Favorable days for operation for September 2020


While the person does not hurt anything, he does not think about strengthening his immunity and health. As soon as a serious disease is found, immediate medical care is required. Operational intervention is emergency and planned.

Today we will talk about planned medicine and consider favorable days for the operation for September 2020. How can the lunar calendar help if surgical correction is needed? I did not believe that the moon had an impact on the liquid mediums of the human body as well as the water of natural sources.

But once I had to verify how the night luminaire leads the movement of our blood, lymphs and intercellular fluid. You can also see it yourself if you are a little more careful.

Favorable days for operation September 2020

Lunar phases in September 2020

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A person is part of nature and consists of the same five elements as the world around. In antiquity, people knew about it, so they tried to live in accordance with the rhythms of nature. Modern age isolated mankind from nature: We prefer to live in concrete jungle instead of natural land. Nevertheless, many people think about their origin and place in this world and are increasingly treating astrology, astrometedycin and folk treatments for medicinal herbs.

The change of lunar phases directly affects the liquid media of the human body, determining the good and poor health, the nature of blood coagulation, pressure parameters, etc. Therefore, the planning of surgical operations should also be coordinated with the lunar phases.

For example, astrotics categorically do not recommend planning operations during the rise of the lunar disk: it is dangerous high blood loss. And on a decreasing moon it is not desirable to imagine implants and to transplant organs: they will not fit either, they will be rejected by the body as alien.

What moon phases are:

  • new moon;
  • first quarter;
  • second quarter;
  • full moon;
  • Third quarter;
  • Fourth quarter.

New moon and full moon form a separate quarter: they are quantity components. The new moon belongs to the first quarter, and the full moon is the third. The first two quarters - the disc increases, the last two quarters - the moon begins to slowly decrease.

In astrological lunar calendars, it is indicated, in which phase there is a nightly shone at the moment, the time of sunrise and sunset of the moon, localization in the zodiac constellation. It is very important to know where the moon is going through which zodiac sign: the stars make their own adjustments to the human well-being and the state of his health.

Regardless of the calendar date of the Solar month, there are two lunar days, in which medical intervention is categorically contraindicated, unless the question relates to an emergency operation to save lives. This is the time of new moon and full moon. Also astridey do not recommend planning operations into transition dates: the time when the lunar disk moves from one quarter to another. This time is characterized by the instability of all the functions of the body, and therefore the result of the operational intervention is unpredictable.

In the new moon, human energy is strongly exhausted, therefore the body is seriously tolerated any interference from the outside. In full moon, on the contrary, the body is at the peak of energy filling, but it is also dangerous: during this period, a person can lose a lot of blood during surgery.

Therefore, the lunar calendar of operations must be compiled taking into account all the conditions listed above. The planned operations do not apply to emergency and do not require immediate surgery, so it is possible in a relaxed atmosphere to agree with the doctor the optimal date of treatment.

Important! Dangerous for operations are all days of eclipses - lunar and sunny.

What can happen after the operation carried out in full moon or new moon:

  • The wound is badly delayed and heals;
  • need to restore greater blood loss;
  • The scars on the cut are long delayed, stubble;
  • You can easily pick up the infection.

Operational intervention is much easier to postpone on the days of descending of the moon. At this time, the juices of the body (intercellular liquid, lymph, bile) are not as active to prevent the wound healing. Modern medicine is already beginning to listen to astroticine and refer to the human body, taking into account its natural features and environmental influences.

Lunar calendar of operations

The effect of zodiacal constellations

Night luminaire travels through the sky through all 12 zodiac constellations. Astromediki believe that every constellation is responsible for a particular organ of the human body. When the moon makes a stop in the zodiac constellation, the organs-driven organs become vulnerable and weak. Therefore, the main rule of astrredicine is a ban on the treatment of organs, if the moon in the transit of the constellation manager by them. That is, if the lunar disk passes through the constellation of scorpion, then it is impossible to treat and operate the organs of the genitourinary system.

Regardless of the lunar days and other features, it is not recommended to appoint an operational intervention at a time when the moon passes through the constellations of twins, maiden, felt and fish.

Negative influence Capricorn constellation It applies to the bone system, the musculoskeletal system, the teeth. During this period, operations on organs located near the solar plexus are well like.

Constellation of the Virgin It does not have to treat and operations on the organs of the digestive system, intestines and blood circulation systems. It is forbidden to even conduct surveys, for example, to make a colonoscopy. Just such "light" operation as an apendictite is also not recommended.

In the constellation Taland Vulnerable are organs located above the chest. It is the throat, thyroid, ears, eyes, teeth, jaws, respiratory organs. This also includes the hematopoietic system. It is possible to plan operational intervention if we are talking about the urinary system.

Scorpion constellation Negatively affects the urinary system and nerves: weakens them.

In the constellation of fish You can treat the organs of the digestive system and clean the body from slags and toxins. It is impossible to operate joints, musculoskeletal system and orana.

In the constellation of cancer It is not recommended to operate internal organs that make up the digestive system, as well as the liver. Lastly becomes light with bronchi.

In the constellation of weights The endocrine system, urinary system and vertebral pole becomes weak.

In the constellation Aquarius It is impossible to plan operations on the legs, veins, kidneys and liver. You can plan surgical interference to correct cardiac ailments and vertebral discs.

Constellation twins Negatively affects the organs of the upper part of the body, but any manipulation with the blood formation system will be successful.

The constellation Sagittarius All internal human internal organs strongly weakens, so this period is not suitable for operations.

In during the transit of the moon through Constellation of Lion. Forbidden any medical manipulations with a heart.

Constellation Aries Weakens the nervous and visual system, as well as the entire musculoskeletal system with joints and cartilage. You can treat radiculitis and urinary system.

Favorable days for operations in September 2020

Favorable and unfavorable days

If the vibrations of the lunar day are harmonized with the vibrations of the human body or individual organs, then this time is considered favorable for surgical and therapeutic procedures. Identify a favorable time for operations is very simple: it is enough to use the lunar calendar and understand the lunar phases.

Important! Regardless of the calendar day of the month, unfavorable days for any operations are the days of Hecatan (Satanic). This is 9, 29, 15 and 23 lunar days.

On the growth of the night light, it is recommended to transplant, transplantation of organs, implant implantation, teeth extension and lobes that require the activity of the internal media of the body. That is, when all the juices are moved, much faster and easier for a transplanted organ or a pin of a prosthesis.

Important! Favorable days for surgery in September 2020: 8, 9, 10, 15 and 16. For transfers of organs and implantation fits 23 and 24 September.

The nightlings of the night luminaries are gradually deprived of activity, therefore the removal of neoplasms, cyst and tumors takes place in gentle mode. The body simply does not prevent surgery. This can be noted on the example of trimming trees and shrubs: when life juices are freezing, pruning passes without complications.

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