How to interest a girl when meeting


How to interest a girl and ensure the continuation of dating? Many guys are looking for an answer to this question, because in any case the most difficult thing is that the beginning is given (not an exception). Well, let's try to deal with the fact that the most attracted representatives of the weaker sex in men and what candidate for the role in the heart wants to meet most of the girls.

How to interest Girl

What to interest the girl: Highlights

So, this is what the most strongest rushes into the eyes and is assessed by girls when familiarizing, communicating with guys:


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Yes, trite, shook, but everything starts with it. After all, psychologists have proven that the first impression of a new acquaintance is made up for only 7 seconds! You also did not have time to reveal the mouth, and the girl was already thinking about whether she was ready to meet you.

Therefore, it is very important to follow your appearance: first of all, that the skin and hair are always clean, only a pleasant smell (deodorants and spirits to help) came from you, and the nails have always been neatly cropped.

Then pay attention to your style: pick up relevant clothes and shoes for different situations, carefully follow its cleanliness and tidy. Competently selected accessories will become an additional bonus. If you have a feeling of taste and style, you are completely absent, then do not regret money for the consultation of the stylist - it is better than shocking the surrounding absurdity of your image.

And, of course, do not forget that the body should be in good shape. It is not necessary to become a swing to make it easy to interest girls, but to follow the condition of the figure (at least, not allowing excess weight, maintain muscle corset) - it is very important.

Manner of behavior

When communicating, the girl will undoubtedly pay attention to how her cavalier behaves in society. The behavior manner includes posture, voice, facial expressions, who give either calm, confidence or closure, fear, stiffness. The last option does not have success in the weak floor.

Take care to not slut, keep the back smooth, do not distinguish the look when talking, do not look at the floor. It is necessary to talk at a fairly slow pace, clearly pronouncing words with the right stresses. Eliminate the words-parasites from your vocabulary and, especially, it is unacceptable when a girl uses the Material Lord!

Self confidence

Numerous studies of psychologists and visual examples are confirmed by the fact that women choose not handsome, and male confident in themselves. And they experience attraction to the latter at the subconscious level.

Therefore, if suddenly you have some complexes that strongly spoil life and prevent you feel confident - it's time to say goodbye to them. Improve your appearance in the hall and proper nutrition, pump communication skills - in general, increase self-esteem.

Another important male quality acts perseverance. The girls are simply crazy about those representatives of strong sex that are not afraid of obstacles on the way to goals, never surrender and confidently go forward (and more beautifully conquer them).

Confident guy

Communication skills

Not in vain it is believed that "girls love ears." An excellent reason to engage in the development of its eloquence. First, it is important to be able to select such topics that will be interested in the interlocutor, secondly, not to turn a date to an endless monologue, speaking only about themselves.

But do not overdo it with the asked Girl with questions, otherwise it gets the impression that it is in question. Communication should be the most easy, relaxed and natural.

In a conversation, emotions should be used to maintain interest. Do not neglect and artistic techniques to enrich your speech (hello to metaphors, epithets, hyperboles and the teacher of the Russian language). In general, a man may not be super handsome, but if he is able to correctly show his charisma, will learn to be interested in communicating, then almost 100% will achieve success.

Social status

We live in the material world in which the status plays a big role. Let him not from the first meeting and let him be in the first place. But if you want to seriously continue your relationship with a girl, then this question for sure sooner or later will arise on the agenda.

However, here it is necessary to make a reservation that all girls are different and all the requirements for everyone: only the "Prince on the White Kone", a millionaire and less wait for the prince on a white horse. Others put more realistic expectations. Therefore, there are chances of all, but you should never stop there.


Probably, it's no secret that there are courageous men in priority for weak sex (as well as the opposite - men attract feminine girls). Unfortunately, the situation in modern society such that these two concepts are often mixed and depreciated.

In spite of everything, women are intuitively drawn to those who feel power, strong male energy. Few who want to pull everything on themselves: and stew it, and with a checker on horseback ride. Therefore, it is important to pump masculinity and openly demonstrate the girl that she can rely on you, trust and relax.

Desire self-development

This item in principle does not depend on the floor: both women and men attract people who never stop working on themselves, comprehend new knowledge, skills, increase their professionalism.

And also a good advantage will be the hobby to which you "lies the soul."


Direct continuation of the previous point. After all, if a person is engaged in self-development, he, a priori, leads an active lifestyle: walks in different lectures, trainings or, at least passing them online. In any case, his eyes burn, and self-esteem is growing in geometric progression (which, as we remember, very attracts girls).

Sense of humor

The presence of a good sense of humor by the guy, the ability to make a girl and laugh at her jokes - truly invalid skill. Few people like serious boreards that do not understand someone else's humor and never joke.

Of course, it is important to observe the face here and do not be engaged with humor, especially at the initial stage of dating. Over time, when you have a more trusting relationship, you will be better understood which joke will be appropriate, and what a girl can offend.

Failure date

How to attract a girl to yourself: what can be interested in her

The main important qualities and skills were disclosed above, but now you will learn a little more about what attracts girls in the guys.

  1. Surprises. Of course, everyone loves them, but the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity especially. Learn to intrigue, make a girl, for example, should guess where there is a surprise or what he is. Bright positive emotions will be even stronger to you.
  2. Unpredictability in actions, solutions. And do not forget about it. True, now we are talking about pleasant unpredictability, and not about the cancellation of the meeting in an hour before the reprimanded time. When you communicate for some time and everything always happens the same, boredom is invariably, a monotony that tires. And making an unexpected turn by inventing an exciting idea for a date or travel, you will make a variety and make the relationship brighter.
  3. Reliability . Who does not dream of a strong male shoulder? About a man who can always rely regardless of the circumstances, to know that he will not lead, will fulfill his promise. Next to him, you can finally relax, trust him, in which it will always come to the rescue.
  4. Sexuality . Yes, not all men can compete with Hollywood stars, but for sure everyone can find and emphasize their personal attractiveness: a beautiful body, a pleasant smile, strong hands and so on. By adding the mind here, well-groomed and self-confidence I will get a very sexy image.
  5. Disabled on others . In each person there is some kind of its own unique feature, the notorious "highlight", which benefits it to highlights it on a general background. Your task is to make an emphasis on it. And it is not so important that it will be: its own unique style, hairstyle or manner of behavior. The main thing is to remember and attract attention.

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