Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom



Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_1

Znier - a symbol of heavenly fire, sacred and restless. Slavs understood the original fire under it, the life-quality heat, which ensures the life of the entire living, eternal and inexhaustible energy source. Today, the znynusy in popularity is very inferior to other Slavic obers.

To whom it will come:

  • People suffering from lack of vital energy - will strengthen the biofield, will help maintain and multiply strength;
  • all interested in Slavic culture and those who want to keep in touch with the ancestors;
  • The symbol will be a good mascot for all students and training - Znier, like the subtle ether, omnipresent, he opens up different secrets of the world and makes information more easy to absorb. Therefore, students, teachers, and still writers, composers, inventors, singers can be used;
  • Healers - will provide powerful vital power, without which it is impossible to help other people.


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Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_2

This fiery sign presented the Slavs mighty God, Yarilo, in honor of him he got his name. Yarovrat was originally a symbol of agriculture, a good harvest, he was applied to the guns that the soil was treated. The second value of the amulet is in militancy: manifestations of strength, courage, rage. The symbol changed slightly - simple lines on it were replaced by six sequirs located in the direction of the clock arrow, each of them was completed by the triglav who was protected.

Yarovrat is, above all, a male symbol, he will help a man becoming more bold, confident, and also motivates to righteous actions. Wearing it fall under the protection of the gods of Yarily and Perun. But it can be used in order to more successfully overcome obstacles to women and children.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_3

Yarovik - acts as an ancient coast symbol, designed to protect the harvest and homemade cattle from diseases. Slavs usually applied it above the entrances in the stables, Glev, Bars and Ovina. At the same time, Yarovik was not a personal guard.

The sacral sign and today will help to preserve the acquired good, defending it from different detrimental factors around the world: animals from ailments, and property from theft, destruction, natural cataclysms. Yarovik is considered a universal solar sign, accumulating and transforming the energy of the Sun on the well-being and prosperity of the Slavs.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_4

The wedding is a powerful family talisman, it symbolizes the connection of two clans and the creation of a new, uniform system (Union of Male Fire Energy and Women's Water). The wedding is one of the few Slavic faiths that do not have sharp corners. Rings in it - personify the softness in family relationships, the light of the home of the heart, lightly eliminate the quarrel.

To whom it will come:

  • The wedding can be used by all married couples in order to harmonize relations, Lada and calm in the family, the health of all family members.
  • Please note that the amulet is not suitable for lonely people - it implies the presence of a second half-haul. Therefore, it is impossible to give it to those who are still without a pair.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_5

Allworker is considered a fiery coated symbol that protects against the destructive power of natural fire, as well as from the fire of the soul. Slavs was located on the ceiling in order to eliminate hot spores, conflicts, not allow Rugan. Allwoman attracts peace, or harmony into his family, harmony, promotes prosperity. It combines the forces at once of two Slavic goddesses: Lada - Mothers of everything on Earth and Glory (Slavuni) - Pramateri Slavs.

To whom it will come:

  • Allworker is a universal talisman that protects against fire;
  • If we talk about a native charm, it is more suitable for men;
  • It is worth purchasing it, moving to a new job - to establish good relations with the head and colleagues;
  • Young spouses with his help will be protected from conflicts, it will be easier for them to achieve mutual understanding;
  • Warriors - will help become stronger physically and spiritually.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_6

Velesovik - Heavenly Coast Symbol for men is associated with God Veles. He protects against bad weather, misfortunes, when finding far from home, and eliminates bad thoughts from the head, and from the life of bad people. Also helps to those who are due to all new activities: incomprehensible, dark, dremacy (scientists, researchers, inventors).

Velesovik is also called otherwise shindas (from the name of Daaria - hyperborei, ancient mainland). The symbol is good to give a woman to her beloved man.

Saint Dar.

Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_7

Saint Dar - Heavenly Coast Symbol for Men, is associated with God Veles. He protects against bad weather, misfortunes, when finding far from home, and eliminates bad thoughts from the head, and from the life of bad people. Also helps to those who are due to all new activities: incomprehensible, dark, dremacy (scientists, researchers, inventors).

Velesovik is also called other well veleovik. The symbol is good to give a woman to her beloved man.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_8

The amulet is formed by three components (faith, gift and joy), personifies the eternal wisdom, not to be destroyed. In the ancient Slavs, they used priests and Magi, the Address was applied to the place of power (temples, the temples, sanctuary).

The symbol of the Jedar is very suitable:

  • Everyone who works with closed information is opening the veil;
  • for teachers - to carry knowledge into the world;
  • students - for more easy learning of knowledge;
  • Everyone who constantly takes serious solutions: lawyers, judges, leaders. Contributes to a suspended and deliberate decision.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_9

Vedaman is a unifying symbol consisting of signs of kind, love and gift. Their combination is designed to provide and preserve love in the family, gives descendants.

To whom it will come:

  • Param wishing to give birth to a child - wear both partners with a picture to yourself;
  • everyone who wants to live in peace and harmony is to hang as a picture or embroidery in the dwelling;
  • Wise people who are comprehending the knowledge of the world who share knowledge with others.

Please note that the Vedaman symbol is not recommended for wearing children under adext.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_10

Walkiriya is a very powerful energy mark, refers to solar symbols. It is called up to protect the genus and native land, faith from any attacks of enemies. Valkyrie smoothes and neutralizes destructive military energy, makes fighters more calm. Also the charm also activates the owner's forces, ensures maximum results of activities.

To whom it will come:

  • In general, this is a universal symbol, but predominantly designed by Varna Warriors - that is, men or women performing life-threatening work (military, police, firefighters, employees in the army);
  • The greatest benefit will bring fearless, volitional personalities that will demolish any deprivation for their relatives, their homeland.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_11

Ryx belongs to the most ancient Slavic chambers, he takes away from his owner any evil: ailments, a declamation, someone else's negative. Our ancestors used them as a native amulet, and also painted a sign of a fish on the walls of houses, the tools of labor, the objects of everyday consideration. Ryx protects not only from attacks of other people, but also keeps a person from his own: from disbelief in their forces, fears, increased anxiety, self-headed.

To whom it will come:

  • Need an amulet lyric to people who do not have their own opinions that constantly look at others;
  • all overly looped in assessing themselves surrounding;
  • Those who are difficult to be surrounded by other people who are sick or feels exhausted when it is forced to communicate with unfriendly personalities;
  • Ryx mobilizes people working at the limit of opportunity: ambulance doctors, Ministry of Emergency Situations, climbers, speleologists. They will also give them an excellent intuition, so that the threat of a threat to life in time;
  • Suitable symbol and children for their protection against anyone else's evil.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_12

Svetok - a sign of combining fiery flows of land and sky. Thanks to their combination, a transforming universal vortex is created, which reveals the mystery of Being. Svetoch contributes to the acquisition of harmony, equilibrium, leads to the norm all internal systems and body organs. It has a positive effect on physical and spiritual plans. After all, body disease is, first of all, a certain inner problem. And the divine power of Light pushes the wrong way to true healing.

To whom it will come:

  • Amulet is actively used by Slavic Walks for powerful protection against negative;
  • unsure people, as it raises faith in their strength, opportunities;
  • Everyone wishing to go light, conscious through.

Svetok is a Slavic symbol of happiness and health, and even success. It is them that he provides its owner, helping him to cultivate spiritually and safely to withstand the blows of fate.

Symbol of kind

Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_13

This sign symbolizes the unity and birth of the initial Creator - the genus of the Most High. It was he who in the Slavic religion acts as a single father all on Earth, the beginning of all began and the basis of being. The world came to the Most High created by the world was divided into three components: Right (divine world), Jaw (Material World of People) and Nava (the world of shower, dead). And then the genus created the progenitors of Slavs - the goddess of Lada and the god of Svarog.

The symbol of the genus connects a person with his divine ancestors, protects from any unhappiness, Dark Energy Navi, even very heavy diseases heals, extends to earthly life, fueling the energy of world trees and Alatyre stone, favorably affects the biofield. Also, the sign awakens spirituality, it raises the desire to self-develop. Schematically depicts our galaxy.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_14

Switwisitis - symbolizes the eternal relationship between earth waters and heavenly fire, from which new clean souls appear, preparing to come true on our planet. Switwiths necessarily applied in the form of embroidery with pregnant women on her clothes for the birth of healthy kids. Otherwise, believed that the child would be a weak and strongly susclosed Schaluz.

To whom it will come:

  • Switwit - universal male and female charm. Particularly suitable for family people or a marriage soon. Helps to be born gifted baby.
  • In addition, it provides its owners clean thoughts, helps to achieve goals (but only if they are clean and bright).
  • Kids can wear it to improve health, protect against the influence of someone else's negative energy.
  • Woman wearing a symbol of Svitovit, shows the world his inner purity, loyalty and durability.
  • A man with the help of a sign becomes more enduring morally and physically, filled with confidence in himself, motivated to large feats and achievements. Especially switchitis suits the workers of extreme professions: military, climbers, mines, speleologists, sailors.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_15

Wati - the symbol of our galaxy - the Milky Way (the Slavs is called Perun or Match). In her daily, the God of Yaril-Sun exercises its path. Wati is the personification of the constant movement of the energy of life on Earth and its eternal rotation around the daylight. The charm contributes to the formulation of new goals, ensures spiritual development.

Wattie's waging is suitable for:

  • People who do not want to be in the shade seeking fame, success. They delivered them from the perfectionism and overestimated requirements for others, helps become successful in life. The main thing about to live according to the laws of the Universe, which remained thanks to the ancestors.
  • Pragmatists - Forcing them to think about the eternal, distract from everyday affairs and worries, to draw your eyes on the sky, which stores the many secrets of Being.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_16

Sweezich - symbolizes the heavenly fire, that is, the great power of the god of Svarog (the Creator of everything on our planet, the degree of the Slavic race), preserves various forms of life in the Universe, protecting them from spiritual decline and destruction as a reasonable look. It contributes to the acquisition of internal force that helps lead a more informed life.

To whom it will come:

  • Researchers who open up, study or change the world (masters, scientists, travelers, discovers, naturalists). In them, the wisdom develops the wisdom of the Slavic Divine.
  • People who are oppressed by their own bad thoughts in a state of mental disharmony are mistaken. Helps to find the meaning of life.
  • Protects the amulet from conflicts, confrontation with others, from any manifestations of someone else's negative, life-threatening situations.

Welders with the same success will protect its owner, both from the attacks of others, and from him itself, from its negative character traits, detrimental habits (alcoholism, gymnia), mental abnormalities.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_17

Svarga - personifies the heavenly path, spiritual climbing on the harmonious worlds of spiritual perfection, multidimensional realities, the final point of which is the divine world of the rule, where the souls of all of us should be at the end. This is a swoast symbol, a famous Yaril-Sun as the main cleaning force.

Wanga helps to get rid of outdated and more unnecessary installations of consciousness, negative habits and energy bindings. Heals the physical ailments through the decision of the root cause - a psychological problem, eliminates the solitude, failures, helps metaphorically reborn and start a new life.

To whom it will come:

  • everyone who resides in the state of depression does not see the meaning of life;
  • Those who want change does not want to continue to lead the former life that thirsty of self-improvement and spiritual development.

Swor Solntserat

Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_18

This is a symbol of not stopping the movement of the Yaril-Sunshit in the sky. Swor Solterat is associated with purity in thoughts and actions, goodness, spiritual light. Fills physical and creative energy, improves intellect, makes a person more energetic, fermented. The charm can be used to improve the financial well-being of the family, the main thing is that all homemade develops spiritually, there are only bright thoughts.

Since SWOR-SUWTWER patronizes the fiery god of Semargl, the symbol helps to win hostility-minded misfortuners, attracts order, peace and justice.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_19

Swor is a symbol of the eternal, endless heavenly movement, in the Slavs called the Svarga, the eternal cycle of the energy of life in the universe. Since ancient times, the sign was applied by our ancestors to the subjects of everyday use in order to attract financial well-being and happiness to the house.

Swor will keep the human soul from negative thoughts and actions, will prevent power pollution. It is important to feel an internal connection with this champion, if it seems comfortable to you, intuitively attracts - it means you need his help. But Svast is suitable for extremely honest, kind and decent personalities, without complaining of egoists, scoundrels and traitors.

The use of this symbol will help bring the surrounding space into a state of order and harmony, will change life for the better, attract the necessary people, having saved from everything alien, evil and insincere. It will establish a relationship with relatives, contributes to a more easy solution to the material issues. Swor is very suitable for those who are engaged in self-development, self-knowledge, strive for enlightenment.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_20

Svadha is considered to be a heavenly fiery symbol. It is a fire key, unlocking the gates of heaven and allowing the gods to receive gifts that they brought them. The sign personifies with inspiration, knowledge, it is a source of energy of transformation, conversion and rebirth. Eliminates the borders of the world of people, the kingdom of animals and the world of the deities.

The Svadge hides a symbolism of the incessant movement to perfection, the desire to comprehend the Divine Wisdom, and also - the desire for independence, leadership. It is believed that sometimes the symbol exhibits the ability to foresee the future. Wereg Svadha is an union of the forces of the sky and land, providing an eternal expansion of consciousness.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_21

Suast - a symbol of a life cycle, four northern rivers, who have once divided by Slavic lands into separate areas. Amulet was famous for powerful power, he was portrayed by Slavs on military guns. However, it was used in a peaceful life - to attract good luck in good endeavors.

To whom it will come:

  • Morally strong personalities that dream of high achievements in life, which respect the memory of the ancestors and live in accordance with the laws of the Universe.
  • Especially recommended, sustained for military, athletes, miners - will facilitate the achievement of goals, will help to become famous, win, add luck.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_22

Stribozhich (Other name Vortex) - the symbol of the god of the wind in the Slavs, a variable and windy stribling. The symbol of Striberich is designed to protect its owner from strong wind, unnoticeable, natural cataclysms. This is an overlap for travelers located far from the native home. Wars various failures, accidents: accidents, disasters, everything that carries a potential threat to life and health.

Stribozhich also teaches a person to look at life optimistically, in a timely manner in a changeable situation, provides glory, good luck in work, helps to embody the most bold ideas. More is considered a male faith, although it can be used by women. It's good to take it with you, going to a long journey.

Spiritual Swastube

Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_23

The spiritual swastika (Other Name of Uzich-Borich) is a sacral sign used in antiquity by wipes, cumulatives, that is, by the victims. Ensures harmony, combining the body with soul, spirit and conscience. The spiritual swastika was used to control the elements in the aim of controlling the elements. This is a symbol of ancestors, the connection of the present with the future.

If you apply a spiritual swastika as an ornament on clothes, it will provide spiritual growth, will contribute to the unification of physical and spiritual, healed from the ailments. And the dwelling depicted - all evil will take away from home. But note that the charm can be depicted antihocon and then it shows a colossal destructive and cleansing energy! This option can only enjoy very spiritually developed people.

Spiritual strength

Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_24

Spiritual force - personifies the incessant development of human spirituality. It helps to increase the concentration of spiritual strength, opens the secrets of the universe, does not allow blurred on material desires. Wakes up the generic memory, reveals a true purpose in the material and spiritual worlds.

Another spiritual force activates the domestic reserves, awakens divine energy in humans. It facilitates the experience of all life troubles, even such grave, as the death of a loved one or parting. Helps think clearly and realizing yourself so that neither happens. Connects its owner with friendly creatures from other measurements (more famous as angels).

To whom it will come:

  • Everyone who suffers from nervous disorders, phobias, depression does not know how to control their emotions;
  • public personalities - will provide peace of mind and confidence;
  • everyone to learn to think analytically, improve the concentration of attention on the tasks performed, the symbol throws up the right solution;
  • Military, representatives of dangerous professions - provides a clear head, Cool, teaches to own the body;
  • Family couples - to harmonize emotions, protection against quarrels, change.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_25

The source is the sacred Slavic symbol of the pranodine of the shower of human and the sun as the highest source of energy. The source began to start everyone, the source. Connected from the goddess of the life of the living and eponymous chara (energy center) of the human body.

Thanks to the amulet with the source, many ailments of the physical body can be successfully healing, it contributes to a more rapid spiritual development, it allows you to come into contact with Divine entities, teaches the control of the elements.

The origin of the source is a universal symbol, it suits the representatives of both sexes. The main thing is that people who wear it were interested in spiritual more than material and wanted to change themselves and their fate for the better.

Soul swastust

Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_26

The spiritual swastika is a sacred sign that allows us to concentrate higher healing forces. Previously, this symbol was allowed to use in the ornament of clothing exclusively with swallows - the most spiritually developed people in society. And now it is not considered a publicly available guard. This is a very powerful symbol who is lucky to use its strength - the most spiritually developed people, if they are worthy, will be able to change their reality and even influence people around themselves.

The spiritual swastika is associated with the spiritual world of man, it affects the soul, allowing you to get rid of various physical and mental illness by the light of the Light Divine Energy. Supports spiritual development, helps to accumulate power. Opens your owner, the innermost knowledge is inaccessible for the bulk of people, develops intuition, helps to foresee the future.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_27

Sonon - acts as an ancient solar symbol designed to reliably protect people and their property from the influence of the power of evil. Previously, it was preferably applied to clothing and household items, in particular, on kitchen utensils. Obereg Solon accumulates the energy of the Sun, he will save his person away from any obstacles, enemies, dark entities. It will help to create good, facilitates new beginnings.

To whom it will come:

  • Mature people who found themselves will save themselves from someone else's influence, fear, doubts, damage, bad thoughts, will strengthen the Spirit and direct the true path. Will ensure success.
  • Unebrid personalities tormented by doubts when making decisions will help come correctly.
  • Protects in war and in peaceful life and women, and men.

Sunny cross

Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_28

Sunny cross (or lush) - symbolizes the spiritual power of God Yarilo, the prosperity of the kind. Since ancient times, it is used in the form of a native guard, it was mainly whatened, princes, warriors, causing weapons and religious items. Do not confuse the sunny cross with the Heavenly Cross (Praster), because these are two different, although similar symbols.

Sunny cross is a powerful charm that carries the energy of light, heat and good. He protects the power of ancestors from any misfortunes and misfortunes, helping and maintaining a person who uses it. Gives the experience of generations, pure mind, strengthens family bonds, harmonizes the relationship in the family, heals from many twigs. Suitable for both women and men, but wearing it can only wise and developed spiritually people.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_29

Solard - symbolizes the greatness of fertility, the prosperity of the Mother of the Earth, which is filled with light, warm and love from Yaril-Sunny. Solar renewable and transforming symbol, producing abundance, prosperity of the Slavic people.

Solore introduces a new meaning to a person, plus provides material well-being - who wears amuleu, will not know poverty. Previously, the charm was used by newlyweds, dreaming about the birth of healthy children. SOLARD - a symbol of growth and development, he is opposed to Colda - a symbol of the destruction of the old one. As a rule, signs are used together: to first clean the life from all outdated, and then create a new one.

To whom it will come:

  • Everyone who from nature does not get courage, willpower, the ability to insist on their own - choose an amulet from oak;
  • For the development of wisdom, spiritual softness - Sosnovy Chair is suitable;
  • For inner harmony, peace and well-being in the family - buy ash and beech talisman.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_30

Slavolets is the Slavic female charm, a solar sign. In this sacral symbol, the image of a female start is stored. The symbol has an impact on all areas of women's life: Stores women's health, strengthens it, family ladies ensures the birth of healthy kids. And also protects from the temptations, gives a happy share. In this connection, the Slavsa traditionally embroidered pregnant women on their clothes, adding a sign of the Lada, Firphnev and Makos - with them, he finds even greater strength.

To whom it will come:

  • All women, especially those who long can not conceive a child or suffers from diseases of the female sexual sphere - to do this, purchase the amulet Slavsa and take the sign on the underwear.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_31

Sadhana is a sacred solar sign, personifies the focus on success, perfection, the embodiment of the goals. In the ancient Slavs, the system of rituals for contact with native deities was designated this sign. As a native overhang, Sadhana will save from negative energy - the latter will be destroyed, not reaching the addressee, overproofing it back to the offender. Particularly suitable for women and children who are most susceptible to the slohal.

Sadhana is a mini sun. And the rays of the sun are healing and cleaned. Showing the wearing symbol to people workers in the premises without sunlight: mines, sailors on submarines, it will become an analogue of the daily shone. But remember that the use of the sign will change your life drafically: provokes active development, both spiritual and material.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_32

Ryzhik - acts as a heavenly symbol of pure sunlight, given by the earth generous Yaroli-Sun. Personifies fertile soil, good harvest. In ancient times, the Ryzhik was applied to all the instruments of agricultural labor, and he also painted him on the entrance to the resident, the barn - the place of storage of the grain.

Another symbol value is in hard work. The charm helps to improve the financial situation, ensures success in agriculture, fishers (people who collect mushrooms, berries for sale, fishermen, hunters). The Ryzhik is very suitable for the use of chronic lazy people, which "will lead to a feeling", pushing to work.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_33

Rodovik is a coastal sign that retains the traditions of each family and the genus in general. His patron - God Himself, the creator of all things - the genus of Romen, who endows the wisdom and keeping his descendants. This is a universal symbol, can be applied by men, women and little children.

The owner of the breeding is filled with energy from the initial source of life, abides under the protection of the genus Rozhanich, and also always sees the world clearly, without illusions, as it really is.

To whom it will come:

  • immigrants living in exile who dream to find a home away from home - the symbol will help them in their businesses;
  • couples planning to have children - so they were born healthy;
  • a symbol of protection of all people from other people's negativity, evil eye, curses, slander, damage - for that it hung on the wall or portrayed in the house;
  • women actively arrange personal life - time to open our eyes to the unworthy men (Alfonso, stills, and so on);
  • men - will not tolerate tying relations with cunning hunter for the money;
  • superiors - to protect against fraudulent manipulation, moral pressure, imposing a strange position Rodovik make a person psychologically stable from attacks of enemies.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_34

Rodimich - embodies the universal force of Rod Rozhanicha - the Father of all in this world, reliably keeps the memory kind. Rodimich considered typically male talisman, with can be worn regardless of age - and older men and young boys. The symbol will add confidence, give a sense of security and peace of mind, make quarterback race.

Very good use Rodimich fathers who want to raise offspring in native traditions of their ancestors. They are filled with wisdom through it, will make the right decisions.


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Ratiborets - refers to the solar masculine symbols, represents the warrior courage, bravery and courage. Rusich applied to combat weapons and flags, banners, as believed Ratiborets able to blind enemies, forcing them into a panic to leave the battlefield. Sun sign possessed great power, but only a sincere man who shows absolute devotion to his native land, is not afraid to sacrifice their lives for their people. So the soldiers, he gives courage to ensure the victory will help to make the right and wise decision.


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Radinets - is a children's oberezhny symbol. Previously sacred symbol depicted on cots, and mom did embroidery on the clothes with him the kid with the aim to protect against negativity, evil eye, night terrors, specters.

Radinets provides small children a state of joy, peace of mind. It is applied to children's toys, hang over a stroller. Of course, it is best to do this with his own mother, putting in a mascot positive energy, good thoughts. For children under 12 years of age should embroider Radinets red threads, working sunny day or in the light of the rising moon. Older children can wear a symbol in the form of wood or metal suspension. Radinets protect health, ensure the development of intellectual abilities, physical strength and spiritual growth.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_37

The embonods - refers to the swastor solar signs, the symbol of the autumn Sun-Yarily, leaving on vacation, the end of the work for the good of the race. Another embodied is the personification of spiritual resistance, the hardworking of a person who receives from the mother-nature the opportunity to relax. It was applied to grain barns, where the ancestors were stored grain. The embonodents are filled with the limitless cleaning and protection of the power of the sun, life and light. The listed properties of the amulet help to maintain not only earthly fertility, ensure a good harvest, but also female.

It is noteworthy that in the ancient Slavs, even morally fallen people could use this symbol, designed to bring them on the right path in life - the path of the rule. The agalum will be a good memo for a person pointing to the need for spiritual development, refusal of degradation.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_38

Ostinee (second name Bulletin) - refers to heavenly protective symbols. It is intended to protect human and pets, birds, agricultural equipment. It can be worn on the body or applied to items. Ostine will protect the owner from the evil eye, the energy impact of stronger personalities.

And he brings good news, he will tell about good accomplishments, changes for the better. But also warn about the rough danger, it will help to find the right path, take the right life solution. Adds personal charm, develops the abilities of the speaker, helps to achieve the location of important people. Helps in negotiations and transactions. He will save from fear, disbelief in his strength, losses, will ensure prosperity and success, relieves life activity, moral power to steadily go through life.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_39

Ovnevitsa - acts as a solar protective symbol that supports the heavenly goddesses and absolute protection from the forces of evil for married women. He has a connection with the Slavic goddess of the soft. In the firewits laid women's energy - plastic, fluid, changeable, but inexorable.

But the sacred guard can only be used by married women who born at least one child! It is not suitable for young girls, especially small girls. Energy of fighter is acceptable exclusively for a mature woman with a psyche formed and a rapid soul, who discerned the joy of motherhood. It can be applied as an embroidery element on clothing.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_40

Firemaker - refers to the fiery symbolism of Ryozhanich. Slavs painted it on the statue of the God of God, on the roofs of the housing, window shutters, ceilings of houses and towels. The purpose of using the fireproof was to protect all the members of the family and home from any evil: someone else's negative, natural cataclysms, the influence of entities from the world Navi by the Supreme Divine of Rusich - the most familiar.

Leb neck

Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_41

Hardeane-grass is a coated symbol, designed to protect the human body from any ailments. Slavs believed that many diseases are saturated with evil spirits, and a double solaric symbol will burn all sorts of a birth, clearing all the shells - the physical body, soul and spirit. Hardeane-grass was worn in the form of a native guard, and she was also depicted on clothes, dishes, weapons, military uniforms.

To whom it will come:

  • All patients who want to quickly cure their ailments, defending themselves from the dark entities and negative submissions of unkind people;
  • Just people who are worried about their health and loved ones - as the prevention of physical, mental and mental sores.


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The Symbol of the Custody includes the star of Inglia, which is complemented by a sunny sign in the middle. This is an ancient sacral chaff, making its owner healthy, happy and joyful. The value of the Custody is no longer connected with a specific person, but with all the people as a whole. He protects his homeland due to the strength of the Fair. And when wearing on the body shows that a person is a descendant of his native gods.

To whom it will come:

  • Those who want to protect themselves from spanking, smoothing, curses, all evil, from the enemies of the external and from themselves: from depression, bad thoughts, temptations, dissatisfaction with life, destructive habits;
  • Teenagers will smooth sharp corners of their character, will help to harmoniously interact with the world.


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The logbook is a symbol of movement to integrity, unity, good. Elements in it move opposite, which personifies the feminine beginning. Sacral Charple is responsible for birth, revival or rebirth new, which indicates its name. The logbook according to tradition is given to newlyweds, so that they are born beautiful, healthy and strong kids.

The symbol was applied to the bride's wedding dress so that she was able to continue his genus. Also, the Novoroditenik washed on the chest with family women who could not get pregnant. The sign provides a long-awaited conception, easy pregnancy and childbirth. As an embroidery on the belt, a solaric symbol will protect the hostess from the ailments, supports powerful vivaging power in it.


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Skatcher is a symbol of spiritual pathways after the death of their physical shell. This is a guard that was previously applied on the clothes of the dead either applied to their graves.

Now the scope of its application has expanded somewhat: the sweatshop is used to find the right path among the many others to protect against intrigue, goose enemies. And if you put it on the clothes of the deceased or put it in the coffin, it will contribute to finding its path in the world of Navi - the world of dead.


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Narayana is a sacred heavenly symbol denoting a bright spiritual journey of Slavs. This is the personification of the spiritual improvement of a person, the corresponding lifestyle, behavior. Narayana symbolizes the divine consciousness, the infinite development of the mind, the symbol helps to find answers to the questions: "Who are we? Where we are going? Why came to this world? " Provides spiritual development.


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Molvinets (from the word "to pray") - an overlap, designed to protect the Slavs from any evil: bad other people's words, generic curses, leaders, slanders, envy. He was given by God himself. A sign is a reliable, powerful shield from bad words and breasted in the energy body of its owner. He returns all the negative back to the sender with its sharp rays.

Also, the Molvinyan enhances orders, develops the ability to eloquence, multiplies good words. It is worn as a native charm regardless of gender and age.


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Marrye (Other Marry's name) - Sacred Heavenly Sign, symbolizing the divine light, which descends on our Midgard-Earth. In the daytime, this light gives people the Yaril-Sunny, and at night - the stars. Marichka - symbolizes the awakening of the dormant spirit, the particles of God in each of us. Since ancient times, the symbol was used when dealing with the divine essence, located inside a person, in rituals, when they treated the deities.

Cross Lada

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The cross of the Lada (Other Ladynet name) is a symbol that personifies family harmony and happiness. He acts as a female guard that protects against someone else's evil eye. To strengthen the strength of the Ladinz, he fit into a large circle (Kolo), the movement of the arrows in the symbol of Antosolon. The cross of the Lada increases the external beauty, it is worth protecting women's health, helps to find their female destiny, normalizes the hormonal background, eliminates the sexual spheres.

To whom it will come:

  • A girl and a woman of any age - can be worn all over;
  • Lonely girls with the help of the Lada Cross will reveal their femininity, and married - will acquire a family harmony, a way, well-being;
  • Pregnant women - will be the keeper of the mother and the fetus, because the Goddess of Lada patronates motherhood;
  • Little girls with the help of the guard will be in gentle, affectionate palms of Mother's Lada, it will develop in them the female essence.

The cross of the Lada is a pair guard of the male symbol of the range.


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Avadnik - is a symbol of god carriages, creating changes and updates for the better. He personifies the victory of darkness with light, nights Day. A carwdnik - a male charm that fills men by force that in the work that in the battle with enemies. Used a sacred sign and for small boys - as a symbol of a courageous kind, the ability to give a decent opposite to opponents.

Woman - Bereginina of the family hearth, could be used a beadron, but only a short time and very rarely. Usually in difficult moments of life in order to develop typical male characteristics of character: will, decisiveness, courage, solidness of the spirit. But constantly carrying wanted women can not.


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Kolochort is a symbol of the dual system of perception of the world: the eternal struggle of two opposites, such as life and death, good and evil, light and darkness, truth and krivda. It is used by the Slavs for Divine Assistance in the resolution of controversial moments, it helps to distinguish bad from the good. Colokht will help a person to take a difficult, controversial decision. It is an indispensable amulet for judges and leaders who lies great responsibility for other people's lives.

Colokht provides spiritual harmony, for which it is recommended to be placed over the entrance to the house or elsewhere, where there is air circulation: the symbol rotation will harmonize energy flows, directing them in the desired line for peace, harmony and family prosperity.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_51

COLD - symbolizes a fiery update, transformation. It is intended for the use of newlyweds: the bride's wedding should give a decoration with Cap and Solore (they work in a pair) so that she can become pregnant, to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

COLD + SOLARD is the symbols of the Sacred Family Union, they endow the young great wisdom of the great-grandparents, transmit their experience. Call is very rarely used single, because it personifies one of the components of the force. It is usually included in the jewelry composition on a par with other characters.

Heavenly cross

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The Heavenly Cross (another name of Prasrat) - symbolizes the heavenly spiritual power, the power of generic unity. Refers to the most ancient Slavic symbols, which are preserved the least information.

The ancient Slavs, the Heavenly Cross was used in the form of a native champion, was called upon to guard his owner, to provide him with the help of the great-grandchildren and God of God, awaken the generic memory.

To whom it will come:

  • all people developing spiritually;
  • Those who are exhausted in a physical or mental plan, who does not have enough strength to fight difficulties - a native guard of Heavenly Cross will give the help of the birth of earthly and heavenly.


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Grozovik is a swastic Slavic-Aryan symbol having a bright fiery color. They manage the gods of Perun-Rubezzzz and God-blacksman Svarog. The slopovik is applied by the victims in order to influence the weather conditions, control the elements of nature, and even to protect housing and sacred places. It is also a male sign, symbolizing strength, generic defense, the ability to give a worthy opposite to opponents.

To whom it will come:

  • Now people whose life depends on the natural elements: sailors, fishermen, climbers, submariners;
  • All shipping on the journey - to protect against adverse weather phenomena;
  • Military - for victory over enemies, for this purpose they are applied to weapons or clothing for combat.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_54

Gromovik refers to heavenly symbols storing the ancient wisdom of the deities. It is very similar to a slope, the club is also under the control of Perun and has a bright fiery color. The difference between the signs is to the direction of movement, and also in the fact that the slurry is greater than the sign of the natural element, and the grove is a symbol of warriors, military art.

It can be applied to military uniforms and weapons. Most of all, he suits people from Varna Warriors who are forced to constantly fight, have harsh principles and always respond to the blow.


The hostwriter is the personification of the eternal patronage and the strength of the relatives of the gods spiritually developing people, their cultivation of spiritual and physical. This is the symbol of talent, the gift of God, who has always been very honored by the Slavs.

To whom it will come:

  • creative people and those who go to the Vedic spiritual way (artists, musicians, poets, all talented and light personalities) - gives inspiration, leads them to success;
  • Todders - so that it is easier for them to reveal the talents laid by God and show them in life.


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Garuda - refers to heavenly sacred symbols, this is the personification of the Great Fire Chariot Chariot (Waitmar), uses God to send to move along Svarg. Also, Garuda is another bird soaring in the stars of the universe, carrying law and order on the wings. Charm with Gorudova helps a person approach God, cleans and expands consciousness, allows you to feel like a particle of the Divine. Wearing a symbol will always understand where the truth, in the blink of an eye to evaluate what is happening, act quickly, without delay.

Also, Garuda opens access to secret knowledge, develops the ability to foresee the future. Helps to understand the high truths, so scientists need, researchers, especially those who study the universe, space. And the children with the help of a sacred symbol will be able to find their life path.


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The ruble symbol of the universe border between life on Earth in the material world of Javi and life in the highest worlds. This is a reverse character, which besides its main value, aggressively sweeps all the unkind, which is directed against its owner. He opens the gate to the unknown. The bubbers is suitable for the protection of the dwelling, for this purpose he is hanging on the window or at the entrance to the house. It symbolizes for an extraneous defined border, indicates that they come to someone else's territory.

Also, the sign opens the secrets, unknown by the accomplishment, gives a person wisdom, awakens the gift of clairvoyance, helps to comprehend the secrets of the universe. The wubble will help develop the qualities of a typical leader: the power of will, purposefulness, will give a powerful inner reserve to combat difficulties.

Star Lada

Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_58

The star of Lada is a symbol of women, because it has rounded ends, personifying with female beauty, tenderness and softness. This wrapper patronizes Lada Mother - a female goddess, bringing in a family of a way and harmony, providing a happy motherhood that stores homemade focus from quarrels, patroness of widows, orphans and kids.

Wearing a whaw star of Lada can representatives of a beautiful floor regardless of age. The sign will involve second half in their lives, provide harmony, family consent and love. Protects from ailments, boredoms, longing, family contention and misunderstandings with children.

Fern flower

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Flower of fern - personifies the purity of the spirit and fire, has powerful healing abilities, it is believed that indicates hidden treasures and embodies intimate desires in life. Flower of fern is designed to give wealth, but only through spiritual development.

To whom it will come:

  • Everyone who is committed to achievements, wealth, but not only material, and spiritual - will be a guiding star on the way to goals;
  • Patients with people - will pull out from their body. At the same time, the amulet itself absorbs negative energy, so it should be cleaned periodically under running water. Cleans both physically and spiritually;
  • Newlyweds wishing to create a strong and happy family.


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Dunzia personifies the combination of heavenly and earthly live fire, is designed to protect the unity of the kind. The symbol was used for all fiery altars, when bringing bloodless offering deities and ancestors. Dunni provides peace, stability, justice and good people. It is often applied to the material things that affect the situation, thereby demonstrating the importance of the unity of the material with spiritual. It is important to remember that the rays of the sign move to anti-ignition, so its impact is quite aggressive.

Dunzia can be used spiritually developed people - those who develop spiritually, but wants to achieve and material well-being, owns wisdom, purposefulness, comprehends the knowledge of the ancestors.


Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_61

The symbol of the internal, initial life fire, which eliminates the body and the soul of the person from any pole. To this end, it is recommended to be applied to the fabric, and it is to cover the patient. Dukhobor can be applied and in preventive purposes - inflicting on clothing. It refers to universal symbols - that is, it can be used both by adult representatives of both sexes and children.


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Dhahat performs a solar symbol, the personification of the inner and external structures of man. This is the designation of the four main elements donated by the deities created by the Earth and those present in each of us: the physical shell (land), conscience (water), souls (fire) and spirit (air).

The symbol of Dhata is recommended to wear as a breastplate or use as embroidery on clothes. But do not make a tattoo with him, especially if you have no hardness and sustainability in the decisions made. Wearing a sign must people who are constantly developing spiritually and taking responsibility for the selected path. They will give them the protection and support of the kind, will lead to success and prosperity.

Heavenly Vepr

Slavic Alerts: Overview of characters, their meanings to whom 3087_63

Heavenly Wear - the symbol of the pag of the circle of the naughty, the God of Ramkhat patronizes him. The sign combines the past and future, the wisdom of people and gods. Heavenly Wear can wear those people who started spiritually improve themselves. The symbol refers to cosmic, it means spiritual development, but is associated with the material world: it helps a person to harmoniously combine both. Moves wisdom, clean light, rushes to sublime purposes, gives stability in thoughts, helps to make a correct choice.


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Refers to solar symbols, mainly this is a male sign, symbolizes the update in the family. According to an old reference, if you wear a belt with a bunny to my wife before pregnancy, then she will give birth to a boy - the successor of the kind. Sacred sign patronize all deities of fertility from Slavs.

This is a generic charm, the personification of wisdom, communications with great ancestors. Helps to maintain the continuity of the kind, protects children - and those that were born, and those that only come to the family. Bunny is recommended to embroider on clothes for women in position and newborn: the first for easy pregnancy and childbirth, and the second is to protect the baby from someone else's evil eye, envy, diseases.


Bogodar is a symbol of the incessant patronage of Slavic deities, in brief this is the gift of God. Wearable as the guard of Bogodar opens the owner of the truth, contributes to enlightenment, aware of the fact that the accuracy was hidden, an understanding of his true purpose in this world. A very suitable symbol of those people who perform deciphering various incomprehensible signs.


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The altarist is an important solar coastal symbol in which the combined energy and the power of Slavic childbirth, deities and ancestors are concluded. The gods caused a symbol of the altar of the world's roots.

This symbol is not massively common - it is usually used priests, the Magi, who fulfill the sacred sentences to the gods. Altarist - conductor of three worlds - Navi, Rights and Yavi. And if you embroider with silk threads a sacral sign on linen fabric - you can protect yourself from conflicts with relatives or foreign people.


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In the legends of Slavs, Stone-Alatyr is the center of the Universe, its beginning. The Alatyr symbol personifies the same legendary stone, symbolizes the unity of the Slavic peoples with the deities. It is still hidden by secret knowledge, in ancient times transferred to the gods.

Alatyr - is a universal guard, suitable for women, men and children. It fills its owners of the creative energy of the light of the sun, has a very soft and neat effect, eliminates bad thoughts, protects against bad actions, contributes to the disclosure of natural potential. Makes thoughts clear, leads a person to the right path, even in hopeless situations, emphasizes wisdom and optimism.

Agni (fire)

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Agni (fire) - acts as a Slavic protective symbol, personifies the sacred sacrificial fire and homely focus. Agni protects homes and temples, preserves the sacred wisdom of ancestors and deities. Fire is a mediator of bright gods and people. The Agni Wereg will fill its owner of physical and creative energy, will provide clarity of thinking. But it will make a person and slightly more fervently, hot, if he has enough wisdom. In this connection, we recommend that the symbol is wearing only adults, it is impossible to children.

Agni is a universal symbol, suitable for men and women. He will retain from someone else's negative, from any evil and man and his property, will help make the right decision even in critical situations.

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