Morning prayers: Read the Morning Rule in Russian


The fathers of the Church teach that believers need to be constantly in contact with God through prayer. If a whole day is not praying, then at least in the morning and in the evening the prayer arch should be read. Morning prayers are very important, because they set up a person to communicate with the Divine Truth. I recently learned that my classmate believed in God and prayed since childhood.

She did not tell us anything, because she feared the ridicule. But I always noticed that she was different from all classmates. It was attended by some kind of inner light, peace and pacification. Here, such a miraculous action produce prayers if you read them constantly. In the article, I will tell you about the morning prayer rule: how to read it, how many times and when.

Morning prayer

What is a prayer rule

The prayer rule is called evening and morning prayers that an Orthodox Christian should read daily. Texts of prayers are in the prayer of the desktop book of each Orthodox person. The prayer rule forms the rhythm of the spiritual life of the believer, without which it is very easy to lose faith and fall out of the church life. Daily prayers read by all Orthodox, combine them into a single whole.

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The celon prayer as a phenomenon arose with the advent of monastics in the IV century of our era. The monks lived either in generally secluded and communicated with each other on holidays, or lived in small communities and also met infrequently. In those days, prayer rules were drawn up, intended for different needs. In Russia, the prayers were approved in the final version of only 200 years ago.

There is a common and individual prayer rule that his confessor picks up for man. It takes into account the spiritual and physical condition of the believer, the level of employment and other nuances.

Daily reading prayers:

  • strengthens faith;
  • straightens and disciplines the soul;
  • forms the right spiritual attitude;
  • forms appropriate relations with God;
  • Protects from the influence of Satan to the mind;
  • Protects from the commission of sins;
  • helps to pay off internal passions;
  • Binds believers of all times and peoples together.

When we read the Psalms of David, as if we connect with him in the spirit, and there is a beneficial communication between our souls. When we appeal to the Virgin, as if we become a single essence with it. This happens on the invisible level. But invisible - does not mean not existing. Perceive prayer as a conversation with a person who favors you.

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Morning rule read in Russian

There are 3 options for the prayer rule:

  • full;
  • brief;
  • Brief PRP seraphim Sarovsky.

Complete morning rule can be read in Russian in prayer.


Morning prayers: Read the Morning Rule in Russian 3251_3

The brief prayer rule of the Rev. Seraphim of Sarovsky is adapted for laity vanity:

  1. 3 times our father;
  2. 3 times the Mother of God;
  3. 1 time Symbol of faith.

This rule is designed for weak physically people working for 10 hours a day and in grave circumstances. Fathers of the Church are strongly recommended daily practicing a prayer rule, even in the abbreviated version. Otherwise, the enemy of mankind will quickly lead and destroy the soul.

Morning and evening rule - mandatory daily spiritual hygiene.

The main Orthodox prayers should be known by heart. It is not necessary to learn specially: they will remember themselves with daily repetition. The text of the morning prayers can be read not only after waking up, but at any time of the day. Prayer is a conversation with the father of heaven, and not just a folding verse.

If it is difficult to perceive the texts in the Church Slavonic language, you can seek help to sensible prayer. There you can find a translation into modern Russian. Selling meaningless words in Staroslavyansky, without understanding their meanings, the benefits will not bring. It is necessary to realize every word so that it goes from the heart itself to God.

Small morning rule

For beginners, Christians are allowed to read a small prayer rule in the morning, which contains 5 main Orthodox prayers:

1. You need to set yourself to the godfather, pronounce:

Morning prayers: Read the Morning Rule in Russian 3251_4

2. Next, you need to pronounce the prayer "Our Father".

Morning prayers: Read the Morning Rule in Russian 3251_5

3. Further, you should read three times with the sacrifice of the cross and the belt bowl of the prayer "Truce":

Morning prayers: Read the Morning Rule in Russian 3251_6

4. Next readers the prayer of the Virgin Mother:

Morning prayers: Read the Morning Rule in Russian 3251_7

5. At the end, they read the prayer of the Holy Spirit:

Morning prayers: Read the Morning Rule in Russian 3251_8

This short rule is suitable for beginners, in the future you need to add other prayers from Prayer.

Morning prayers read text

How to read a rule

During reading a prayer, it is important to have the right internal mood. It is unacceptable to have an enmity in the heart in the near, to enter the plans for revenge enemies in the mind and be in a funeral state. The forces of the believer should not be directed to the fight against external enemies, but to fight with their own sins. This "internal doing" is very important for the believer and is the essence of the Orthodox tradition.

There are two troubles at the believer, practicing prayer rule:

  • Morning hurry;
  • Evening fatigue.

A conversation with God needs to be held in a joyful setting, and not taking the words "for the tick". Such words will not reach the throne of God, because they are deprived of sincerity. Read the text of the morning prayers is better before breakfast, immediately after waking up. In the case of Morning Zeietnote, you can read on the way to work, the fathers of the church are allowed.

The same applies to the evening rule. It is impossible to read prayers, falling asleep on the go and falling from the feet of fatigue. Therefore, the rule can be started far earlier than the waste to sleep, but before going to bed the final prayer rule.

Important! In prayer life there should be an order, regularity and discipline.

While reading should be returned in the room, light the candle or the lamp before the icon and fully dismissed the worldly reflection. Someone helps to tune in church chants, you can listen to a little before reading. If all family members are churches, you can carry out joint prayers.

It is necessary to start a prayer rule from the autumn of himself with the congestion and waist bows. Only after the appropriate setting can be started to the prayer. Complete a prayer conversation with God need sincere thanksgiving for the opportunity to communicate. In the morning prayer, they are also asked by the blessing of the blessing to the upcoming important cases, if such are outlined.

What is important when making the morning rule? In this blessed, the believer thanks God for the past night and asks for blessings to the coming day. But it should not be thought that at the utility of the morning prayer, you can calm down and forget about God until the evening. A Christian must start with God every matter, mentally asking for his blessing. "Without God, not to the threshold," our grandmothers said so.

It is also important to remember that a Christian is not a simple man in the street, but a warrior of Christ. During the baptism, they were given an oath to loyalty. He carries the service as a military-ridden. Military service passes through a rigorous schedule and with due militarial discipline. The warrior of Christ takes part in battles, only the object of defeat is sins. The daily prayer rule is to serve God, which is happening in the church charter.

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