Mars in the 9th house in a woman and a man


Mars in the 9th house characterizes a punching, energetic and very active person with a perfectly developed effort of will. The planet will show how much attention is required to pay special attention to becoming happy and implemented at the maximum.

general characteristics

The owner of Mars in the ninth house will always strive to expand his picture to the world, free from the framework and restrictions. And it does, first of all, through constant education. He spends a lot of strength, time and money for study.

Mars in the 9th house in a woman

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Although knowledge is not easy for him, he is stubborn in his aspirations and never stops at half the way. Overcomes the internal resistance, laziness, the desire to quit everything, and goes out.

It has critical thinking, so subjects any knowledge of doubt. Because of this, teachers with him may not be easy. But it can filter information, not trusting blindly nothing. As a result, leaves for itself the most valuable, suitable and important.

It is important for him to play sports so that the energy level is not to be overwhelmed, moving into a negative stage. Physical exertion freed from excess activity and eliminate "bad" emotions.

Mars in the 9th house in a woman

The main value for such a woman is freedom. It does not tolerate restrictions and framework, it is important for it not to be tied to the place, people and graphics. Therefore, it often chooses a remote job or its own business, to come to the service by 9 am and staying there until 18 in the evening it is difficult to morally.

Mars in the 9th house in a man

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. It is a born optimist, in everything seeks to see good. Even some serious trouble makes a valuable experience. This quality helps her constantly develop, improve and become better, not to waste energy for negative emotions.
  2. It is independent and principled. It will up to the last defend its point of view, to change its opinion is almost impossible. Ready even fight for its worldview. Therefore, it is important for her to surround himself like-minded people who share her glances with which she is always on the same wave.
  3. She should pay attention to educated and educated men who love to travel and receive a new experience. Then she will never be bored with a partner in relation to her, she will feel happy and inspired to new achievements.
  4. To get acquainted with the future husband, she can also either in the journey or by time of study. Therefore, to arrange a personal life, it is worthwhile to attend all sorts of trainings and courses, ride to other cities and countries.
  5. Her man "on fate" may be a foreigner, an athlete, to work in the field of legality and law and order, either be a coach, a teacher, a person who transmits knowledge and skills to other people.

Mars in the 9th house in a man

This is a person educated, greedy to knowledge. He always has little information - he seeks to draw it again and again, constantly developing and does not stand still in his achievements. He needs to study and improve to feel the taste for life and enjoy every moment of being.

Mars in the 9th house

What else is characteristic of him:

  1. He likes sports, and that's fine. The kipache Marsovaya Energy will be the matter and the case to require exit, and physical exertion is the most eco-friendly way to "release steam" without harm for the most men himself.
  2. He is a born entrepreneur, notes with problems, and decisions, always finds a way out of difficult situations, can generate ideas from scratch, and then embody them into life, masterfully reaching its goals in a short time.
  3. He is important to him, so he chooses work with the possibility of career growth to the head or creates its own business. He really likes responsibility in making decisions, so he seeks to constantly expand its spheres of influence.
  4. He likes the Competitive Spirit, so he often participates in contests, competitions and sports competitions. It also helps to get rid of concern and "merge" negative energy, as well as get a tremendous pleasure, increase their self-esteem and satisfy the ambitions a little.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Mars in the ninth house indicates greater value of education for a person. It will never be indifferent to new knowledge: they need him, like air. It will try to absorb as much information as possible to then use it in practice.
  • Travel is also important, therefore, it may prefer to work related to foreign business trips and travels. There are excellent abilities for foreign languages, as well as effective communications.
  • He lives according to his rules, often ignoring social norms, because of which it can be in his surrounding the object of permanent discussion and condemnation. But he does not care about someone else's opinion, he will still live in the way he wants.

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