How to seduce a man: Secret seduction weapons


Stories are known women who knew how to attract men. In their presence, a man lost control over their feelings and even were ready to die. For example, Tsaritsa Cleopatra killed all his lovers as the next morning. What was the power of attraction to such women, how to seduce a man, and can a modern woman master the art of seduction?

My friend somehow got fascinated by NLP manipulating, and now it can be inclined to your side of any person. But it does not give that effect as sincere love. So what is the secret of the present temptation? We learn about this from psychologists.

How to seduce a man

What women like men

Male psychology is very different from female. It can be said, it is exactly the opposite of feminine. If girls think that a beautiful expensive dress can attract a man, then they are mistaken in this. If an unattractive woman is in a beautiful dress, then any cost of the dress is money. Oddly enough, it is possible to seduce with no appearance, but by the mind and ingenuity. Of course, it is necessary and seeing to have a minimum neat (about the style of clothing - there is no single norm).

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The first thing that every girl needs to learn, who seeks the hero of his novel is the "strange" feature to be the leader. A man wants to feel like a leader everywhere and always, although often does not show it. Therefore, you need to give him to feel like this, because it is not difficult. It is necessary to express his admiration for him:

  • erudition;
  • agility and force;
  • Mind and ingenuity.

You need to choose the desired admiration depending on the public status and hobbies of the guy. If he is an athlete, you need to admire his agility and sporting achievements. If he mathematician, God himself ordered to admire his mind. The main thing is to give him the opportunity to feel like a leader at least in something. Compare this feeling with the female "I am the most beautiful." It is approximately the same. Therefore - Forward!

How to like a man? The main thing is to let him feel like a leader.

That's when you begin to sincerely admire his leadership qualities, he will take you note. He will understand that he is not only an attractive girl, but also smart (since he managed to notice his superiority over others).

When the most important (admiration) will be completed, you need to try to hold it. Men did not fall from the moon: they are also people, and they are not alone, nothing human. Therefore, the following qualities of character are needed for long-term communication:

  • sense of humor;
  • calm (absence of whims);
  • natural behavior;
  • independence and purposefulness;
  • thrift.

The sense of humor, perhaps, you can put in the first place. Remember that a cheerful and optimisticly configured person always enjoys attention. Optimism attracts, because it gives confidence in the future. With a smile and a song in the heart much easier to go through life. Who needs nurts inherent in themselves? Therefore, it is necessary to develop optimism to attract friends.

Caprises are so unattractive quality, which is able to push off the girl anyone. Calm and kindness are more important and necessary qualities of character. But this does not mean that you can sit on your neck of an alphonse or womanik. In everything should be a golden middle. The main thing is the lack of hysterics and nervousness in the slightest occasion.

How to like a man

The naturalness of the behavior is that it is not necessary to depict someone who is not. This forgery will quickly reveal, and it will be painfully ashamed to realize it. Naturalness is to be yourself. With such a person it is easy to communicate, he is more trusted. Even somehow subconscious to him more people are attracted. And actors and actresses place on stage.

Independence and purposefulness causes respect and trust. Men like self-sufficient girls who are not looking for someone to sit on the neck. It is not necessary to have your own business, but the goals in life you need to be able to put. And not only to put, but also persistently follow them.

And finally - business. This ability to create comfort. And not only household, but also sincere. Men will be there, where they are cozy with a soul and body. Yes, it is here to enter the ability to cook something delicious, this is an additional bonus (not always mandatory). Just in our time, the Institute of Nutrition is so developed, which can be delicious to eat almost anywhere, or buy a semi-finished product and heat the microwave. So, the main thing is to create a soul comfort.

And what place is the appearance in the art of seduction? You will be surprised, but minor. Because it is not clear to anyone how attracting attention to his person. Sometimes quite ugly in the general understanding of a woman just the same are the most happy. They have children, husband, happy family. And the lonely beautiful beauty with a good figure will live nearby. They just managed to evaluate themselves and love themselves, it attracted men to them not for one day.

How to seduce a man

Stages of seduction

Now consider tactics how to properly seduce the man. Although this art cannot be accommodated in a clearly fixed frame. Each woman should produce their own tactics of conquest male hearts, based on common tendencies of art temptation.

General trends are as follows:

  • Attractive image;
  • contact eye;
  • acquaintance;
  • interest and attention;
  • Attractive smell;
  • Corporate contact.

Attractive image - the phenomenon is relative. One men like thin girls, others in the body. Here the main thing is to like it yourself and always neat. The style of clothing can be any, but non-acceptable clothing and a neglected appearance are disgusting. They just repel. Also repels the abundance of makeup on face, sharp perfume and pompous clothes.

On a note! You need to dress seductively, but not defiant.

It is impossible to dress defiantly because it can push on an indecent thought. The clothes should be beautiful but not causing. If the guy feel that he is striving to conquer a frank appearance, it is unlikely to count on continuing the relationship.

Visual contact When meeting it is very important. In our culture, it is not customary to look into the eyes, everyone is trying to take a glance and look at the hands / legs / chin, etc. But in a relationship with a man, the game is needed. You need to try to do this: look intently into a couple of minutes, and then smile and take a look. This tactic helps to interest Vesavi: a man will try to catch your eyes again.

If you are not yet familiar with the hero of your novel, you need to fix it. Show the initiative and meet . If there are general acquaintances, you can ask them to introduce a young man. When you meet every effort, you need to make every effort to enjoy and make a favorable impression. It is difficult, but perhaps. The main thing is to be natural and not to demonstrate the slave dependence on his opinion. Some girls wish so much like that they are not in perfectly obsessive.

If the acquaintance successfully took place, it's time to act - admire . You can always find a reason for admiration. Men were also children and depended on the approval of mom, grandmother, aunt, older sisters. This approval they are looking for both girls, subconsciously, of course. Even if they are not looking for approval, then they do not mind to hear once again which they are cool and the best.

Body odour - Exceptional component of the art of seduction. The smell can attract and push. Perfumes need to pay enough time so that it becomes a powerful tool of seduction. Not a gift, French perfumers accounted for a whole state on spirits and perfumery water.

Toilet water is better to apply on the body half an hour before the meeting. The right places for applying - wrists and the ears. Simply in these places arteries are as close as possible to the skin, and when heated, the aromas are better revealed. But perfume and perfume need to be applied to the clean body, and not to drown out the unstuck smell. First, the guy will feel two fragrances: spirits and stupid bodies. Secondly, he will just leave such a girl.

So that the body always smelled of freshness, you need to care for him. To do this, there is an aromatic salt for bathtubs, essential oils, shower gels. Only you need to try to combine the fragrance of the shower gels with the perfumes: if the perfume with floral notes, then the shower gel should be the same or chocolate. The combination of flavors can be read separately if desired. Summer flavors should be light (citrus, floral), winter can be more rich and thick - vanilla, spicy herbs, etc.

At the same time wrest and be indifferent - the powerful tactic of the seduction of any man.

Corporate contact It is of great importance. This is the final stage of seduction, but the continuation of communication depends on it. The first touches should be unobtrusive, but memorable. Effective reception is easy to touch the wrist's fingers visa with handshake. Just there is a zone that is responsible for sexual energy. No need to shake the hand of a young man with handshake: it needs to be stroked with the palm, while not to forget to touch the wrist on the back side.

The next reception is gently touching the lips of the Ear. It needs to be done "inadvertently," when the "important" news on the UCHO is reported. The reception works only once, so try to get the first time "in the apple".

The final stage is to feel the energy of his body. This can be done during slow dance or in crowded transport, even in a taxi. It is important to feel his energy and enjoy it: this feeling will certainly be transferred to a man and will cause sexual interest. But this does not mean that you need to immediately fit into bed. Let interest grow. But if you do not want to continue your acquaintance, you can immediately jump under the blanket.

how to seduce a man at a distance

If between you

Modern communicative technologies allow you to communicate at any time of the day. This chance can be used to get acquainted. But how to seduce a man at a distance, if there is no visual and tactile contact? In this case, the verbal technique will help:

  • Write short sms - it will remind you of your existence;
  • Write messages with erotic subtext - it will warm up interest;
  • Do not ship by your problems and experiences, better discuss the issues of erotic content;
  • Do not allow acquaintance to smoothly switched to a correspondence sex - there must be only erotic subtext;
  • Use the video option;
  • During conversations by phone, follow the intonation of your voice and breathing (it should not be noisy).

If you have long been familiar, you can afford yourself and sex by phone. The only thing, do not allow clarishes, because it will be all limited.

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