Favorable days for operation for December 2020


Surgical operation is a very responsible step towards your health. In emergency cases, surgery is carried out immediately, but when planning surgical manipulations should be carefully taken to the choice of the day of the week.

Today we will look at favorable days for the operation for December 2020: what time is the most successful. My neighbor constantly walks to the beautician to the pricks and face tightenment, while always in advance chooses the right time along the lunar calendar. Any invasive intervention in the human body can be called an operation, even for cosmetics purposes.

Favorable days for operation December 2020

The effect of the moon on the human body

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The lunar disc not only illuminates the night sky with its mysterious reflected light, but also intensively affects liquid media of all living on Earth. Every schoolboy knows about marine tides and lowers, but the human body is 75% of water. It occurs peculiar tides and lowers internal media. How can this affect the operation? For example, in a full moon, a person loses a large amount of blood, because the coagulation function is broken, and in the new moon the seams will be wrapped in a very long time.

Night shining makes its own adjustments to our body, and you have to be considered. Also, the moon affects the human psyche, which also matters when planning operations. If the emotional background is unstable, one should not go to the operating table. Usually, unstable emotional well-being happens:

  • in the days of noving / full moon;
  • in Satanian lunar days - 9, 15, 19, 23 and 29;
  • Days of lunar and solar eclipses.

Try to these unfavorable days not to appoint important events. You can not agree for some reason, to sign a contract, take / give money, operate, to visit the beautician and hairdresser.

In unfavorable lunar days:

  • chronic ailments are exacerbated;
  • Appears unprecedented aggression;
  • Cardiac rhythm is broken;
  • Immune protection is reduced.

Surgical operations are carried out both under local anesthesia and under common. The influence of general anesthesia on the body is extremely unfavorable, and if the operation is carried out into the day in disadvantaged in terms of the lunar calendar, then unpredictable side effects are possible.

To protect the body from the harmful effects of lunar phases, it is prohibited in unfavorable days to drink alcohol, listen to criminal and other unpleasant news, to eat meat dishes, increase physical exertion.

It is especially dangerous to expose your body testing of physical exertion. In the new moon, the human energy is very exhausted, therefore the decline is guaranteed. If you expose your body to surgical intervention, it will be necessary to restore it for a long time after this stress. In the full moon there is a risk to quickly exhaust its energy potential, as the energy literally fountains. New moon and full moon days in meditation, or just relax.

Lunar calendar of operations

Moon quarters and phases

So, the lunar month is divided into 4 periods - a quarter. Two of them fall on the rise of the lunar disk, and two - to decline. The quarters are lunar phases.

Arriving moon:

  • new moon (zero lunar day);
  • First quarter (1 - 7 days);
  • Second quarter (7 - 14 days);
  • Full moon (15 lunar day).

Waning moon:

  • Third quarter (15 - 21 days);
  • fourth quarter (22-8 days);
  • Old Moon (29 - 30 days).

Full moon lasts three days, his peak falls on the 15th lunar day. Actually, the lunar day can last from a few minutes to several sunny days. Suppose the phase of New Moon lasts only a few hours, the same applies to the thirtieth moon day. Therefore, when planning operations, it is important to watch when the lunar disk goes back and comes.

Important! In the new moon on December 26 there will be a solar eclipse. Operations are extremely undesirable. Full moon - December 12.

The sunrise of the moon occurs at any time of the sunny day, not necessarily at night. You probably paid attention to that a pale moon bloom in the sky in the sky.

Important! Favorable days for operations in December 2020: 1, 2 and 7 number.

Also, the lunar calendar of operations should be compiled, taking into account this state of the night shone as the moon without a course. This is the "Hallowing of the Moon", and the result of the operation at this point is impossible to predict. Fortunately, the moon without a course is only a few hours or minutes, so the trouble will not deliver. What is the "moon without a course"? This is when the night shine left one zodiacal constellation, but not yet passed into the neighboring.

Favorable days for operations in December 2020

The effect of the moon on the course of operation

It turns out that the type of operational intervention is also dependent on the lunar phase:
  • There are organ transplants growing, bone tissue and teeth are increasing, implants are implanted;
  • The removal of tumors and neoplasms is well on the descending moon.

If you decay to remove the appendix, then the seam quickly tarnish and nothing will happen. If the growing remove appendix, there may be complications of varying severity.

On the growing moon, transplanted organs are good, actively grow and develop. The energy of the moon contribute to the regeneration of tissues and rapid healing. Also, astrologists are recommended on the growth of the moon to impact heart valves: any implants will take root without complications and rejection.

How to choose the right day? First, you should immediately exclude all unfavorable days. Secondly, to decide on a favorable day. Astrologers recommend a decreasing moon. It is believed that with descending of the lunar disk and illness with disabilities. At the very least, the energy of the night luminaries contribute to this.

18 liters D. - It is recommended to carry out an operation on veins and arteries. Also, this time is favorable for surgical interventions for the correction of organs located above the chest. This neck, throat, thyroid, ears, nasopharynk.

  • 20 liters d. - successfully passes operations of internal organs, mammary glands, urinary organs, legs.
  • 21 liters D. Favoms the surgical intervention of the lower respiratory tract, liver, peritoneum organs.
  • 24 liters d. favorable for the treatment of the stomach and the pancreas.
  • 25 liters. d. Suitable for the operations on the spine, back and heart.
  • 28 liters D. Favorable for surgery of the visual apparatus and operations on the head.

If you follow these recommendations, the treatment will be successfully and without complications.

Effect of zodiacal circle

The signs of the zodiac are influenced on the human health condition: they can weaken or strengthen certain organs of the body. In antiquity, they noticed that zodiac constellations have a direct impact on certain organs and body systems. Astrologers are not recommended to treat or operate organs that at the moment weakens the zodiacal constellation.

For example, if the moon is in the constellation of Aquarius, which weakens legs, then it is impossible to treat and operate. Days should also beware when the moon is in mutable signs (transitional to another element). These are fish, Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemini. These signs are distinguished by impermanence, changeability and anxiety. The outcome of the operation in this case is predicted problematic: everything can go smoothly, but strong complications or failure in the case of cosmetic correction are possible.

It should also be considered the fact that when moving the night shone from one zodiac constellation to another, the equal influence of both constellations is felt.

If it is independently difficult to understand the intricacies of the influence of the stellar system on the human body and the surgical operation, you can always order a detailed horoscope at an experienced astrologer.

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