Slavic lean grass symbol: Different ailments heals


In the Slavic symbol, the grass is symbolically depicts a magic plant, mentioned in numerous legends and legends. Slavs believed that with the help of the leaning herbs, you can protect yourself and close to any negative impacts, dark charms, from the influence of the entities of the world of Navi (that is, the world of dead), different evil spirits. In the following article below you can see the photo of the guard of Level Grass, and also learn more about his meaning.

Symbol of lean grass

An image of a sign

There are several versions on how this symbol belongs to. According to one of them, it is associated with three solar (that is, solar) deities: Yarila, Horse and Dazhbog. The second theory correlates the grass with the God of Forests with Svyaznobor and the goddess of all in love with Kostroma. It is difficult to determine which of the versions is correct, since, unfortunately, there are little reliable information about Slavic culture.

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If you bring the symbol of leaving the grass to the mirror, then we will see another of the Slavic fabrics in the reflection - Fern flower. But the latter was a faith of God kicked, who accounted for his own brother Goddess Kostroma.

When you look at the symbol of the hurt grass, then associations with a magic plant immediately arise. The charm is formed by four rays with processes on each of them, very similar to small branches. Perhaps that is why the sign correlated with God Svyazbor, who in Slavic mythology headed forests and groves.

And with the Divine Kostroma, the head of the grass, the photo of which is proposed below, has been correlated due to the fact that the ancient Slavs gave the name of the symbol white pita. And in Slavic mythology there is a story about how the goddess of Kostroma loved her brother, he also replied to her reciprocity. Beloved then did not know about the degree of their kinship, when they opened a terrible truth, the Kostroma was drowned in the river, and her soul was cleared by the elements of water.

Pendant Wheezing Lebel Grass

What value is the faith of the grass

Since ancient times, the magic sign was used as a protective wubble from any ailments (physical or mental plan). Slavs believed that the disease was saturated on the human body by evil spirits. With the help of a double fiery sign, all sorts of hands and indisposition burned. At the same time there was a simultaneous cleansing of the body, spirit and soul.

It is possible to use the holy grass symbol not only in the form of a native amulet. It is also applied to household items (dishes, towels), clothes, weapons and armor of warriors. The sign depicted on clothes is intended to protect the owner from the influence of the dark entities of the world Navi. On the dishes, he protects a person from poisoning. On the outfit - keeps reliably from enemy arrows, and on weapons - helps to strike enemies in inevitable blows, having won.

Lebeling the grass is formed by two solar signs, divided into rays, personifying the sun, fire and power of Beregin, who preserve a person from any misfortunes and misfortunes. Today it is difficult to say unequivocally about whether the Slavs of the Grass is really like a real plant.

Many places mention about it, ritual adherents. It is her who is asked to protect a person from the attack of sister of the Rachovitz (also known as dentions or fever). So called the evil demonic entities of the diseases that appear to people in the form of women sisters. Slavic mythology suggests that the Ragnikovs were created by a black-born dirt and bumps of the reurenik.

In the summer, the God of Perun sends fevers to the hellish world and people may not be so dangerous. But in the winter, Perun sleeps strong sleep, then the Chernobog again sends them to people.

Total sisters are twelve, but they are managed by the oldest sister of Kumuha or the demon of the spring cold. All other fevers in all of it are observed, and in the name of each of them they hide those torments that it delivers a fallen person:

  1. Dead (otherwise Neva) - is the most cruel when she overcomes a person, he does not let him go.
  2. Yellow - causes damage to internal organs, stomach and liver.
  3. Puknee - provokes the appearance of tumors and edema.
  4. Current - reduces the upper and lower limbs.
  5. Krycrya - manifests itself with convulsions.
  6. Fire - causes heat, high temperature.
  7. Ledder (or znobey) - makes a person to experience cold, warm without possible.
  8. Gluffy is the guilt of headaches and hearing loss.
  9. Dreakheye - leads to stiffness, takes the appetite.
  10. Breast - harm heart and light.
  11. Lyrya - provokes bone fractures, backs.
  12. Looking - causes a lack of sleep and breathtaking.

To protect against all sisters-Ragnikovitz and used our ancestors of the ease of grass. According to assumptions, we are talking about a real plant - a beast. Allegedly, their victims expelled the evil spirits of the disease from the body, cleaned the dwellings, conducting the fusion of the premises.

Interestingly, the welcoming drawings with the sign of the ease of herbs are found on products (such as the roasters) up to 50 years of 20th. This suggests that, despite the prohibitions, the native Vera Slavyanskaya was not forgotten, but continued to exist always, stored by individual clays and families.

lean grass charm embroidery

Who fits the lean grass symbol?

The worship of the Grass, first of all, is suitable for all people suffering from certain illnesses (physical or mental). It will reflect the attacks of the dark forces, negative magical effects (evil eye, damage, love spells and others). Provide good health, excellent well-being for many years.

Since ancient times, travelers were sure to take a sacral sign with them to protect against various misfortunes. And the finest representatives used the mascot for an emergency with the future spouse.

In conclusion

  • Establish-grass - acts as a coastal symbol that relieves a person from various ailments of physical or spiritual. Eliminates black magic influences, reflects attacks of entities from the world of Navi (the kingdom of the dead).
  • It is used as a healing amulet, to provide a man of heroic health.
  • The symbol is universal, it does not have bindings to the floor or age: suitable for women, men and children.

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