Orthodox Easter in 2020: what number is celebrating


Easter is the most important holiday of Christians, it is thanks to her every person gets a chance for eternal life. This date refers to the transient, that is, depends on the position of the moon in the sky. Easter is also celebrated after the Great Post, which is also consistent with the lunar phases. What date will Easter in 2020?

The date of the holiday falls on April 19, so you need to have time to prepare in this blessed day. In the article, I will tell you about the Orthodox traditions associated with this holiday, and pro-charge. We also touch the issue to take and believes.

Easter in 2020.

What is celebrated in Easter

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All people on the planet Earth have heard of the Resurrection of Christ, but many have not yet understood the true meaning of this event. When believers exclaim the "Christ Risen!" And three times kiss each other (Christ), they express joy about the acquisition of eternal life. It was Christ that gave this unique chance for everyone. Previously, Jesus resurrected Lazarus, who was lying in the coffin for 4 days. This showed that the resurrection is possible.

On a note! In the exclamation "Christ Risen!" The whole essence of the Christian faith is concluded.

After the resurrection, Jesus found a new body, which was different in other functionality. For example, he could pass through the doors. But this does not mean that after the resurrection, the Savior became ghost: his body was dense, like everyone else. Of course, for atheists to recognize the fact of such a wonderful reincarnation of death like, so faith needs. But in our time, when scientists of physicists have reached incredible depths in the knowledge of the unmanifested quantum world, the scientific substantiation has already gained faith in the possibility of the resurrection.

The beginning of the Easter festival

The Great Post in 2020 begins on March 2. This is the time of deep thinking over your life, repentance and purification of thoughts and souls from sinful thoughts. Believers within 40 days are a measured lifestyle, which eliminates the manifestation of rapid fun. Also these days it is forbidden to eat inheritance food - meat and other products of animal origin. So purification takes place not only at the level of the soul, but also the physical body. Such preparation allows you to meet Gelden completely cleaned and updated.

Before the resurrection there is the most heavy in the emotional plan of the week - passionate saddemic. Believers remember the events preceding the crucifixion of the Savior. The temples are held daily by thematic liturgia. On Saturday, before the resurrection, believers are confirmed to the priest to clear the soul from sins.

By numerous requests of readers, we have prepared an application "Orthodox calendar" for a smartphone. Every morning you will receive information about the current day: Holidays, posts, commemoration days, prayers, parables.

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It is noteworthy that from the light resurrection to the Trinity do not commit the cranked prayers and the earthly bows are not put. The solemn setting of worships remains up to the Holiday Holiday, although with a smaller pomp.

What is the number of Easter at 2020

Easter in 2020: Customs and Traditions

Folk traditions are connected with the last week before the resurrection. How to meet Easter in 2020? In pure Thursday make the cleaning of the premises, wash in the bath - remove physical and energy dirt. Food is preparing in Good Friday: the eggs are painted, baked cakes and the apartments. On Saturday evening, believers bring food to the temple for sanctification. After that, you can already eat rapid: Sunday in the morning is all talking. The tradition of a conversation implies that a Christian first eats consecrated eggs consecrated in the church and a piece of Easter slices. After that, you can already eat protein food.

Behind the Easter table by tradition, the whole family is going, like on Christmas. This is an excellent reason to see my relatives and feel one with the whole family. Drink alcohol and watch entertainment programs on TV strictly prohibited. This time should be devoted to spiritual conversations, and small family members need to be told about the events of 2030 years ago. Children should hear about salvation from their relatives and loved ones. You can arrange a joint view of a feature film telling about the life and resurrection of the Savior.

On a note! At Easter, it is customary to assist in need and do good deeds.

You need to meet a bright resurrection without malice and resentment in the heart on your neighbors. No wonder there is forgiveness of the Sunday on the eve of Easter, when people clean their hearts from anger feeling and resenting each other. It's not enough to confess to the church and forgive the neighbor in your soul: it is important to show it with your affairs and words. Go to the person, tell me some warm words, hug. That's, the forgiveness will be real.

What gifts is made to give in Easter days? The people treat each other painted eggs and herbs. It is believed that luck will depend on the number of donated eggs. The more eggs to distribute, the prosperity will be life. It is also accepted to give spiritual gifts: cross, icons, Orthodox literature.

Painted eggs

How did the tradition paint the eggs and give them to each other? This custom originated at the dawn of Christianity. There is a legend that the poor student of Christ Mary Magdalene once came to a reception to the emperor. Since with empty hands to the emperor, it was forbidden to come, Maria brought a single egg.

During the conversation with the emperor, Maria Magdalene told about the resurrection of the Savior, what the latter was very doubting. He exclaimed that it was impossible, like an egg could not become red in itself. And in the same moment, the egg was covered in red.

Easter cakes

Why do you need to sanctify Easter cakes? This custom is associated with the memory of the communion of the true Easter of Christ, it unites all believers at different ends of the globe into a single spiritual church. This tradition also reminds of the Jewish Easter, when the people of God were liberated from Egyptian slavery. As Jews were liberated from physical slavery, and Christians are exempt from the spiritual shackles of sin.

On a note! Easter and cakes are eating throughout the bright week, right up to the Monday Fomin.

What is the number of Easter in 2020


Since church traditions were revived in our country not so long ago, many Christians know how to behave correctly during church holidays. At the time of the first Christians, believers met daily to celebrate the holiday. Despite the danger of being arrested, Christians gathered together and held worship.

The first Christians put the tradition of charity, helping the needy brothers and sisters to feel all the completeness of the blessing of the Lord. Charity symbolizes the abundance and generosity of the heavenly monastery, where no one will need anything. Not a benefactor has the mercy of the needy, and the needy gives the charitable chariter to commit an act of mercy. Charity is not alms with beggar, but the ability to divide with the poor joy of admission to the eternal life.

how to meet Easter 2020

Pomping mercy

On holidays, believers massively go to the cemetery to remember the departed relatives. Before this, the grave is put in order, staining the fresh paint of the fence. The fathers of the Church are strictly forbidden to arrange drunk rampage in the cemeteries and in the house, as drunkenness is a pagan tradition.

On a note! The first mission of the departed commit on Tuesday after the Sunday Fomina is Radonitsa.

On the bright week, it is not accepted on the cemetery, it is done after the Sunday Fomina on the second week. The church charter strictly prohibits to perform unauthorized commemoration. Radonitsa is the consecrated church of the mercy of the departed when people share the joy of finding eternal life with their deceased relatives and loved ones.

How to remember the dead? For the human soul, the most important prayer is more important than a covering table and food. Prayer for the deceased helps the soul to find peace and clean from the bad. Therefore, the debt of every Christian is to pray for the deceased in the church, at home and in the cemetery. To commemoration, a priest can be invited to the cemetery, which will make chin lithium (reinforced prayer).

Is it possible to eat food on the cemetery? It is prohibited, as watering the grave by vodka. It is also forbidden to leave a glass with vodka and a piece of bread allegedly for the commemoration: it is a pagan tradition. If you wish to remember the deceased, better give food to those in need or hungry.

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