo is in the sky! "

Thanks to this ritual, the bell makes a magic force, will drive any misfortunes and misfortune from your home, attracting good, good, joy, good luck.

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