Lunar calendar purchases for April 2020: when to buy, and when not


The lunar calendar is one of the oldest calendars that exist in the entire history of mankind. Even the solar calendar arises much later. The first calendars of the lunar days were made up by the ancient Egyptians approximately 6,000 years ago. But they did not lose their popularity until today.

As a basis for any modern lunar calendar, knowledge left by ancient civilizations is taken. Plus, relevant information about the cyclic movement of the moon is added here, changing its phases.

In this material, I suggest you to consider the lunar shopping calendar for April 2020 to know what numbers financial waste and investments will be successful, and in which they are extremely unsuccessful.

Moon photo

Lunar shopping calendar for April 2020

1 number

8-9 lunar days, the moon grows in cancer. Today, refuse large acquisitions / sales of real estate. After all, it is likely that as a result you lose a lot of vital energy. Neutral day for ordinary shopping.

2 Number

9-10 days of the cycle of the moon. The date is ideal for indulging in the purchase of necessary things, also boldly waste money for gifts to others and entertainment. Thanks to the listed actions, you activate financial streams, which will make you a real magnet for money.

3 Number

10-11 Moon day, the moon is growing in Lion. Of particular delight of the acquisition, most likely, will not bring, but if you have a strong need for them, then shopping is not rebored.

4 Number

11-12 day of the lunar cycle. The day is neutral for small shopping, but today it is very successful to sell his housing in a new building. Use the help of a realtor.

5 number

12-13 Moon days, the moon is growing in Virgo. Stars advise today to pay off purchases, engaged in solving matters with real estate and trade (if any faces). Successfully look for a new job.

6 Number

13-14 days of the lunar cycle. This day is already more successful for performing various acquisitions than previous days. You can safely go shopping at the shopping center.

7 Number

14-15 Moon day, the moon grows in the scales. Neutral time to solve any questions to which shopping can also be attributed. Especially give up now from real estate manipulations, since in the future you will not experience joy from the transaction.

8 Number

15-16 Moon days, full moon in the scale of the scales. Neutral day for insignificant acquisitions. But if you have in plans to buy real estate, then astrologists recommend appointing it today.

Today, the purchase of real estate is successful.

9 Number

16-17 Moon day, the moon decreases in Scorpio. The date is very successful for shopping, both for small and very large - such as the acquisition of a new apartment or at home. Transactions promise to be successful.

10 Number

17-18 Moon days. You can continue to actively engage in replenishing the stocks of the items you need. Just under no circumstances are not connected on this day with debts, otherwise you risk a foggy of a financial luck.

11 Number

18 days of cycle, the moon decreases in Sagittarius. Neutral number for shopping hikes. In mandatory way, having to make real estate purchase transactions, otherwise different nuances can get out in the future, it will have to get very hard.

12 Number

19 Moon Day of the Moon. Astrologers find this day neutral for everyday shopping small things. But they say that the day is extremely successful to conclude transactions with apartments. You can even do without the help of a specialist.

13 Number

19-20 Moon day, shouted in Capricorn. The day is considered negative for manipulations with property. Therefore, having time with these actions in order to subsequently not to disappoint. But minor purchases will be quite relevant.

14 Number

20-21 days of the lunar calendar. The date is not very suitable in order to control the money energy, sending it to the purchase or investment. You will most likely be disappointed with the final result, feel emotionally devastated.

15 Number

21-22 Moon day, the moon decreases in aquare. You can now fully rely on your intuition in decision-making. Small purchases have a place to be, you can also make transactions for the purchase of non-residential premises.

16 Number

22-23 lunar days. If you have long since you dreamed of correcting financial well-being - on this day the corresponding rituals. And even boldly buy real estate in any condition (residential / non-residential).

17 Number

23-24 lunar days, the moon decreases to aquare. The number is much more successful for cash savings than spending. Moreover, real estate and even minor daily acquisitions fall under the ban.

18 Number

24-25 lunar days, the moon decreases in the fish. The horoscope promises good luck in purchases of real estate. Date neutral for any other acquisitions.

19 Number

25-26 lunar days. When visiting shopping centers or markets today, be extremely attentive, so as not to suffer from the hands of scammers. Time is not suitable for solving issues related to real estate.

20 Number

26-27 Moon days, the moon decreases in Aries. It may be impressed that Mrs. Luck today does not even want to look into your direction. In fact, just use the energy of failures to motivate the improvement of your life. And haul with any purchases.

21 Number

27-28 days of cycle. More or less good day to make a joint family visit to the nearest shopping center. Please yourself and loved ones with a pleasant shopping.

Shopping on the lunar calendar

22 Number

28-29 Moon day. The trends of this day of April 2020 are absolutely neutral to perform various acquisitions.

23 Number

29-1-2 Moon days, new moon in the Taurus sign. In the new moon, on the advice of astrologers, it is better not to shop, but planning the objectives of the near future and methodologies to implement them. You can seek help for esoteric and different magic things.

24 Number

2-3 Moon days, the moon increases in the Taurus. Watch a little with any important affairs, as well as large purchases. After all, as a result, you can be upset by them.

25 Number

3-4 lunar days, the luminaire grows in the twins. Ambiguous time, but if you "not burn", then it is better to do something else, not shopping. But if someone from his relatives or friends suddenly will ask to borrow funds - you should not refuse, as the money will return to you with a storm.

26 Number

4-5 lunar days, the moon increases in twins. Neutral date for large and small shopping. But the astrologers say that it is worth this day to acquire a non-residential premises.

27 Number

5-6 days of the lunar cycle. You can safely get roaring, going to the shopping center, located near. Shopping will bring joy and promise to be successful. But it is desirable today not to take in debt, otherwise there are great chances in the debt.

28 Number

6-7 lunar days, the moon increases in cancer. Be extremely neat so as not to suffer from the actions of unaffordial citizens, for which it is recommended to read protective conspiracy. Under the ban, large purchases, maximum permissible - small shopping for the purchase of everyday goods.

29 Number

7-8 The lunar days, the luminaire grows in cancer. If you are planning to buy housing for a long time and you have enough money for him, you can safely go to make a deal today. You can also do other acquisitions, but on a whole day for them is neutral.

30 Number

8-9 lunar days, the luminais increases in the constellation of the lion. Today it is important to tune in to the energy of money if you want them to have plenty of money. This is recommended to prepare a special financial breakfast. Good day for any shopping, both small and large sort of home or apartments.

Take advantage of the lunar calendar of purchases for the second month of spring 2020 and let all yours will only be joy!

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