Prayers from mistress: how to cross the husband or shoot a love spell


For a loving woman, there is nothing worse than the betrayal of a man. Faced with such a situation, most steam breaks relationships, but some ladies begin to fight for their own happiness, and any measures are ready for this. When persuasions and ultimatums do not help, it remains only to hope for the help of the highest strength and the will of God. If the husband lit up, then to enjoy him and return to the family will help prayers from the mistress. In this article, I will share with you the most strong prayers that will help get rid of the rival, and will tell when and how they need to read.

Prayer from the mistress

Prayer or magic?

A man can escape from his wife to his mistress, both in his will and because of the impact of the attitude. In any case, a loving woman who wishes to keep the family will go to any actions in order to bring him back to the family. At the moments of despair, some ladies are ready to refer to magic, without thinking about the consequences. Despite the fact that such a desperate act can really help get rid of the mistress and return her husband, it is strictly not necessary to make it.

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Any magical impact negatively reflects not only at the object to which it is directed, and on the one who makes it. As a rule, this is manifested as follows:

  • Will is lost;
  • The benefits go from life - happiness, luck, finance, etc.;
  • frequent quarrels and misunderstanding with loved ones;
  • deterioration of health status;
  • the emergence of serious diseases;
  • Digitious addictions;
  • aggressiveness.

Women who returned husbands with the help of magic, after a short period of time, began to regret the deed. Under the action of magic, a person changes. This will not be that loving, caring and attentive man, he will be more like an obsessed person who wants to follow his object of frost everywhere.

If it still happened that the husband hung mistress, you should seek help to the Lord. Only sincere prayers will help to reach the mind and the heart of the beloved, if he went on his own will. And if the fault of this was a love spell of the rival, the Most High cremes these spells, and the man will return to his wife.

Prayers from her husband's mistress

Rules of Ascension Prayer

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To pray from the mistress, the following rules must be followed as efficiently as possible:

  1. First of all, it is important to know exactly how holy can be used to get help in love and family matters. Sometimes women ask for personal happiness, refer to the faces that help in health issues. As a result, they are disappointed in faith and turn to magic.
  2. Many claim that prayer should be pronounced exclusively out loud, but in fact it can be whispered or talking about himself. God hears everything, and there is no difference for him, how a person is drawn to him. In addition, the text of the prayer is not necessary to teach by heart - it can be read from the sheet.
  3. When contacting the holy due, you need to ask not only for yourself, but for the wrong husband. For example, so that the highest forces make it wisdom and prudence, which will help to overcome the difficulties in the family and find mutual understanding with a loving wife.
  4. Sincerity, when reading the prayer will strengthen it in a hundred times, and assume the highest strength that you really wish that they ask them. If you just read the words from the sheet without understanding the value, then you should not hope that they will be heard by the Lord.
  5. Do not take prayers to the saints, being in the poor arrangement of the Spirit. To be heard Most High, you need to get rid of anger, offense and hatred.
  6. Reading prayers is allowed at any time of the day, and this can be done not only in the temple, but at home, at work, in transport or just walking down the street.

Sometimes the reason for the care of a beloved man to another, lies in the woman itself. Perhaps you behaved wrong, were cold, too demanding or somehow offended. Before contacting the highest forces for help, it is necessary to understand the current situation, and if the disorder in the family occurred according to your fault, the first thing you need to sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord. After that prayer from the mistress will be heard.

Who to pray for the return of a man?

To solve problems in family and love affairs, often turn to the Most Holy Theotokos, Nikolai the Wonderworker, as well as to Peter and Fevronia. The prayers ascended to them from her husband's mistress are strong and very effective. With their help, you can not only enhance the man, but also dispel the magic spell if it was committed. The main thing is sincerely wishing reunion with your beloved, and to trust the will of God.

Appeal to the Most Holy Virgin

The intercession of women and children, the keeper of family bonds - so called the Virgin Mary. To ask her to leave the mistress from her husband, not enough just to read the prayer. First you need to pass the ceremony of purification, which is a 3-day post, confession and communion. After that, before the icon of Our Lady you need to read the following words:

Prayer for the Virgin 1

This prayer helps even if the man is entrusted by the guidance spells. If you follow all the instructions, the lover will return home a few days later. But it should be noted that if the husband sincerely fell in love with another, then Mary's Virgo in this case will not be able to help.

There is another strong prayer for the preservation of the family, which you need to read before the icon "unfading color". In order for the spouses to be love, Floor and mutual understanding, it is recommended to keep this icon in the house. Prayer sounds like this:

Prayer to the Virgin 2

Finding to Peter and Fevronia

The holy pair of Peter and Fevronia is called patrons of marriages. You can contact them not only in cases where the relationship on the verge of gap, A and with small grinding. With their help, you can find a way and peace in the family, because They give spouses patience, wisdom and understanding.

The greatest strength of prayer to Peter and Fevronia is acquired on the day of memory of the saints - July 8. During the appeal to the pair, it is best to look at their face, so it is worth going to church or acquire an icon. It is urged to utter prayer words sincerely, it is important to stay in a good arms of the Spirit, and think about how much you love your man, and eager for his early return. The first prayer sounds like this:

Prayer for Peter and Fevronia 1

Another strong prayer will help to enjoy the prodigal husband, and lean the mistress.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia 2

Prayers to Nikolai Wonderworker

About wonders created by Nicholas, known to every believer man. It is treated with any problems, because it helps even when the situation seems hopeless, and it remains to be reached only on a miracle.

Before paying for help to Nikolay, the wonderworker must be ordered in the temple of Prayers about health, indicating the name of the husband and its own. Then you should buy 9 church candles, and put 3 pieces near the icons of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and Nicholas. Having stopped near the last facing, read the following prayer:

Prayer to Nikolai Wonderworker 1

Crossing three times, you can go home, bought with you another 9 candles, a small icon of the wonderworker and holy water. At home at any suitable time, when you will be in a good arms of the Spirit, it is recommended to periodically retake in the room to pray Nicholas. To do this, you need to put a purchased icon on the table, light the candle and pour in any container holy water. Using the words of prayer, you should represent how you are happy again with your beloved. The ritual can be repeated as often as the soul wishes.

Another strong prayer from her husband's mistress Nicholas Wonderworker will be effective even if a person is under the action of the laptop.

Prayer to Nikolai Wonderworker 2

Appeal to all holy

If the woman loves a man who went to another, but at the same time she is ready to forgive him, and wants to continue with him a joint life, it is recommended to take advantage of a very effective prayer that appears on the help of all saints.

Prayer to all holy

Words must be repeated for a week 3 times a day. In addition, it is important to sincerely ask the saints of help, representing how you reunite with your beloved man.

How quickly will prayer?

It is not necessary to wait that after reading the prayer, the husband will immediately forget about the mistress and will become an exemplary family man. Nevertheless, you need to save hope and believe that it takes up and breaks vicious connections. Only sincere prayers will be heard by the Lord. And help from him will not make himself wait long.

Unfortunately, wait can be painful, so a woman needs to learn to cope with emotions, and use time for themselves. It should work on himself, especially if the breakdown with the beloved happened by her fault. Thus, she will show him that it is ready to change for the sake of continuing relationships. The sooner she starts to do it, the faster the beloved will return to her.


  • To return her husband, it is better to turn to God, but not to magic.
  • Compliance with the rules in the ascension of prayers will increase the chances of success.
  • Prayers are so strong that they can not only instruct a man on the right path, and and save him from the love spell.
  • How quickly makes an appeal to the highest forces, largely depends on the woman itself.

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