Prayer Panteleimon Heal of Healing Patient


The Holy Orthodox Church almost all completed their earthly path in terrible torment. But they walked on them voluntarily, as they knew the price of a martyr's crown. The Great Martyr Pantelemon during his lifetime was a doctor and received a good education, but after repentance began to treat people free of charge with prayers and healing herbs. Prayer Pantelemon The Healer of the Healing of the Patient raised the feet of a not one seriously ill man.

Sometimes healing is so wonderful that even convinced atheists begin to lean to faith in the creator of life. So happened to my nephew, for whom our grandmother had prayed diligently. The boy quickly went on amendment, although the doctors suled him almost a wheelchair. Today I want to share with you the effective prayers of Svt Panteleimon and tell a little about his short, but fruitful, life.

Prayer Panteleimon Heal of Healing Patient

Who was Panteleimon Healer during life

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The future saint was a beautiful and educated young man. His father, a notable pagan, gave him an excellent medical education. The young man noticed at the Imperial Palace and were appointed courthek. But fate ordered otherwise, and the noble young man was destined to die for the Christian faith. Soon he met some Christians who secretly living in his city, and began to come to them daily for the Word of God.

However, he was able to take the final decision to become a servant of Christ after the case of the resurrection of the busted echidial child. The boy lay on the road dead, and then Pantelemon turned with a hot prayer to Jesus Christ about the resurrection of the child. The child came to life, and the future holy after that took her baptism.

Holy Panthenelon began to heal all the suffering prayers, visited prisons and hospitals - did not refuse to anyone. Glory spread about him across the entire area, and also envious appeared. Two doctors, from which patients left, decided to take revenge on Panteleimon: they gave it to the emperor. The saint passterpress was destined to endure the scratch of laugh, but to remain unharmed. He gave God to God only when a sword is serious.

The day of memory of St. Panteleimon Healer is celebrated on August 9.

The Holy Great Martyr Pantelemon was first revered by Orthodox in the East, and then found the worship in Russia. Millions of believers are treated for healing, and the most real miracles occur.

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On the icon, SVT Pantelemon is often depicted with a box for medicinal powders and a measurable spoon. But he treats this healer with a hot prayer Jesus Christ, because he is presented to him for all those who suffer on Earth.

Prayer Pantelemon Healing Heal

Prayer Panteleimon Heal of Healing Patient

The Holy Passion Panteleimon is a heavenly patron saint of all those who suffer and burdened by grave illness. It is treated before a surgical operation, with the incurable disease and simply with a cold. The icon with the image of the saint is located above the bed of the patient so that it will sanctify this place and protects from the destructive influence of the demonic spirits.

Help is distributed not only to physical illness, but also on spiritual. He is honored as a human shower healer, so they are treated for help with desperation, depression, reluctance to live.

Orthodox Christians understand that the diseases are sent to the punishment for Malovery and sins. But as a result of these tests, faith is strengthened, because healing occurs on the prayer of the patient and the prayer petition of the Healer Panteleimon's Heaven.

How to distinguish the disease due to sins from sent over to strengthen faith? It is very simple to do it. If a person fell ill because of sins, he will constantly complain and wall. It is very difficult for him during the illness, it delivers strong torments. As a rule, the patient asks the question: why should it have such flour?

If the disease is sent over, the patient transfers the suffering courageously and does not pursue. He understands his sufferings with sins. This is a blessed disease. It was about her who wrote the apostle Paul in the second message to the Corinthians:

And so that I am not extremely extreme

revelations Dano to me the sting v flesh, angel Satan,

depress me, to I am not extodued.

Diseases provide a person a chance to think about her life and about themselves, if he does not have enough time in the usual condition. We are engaged in a fussy everyday life, the solution of endless household issues and problems. We have no time to recall the Lord and His commandments. And only when the disease falls down, the opportunity appears to think.

There is a wonderful prayer Panteleimon about healing, in which the request is expressed to promote the liberation from the bustle of this world. She wrote to Jeremiah hermit. This is a long prayer, but during the disease you can read it without any rush. Here is the text:

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If the believer correctly determines the cause of his disease and turn his gaze to the father of heaven, it will be shown and fixed, then the disease will pass. This was written about this and the apostles in their messages that repentance frees from sins and diseases.

Prayer Pantelemon Healer

How to pray Pantelemon healer

This Saint Strastherpets is the heavenly patron sick of patients and doctors. Those and others need heavenly patronage equally. Doctors can avoid annoying medical errors in treatment, and patients get healing.

Do I need to pray in the temple, or can I read prayers at home? The strength of prayer depends on the faith of a person in its effective assistance, so the place of prayer does not matter. But still at home you need to send your requests to the saint in front of his icon.

If there is an operation, then after the prayer request, the surgeon will be controlled by Pantelemon healer. You need to know about it. On account of the St. Millions of Healing and Thousands of Saved Lives. Therefore, you can safely trust your life in the hands of the Heavenly patron of sick.

But the holy relics of the heavenly healer of Panteleimon have special power. On the Internet you can find hundreds of evidence of wonderful healing after the patient was applied to cancer with relics. Unprecedented power comes from ravages, because they are a conductor between the world of living and the heavenly kingdom, where the Holy Healer is now inhabited. Therefore, prayer Panteleonon about healing in cancer with relics is an incredibly strong remedy for the most severe ailments.

On the island of Rhodes (Greece) on the top of the mountain there is a male monastery. Tens of thousands of believers rose daily on foot to get healing. It is believed that prayer will be valid only if the patient will independently rise to the monastery with his legs.

Prayer Pantelimonu Healing Heal:

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Prayer Pantelemon Healer about health:

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Prayer Panteleimonu Healer about recovery:

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Let's summarize how to ask the Holy Doctor about healing. First, it should be understood why the disease appeared. If the disease is given as a good, you need to ask for forces to suffer all the fallated suffering. If the disease is given in punishment for sins, you need to repent in them.

In addition to prayers, you need to read the akathist Panteleimonu healer and order a prayer with akathist in the monastery or the temple. Akathist is an Orthodox laudatory song of the Holy, in which the affairs of mobility is listed. Akathist can be read independently, but you can listen to audio recordings.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the norms of Christian behavior, not to offend people and animals. Prayers will not be heard by the Lord, if a person deliberately violates the canons of Orthodoxy. After confession and repentance in sins, you need to adhere to the Christian lifestyle, so that the Lord does not again send the disease for the inspection.

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