How to fall in love with a man: the secret of successful relationships


All girls since childhood dream of unicorn, faoney and prince on a white horse. For some reason, certainly white, and not in apples. And only with age, it comes to understand that the princes, fairies and unicorn are mythical creatures. There are, of course, and modern princes - in the Arab Emirates. This is immediately possible to put a bold point.

And today we will talk, how to fall in love with a man: the present, not fabulous. Moreover, it is not forced to force themselves to love yourself and not with the help of a witness of a probo, but a civilized and tactfully ignite interest in his person. In our modern century, the suppression of the will of another person is punishable, you need to remember.

How to fall in love with a man

Female pickup

Step one

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If you liked a young man, but he does not notice you yet, - you need to attract attention. This is the first thing that is advised to make wise leading psychologists. You can attract the attention a simple question about the time or ask to hold the package. In general, you just need to file your voice if he has bad eyesight, and he does not notice such a beauty like you.

Remember the main rule of successful relationships: people tend to sympathize to those who have helped in anything. Therefore, if you ask you to help you in anything, it will be a good start of relationship. This psychological trick is known since the times of Benjamin Franklin, which was his discoverer.

Step two

If you have already started a timid relationship, you need to comprehensively strengthen them. And this will help compliments. No, not recognition of his radiant beauty, but simply admiring his male qualities. What qualities admire, depends on the type of man:

  • macho;
  • romantic;
  • Careerist businessman;
  • Economic man.

However, with compliments, the main thing is not to overdo it, but no admiration will help no longer.

Step Third

How to fall in love with a man? Psychologists recommend as possible to call a person by name to like him. For each person, his name sounds like a favorite song, so you need to sing it as often as possible. If his ears will constantly sound the favorite music of his name, will it give up this and will not require continuation?

Step fourth

This technique is widely used by Gypsies to arrange a person to themselves. Copying gestures and movements works at the subconscious level. If people are synchronized into something, then it speaks of complete mutual understanding and good contact. Therefore, use this technique, but skillfully.

Pitch fifth

Do not shy your flaws to not emphasize them. You do not need to try to look perfect in the eyes of a potential partner: it can push it. Be sincere.

fall in love with a man

Step Six

Psychologists have proven that a person will behave exactly as we expect from him. If we inside ourselves consider man a fool or clown, then they will be like that. Think about it only good, and there will be a kind friendly man nearby.

Step seventh

Let him tell him about himself if there is a need for this. Every man is by nature Narcissus, so he is interested in himself and his life. Take advantage of this and turn into a careful listener. If he is shy to talk about himself, ask leading questions. This psychological trick will help to fall in love with almost any man.

Step eighth

Do not make it the center of your universe, able to do without him. This is very important quality. Otherwise, a man will feel that you impose your society to him. I stuck anywhere not like, remember this. Men larger independent active women whose attention needs to be conquered. This is a kind of hunting instinct, which also needs to be satisfied.

Step ninth

You must unite something in common. Psychologists have long proved that a common interest is very brings together people, makes them dependent on each other. Find what will unite you and this man will become the second half.

Step tenth

And finally, be ready to leave. Do not cling for him as a straw. If he did not answer reciprocity, you just need to leave. Outlusion and perseverance are even more repelled by a man. If it is intended for fate, then you will find you at least on the edge of the earth. But if this is not your person, go right away. It is necessary to appreciate your time and your life, and not to waste it on someone else's and unnecessary.

as a man fall in love with himself

Type of person of man

How to fall in love with a man? Woman's behavior tactics should be built depending on the type of personality temperament to which it belongs. Who is in front of you: Romantic or Robin Hood? If Robin Hood, then behave with him as a romantic is unreasonable. Let's deal with the types of personality.


This type of men is not difficult to conquer, but to hold next to them is problematic. They love to walk, have fun and spend time with friends. It is impossible to remake Macho: he will remain a walk to the end of his life. So, to win the attention of such a man, you need:

  • be inaccessible - so that he put the maximum effort to conquer the heart of an impregnable woman;
  • never hint at a joint family life;
  • always be fun and optimistic about;
  • Be bright, original, interesting, mysterious.

Of course, this is not enough for mastering the mind and heart of Macho, but the listed tips are basic. And you can never forget that a joint life with Macho very hard, sometimes unbearably hard. It is necessary to think a hundred times before taking steps to attract his attention to yourself.


Many girls dream of a romantic relationship with a romantic man. It is like this that the prince on a white horse represents, forgetting that the times of the troubadurov have long ended - only fairy tales about them remained. What do you need romance to become romantic? Inspiration. The girl must inspire him to the feats for her, because inspiration is the condition of the flight of fantasy. Without him, the romantic will not even move his finger.

Inspiration methods:

  • Always listen carefully to his speech;
  • Interested in its inner world and experiences;
  • Try to show that you are also a romantic man;
  • give him miniature presents, purely symbolic - but pleasant;
  • Always treat him with something tasty;
  • Open your "terrible secret" in secret;
  • Try more often to touch him;
  • Always write sms with romantic content;
  • Always show what you miss without it.

This type of man can be tamed to themselves if you act skillfully. Just remember that in a shared life, all the goods of household problems will lie exclusively on your shoulders.


How to fall in love with a male careerist? Successful businessmen suffer from the lack of free time, since all the strength and energy give your favorite business. Attract the attention of such an employed person is very difficult, but perhaps. Therefore, take the following:

  • It is always spectacular and expensive;
  • be a versatile developed personality;
  • be able to wait and not reproach for the breakdown;
  • To have your own business or be constantly busy.

Clarify. A businessman will never look at the girl who does not attend a masseur, makeup artist and stylist. It is in their blood: a woman should look expensive and well-groomed.

Businessman is never interested in silly, which has gossip and recipes for cooking dishes. He is used to eat in expensive restaurants, and gossip about girlfriends will cause bewilderment. Such a man needs an intellectually developed partner with which business project can be discussed.

Family man

This is the last type of man, and it is he who likes many women. You can rely on it, you can not doubt it. But it is not always interesting with him. Nevertheless, it is he who is a dream of many. How to attract attention and fall in love with a man of economic:
  • demonstrate their economy and economic activity;
  • Cosmetic marafes in the house daily, so as not to hit the face in the dirt at an unexpected visit of the partner;
  • In the refrigerator should always stand the brewing soup and meat dish, plus salad;
  • Committed with the idea of ​​systematic repair in the apartment - it will have to do often;
  • Interested in the preparation of the family budget and the methods of replenishing the home "treasury".

If you need to attract the attention of the economic man and to arrange it to yourself (there will be enough competition), you need to demonstrate the qualities of the devotee as much as possible. But if you do not like to cook and make a monthly general cleaning of the apartment, it is better not to attract the attention of the economic man. There is also such that they will find fault in every little thing.


Summarize. To fall in love with a man, you must first attract his attention, and then become interesting for him and necessary. Do not try to crush the soul, to be perfect in everything, to impose your own society. To check the truth of his feelings, disappear for some time from his attention.

If he takes steps to find you and return, it means that your joint happiness promises to be long-lying. If, after all attempts taken by you, this person remains indifferent and misintermetative, maybe it is for the better. Find the strength to leave once and forever.

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