Orthodox protective prayers for various occasions


A person at all times was looking for protection and help from the spiritual world, because he understood that it depends on the grace of invisible spirits. The ancient Slavs worshiped the whole pantheon of the gods that managed the forces of nature. With the arrival of Christianity, the situation has changed: humanity gained a defender in the face of the Son of God's Jesus Christ.

Also help can be asked for Angels, Archangels, Heavenly Force and Saints. My prayers taught my grandmother. She herself did not do a step without prayer, always said "without God, not to the threshold." I am grateful to her for such wise lessons of life, because prayers really help. In the article, I will tell you about the strongest protective prayers for various occasions.

Protective prayers

Who pray for protection

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This is the first question that occurs in a person who has fallen into the twread trouble. Where to look for protection, who have to ask for support? Many intuitively approach the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker, because it is a popularly beloved and famous holy. Also looking for help from Jesus Christ and Our Lady. This is the right choice. But besides them, Archangels, heavenly forces and many holy worshipers come to help a person come to help.

Protective prayers in Orthodoxy are aimed primarily to salvation from the devilish goats and gaining true faith. Pure thoughts, sincere desire to be with the Lord - save, protect from everyday troubles and trouble. But for a Christian, the most important thing is to find the eternal salvation of the soul, so the plea is in the first place.

Protective prayers can be divided by content:

  • Family, home, children;
  • health;
  • dream;
  • travel;
  • judicial issues;
  • work, career;
  • Pets;
  • devilry;
  • enemies, gossips;
  • thieves, robbers;
  • damage, evil eye.

There are universal prayers that protect a person from any trouble. However, the witchcraft and damage is best to turn to Saint Cyprian, and to protect the animals - to the Holy Mist.

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For protection in a dream, the evening prayer rule helps. If a person is constantly praining before bedtime, nightmares will not dream. For success in affairs and protection against trouble, it helps reading the morning prayer rule (at least in abbreviated form). If there is a long road to work, the prayer rule can be heard through the headphones in the subway. It is important to be constantly on a prayer wave, then with a person nothing wrong to happen.

Prayer saves not only the soul, but also a marriage body from trouble. Therefore, it is possible to pray not only for yourself, but also for your neighbors who do not understand the saving value of the prayer word.

Protective prayer is very strong

Three main protection prayers

The main prayer for each Christian is our own. Lord Jesus Christ himself gave this prayer. From it begins the prayer rule, it knows by heart each believer. The prayer of the Father was saved by people at the most difficult moment when the hopes for salvation were not already.

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The second strong prayer for salvation from external and internal enemies is Psalm No. 90 "Live in Help". His, too, many know by heart, like our prayer. Protective prayer is very strong:

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Special force has a short Jesus prayer, in which the saving power of the godpoligas and the rescue of the soul is concluded:

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of sinning."

The constant pronouncement of the short Jesus prayer transforms the mind, cleans the soul, protects against sinful thoughts. If you constantly hold your mind Jesus prayer, then the person can no longer sin and will not stand on the unjust path.

Prayer is food for the soul. To the soul of man was alive and saved, she needs spiritual food. However, the suggestions of spiritual food is also unacceptable. Many believers who just got on the path of truth, begin to pray a lot - and are happy. It is important to understand what prayer is going on, so it is better to read them translated into modern Russian than in Church Slavonic. Although, for some, the sound of the Church Slavonic language is important.

Prayers from enemies strong

Different prayers

Consider several prayers for different needs.

Prayer from damage and witchcraft of Saint Cyprian

Many need in this prayer, because in recent years, the activities of sorcerers and witches of different masters have been activated. Saint Cyprian himself was a wizard to repentance, so he understands the needs and problems of those who are afraid of witchcraft. You can read Prayer Cyprian and Maintenance, as well as listen to akathist in the record (or read). It is necessary to pray daily, if you feel the influence of witchcraft or threatened with you witchcraft.

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Prayer from envy in front of the icon of the Virgin All Communion

To pray to God's mother about help, you need to buy it icon in the church shop. Icon can be any size, even small laminated. Before the icon is lit a church candle for home prayer and attribute their requests. First read the "Virgin, Delo, Rejoice", then read the prayer of the Allzaritsa, and after that they ask for their words about protection against envious and ill-wishers.

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Prayer for reconciliation to the icon of the Virgin "Softening of evil hearts"

Often a person is tormented by the situations of hostility with loved ones. This can help the icon "Sex Stracery" or "Softening Evil Hearts". This is the same icon of the Mother of God, on which it is depicted in booster arrows. There is no image of the Boggladère on this icon, but only one Virgin Mary with pierced. Swords and arrows, which were pierced by the breast of Our Lady, are sophisticated symbols for the whole world of Orthodox and all people. The image is praying for reconciliation with enemies, to mitigate evil hearts, with family conflicts, with conflicts at work and in any other place.

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Strong prayer for protecting enemies Archangel Mikhail

This Archangel distinguished himself with his devotion to God: he was the first to rush to the battle with Lucifer and the angels seduced by him. Archangel Mikhail still stands to the protection of everyone who needs it. For prayer you need to purchase the icon of Archangel Mikhail.

Archangel Mikhail protects from:

  • devilish goats;
  • enemies in human appearance;
  • Animal attacks;
  • natural Disasters;
  • magical influences, evil eye;
  • Devil's temptations and temptations;
  • Family hostility.

Mikhail's Archangel turns in the moments of despair, in difficult everyday situations, with the threat of enemies with violence. His fiery sword can cope with any misfortune.

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Prayer for the protection of the house in front of the icon "Unbreakable Wall"

To protect your home from unwanted guests, thieves and envious neighbors, it has long been resorted to the help of the icon of the Virgin "Unbreakable Wall". It is customary to have an entrance door or opposite this door in the corridor, so that the Holy Lick looks at each incoming. Also, the icon saves the dwelling from:

  • fire;
  • Flood, flood;
  • other natural disasters;
  • Powered and evil eye.

Icon will guard the house during the lack of owners, even with a long lack. The prechile Virgo will cover its cover to the place about which they will be asked. When departure, you can write a prayer on a sheet of paper and put for the icon. You will also need to read the same prayer daily in the place where you will be. A prayer connection with the icon, which is in the house is very important.

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Maternal Prayer for Son

Maternal prayer is considered the strongest, she has repeatedly defended children in mortal danger. If his mother wishes his child happiness, she will be incentive to pray for his well-being and bless with their maternal blessing.

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Prayer Virgin about the protection of relatives

So that all expensive people were intact and healthy, you need to ask for the Virgin Mary. This prayer is not addressed to some particular icon, but to all at once. During prayer you need to have any one image of Our Lady and contact him. Prayer sounds like this:

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