Rahu in the 10th house in a woman and a man


Rahu in the 10th house is a very powerful indicator that speaks of a person engaged in high social status. At the same time, he religious, help and support draws in communicating with God. He has great potential, and it has every chance of becoming successful and financially free.

general characteristics

People with a similar indicator are desperate careerists. Very purposeful, active, complete ambitions and extremely ambitious. They strive not only to material well-being, but also to universal recognition, glory and authority. May be dependent on someone else's opinion, from which they often suffer.

Rahu in the 10th house in a woman

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But their personal life is either missing or full of problems. To fix it, it is important to find a free time to search for the second half and pastime with it, and not just work. It is also desirable to get rid of internal barriers and restrictions that interfere with believe in love.

From the outside they can make the impression of very closed, closed and cold natures that are not able to sincerely love, trust and take care of someone. But this is just a mask, a protective barrier, followed by a thin and waters of the soul, most of all dreaming of a simple human happiness.

Rahu in the 10th house in a woman

Most of all, in the world, such a woman is afraid to lose freedom, live within and restrictions, obey someone. It is important to her a free schedule of work so that she felt her mistress herself and did not have to abide by Deedlins.

Rahu in the 10th house in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. She can earn a lot of money, but at the same time will absolutely won't feel their number. It is important for her to learn financial literacy so as not to lower everything earned immediately, but to preserve and multiply your capital. Accumulations are simply necessary.
  2. In the depths of the soul, she dreams of family and homely comfort, but almost never shows, deceiving and themselves, and others. Creates an image of a careerist, successful, in a rigid business woman, cold-blooded, rational and calculating, than scursting seriously tuned men.
  3. She rarely develop close and trust relationships with people, because she does not know how to express and show feelings, take care of someone, share love and warmth. Behind all this lies great fear to be attached to someone and turn out to be rejected.

Tips of astrologers: It is important for you to work out internal contradictions, restrictions and fears to be realized not only in the career, but also in personal life. Learn to accept and give love, becoming a true woman, get rid of aggression and rigidity.

Rahu in the 10th house in a man

Rahu in the tenth house in the men's natal map indicates the potential of politics or public figure. He knows how to produce a good impression, has oratory talents and full of ambitions that do not be lazy and sit still.

Rahu in the 10th house

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. As a rule, he devotes most of his life to work, loads his time, often without leaving him even an hour to rest. It prevents a family life to arrange a family life, because in the dense chart find a free evening to date it is quite difficult for him.
  2. In his past embodiment, this man was a very family, homemade man. Therefore, his karmic task in the current life is the opposite: to be implemented, to achieve a high position in society and strive for career altitudes, become successful and rich.
  3. He often lack patience, so it is difficult to put long-term goals or do business, the result of which is not visible immediately. To neutralize this disadvantage, it is possible to find classes in which rapid success is possible, and the results of effort arise as all tasks are fulfilled.

The Astrolov Council: Your dedication is great. But you need to learn how to find time not only to work, but also for a personal life to be a balance. Perceive love and relationships with women not like a career interference, but as an additional source of forces and energy.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Rahu in the tenth house in Natal Map gives a man great potential and limitless opportunities. It can be rich, if he wants to be implemented in his beloved and conquer authority in a large number of people. High status is important for it.
  • He sincerely believes in God and is usually becoming an adherent of some religion, and then holy observes all the commandments and rituals. Therefore, if the business is building, then honest, in relations is faithful, in the money generous. Many and often sacrifices for charity, can give in need of the latter.
  • He is very important a reputation that he thoroughly protects. If evil languages ​​tried to dismissed him gossip, he will feel very unhappy because he wants to produce only a good impression on people. It is important to learn not to depend on someone else's opinion.

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