What properties has a stone aventurine and who suits


There is one gem in the mineral kingdom with a very interesting name - Avenue. In this article, I propose to find out which amazing properties has a stone aventurine, who comes up with his wearing on the sign of the zodiac.

Physico-chemical features of the Avanturin

AVANTURIN - The name comes from the Latin word Adventurus or Advenio "occur" and represents a fine-grained variety of quartz. This is a representative of a fine or fine-grained rock formation, which is formed by quartz and small scattered inclusions of mica scales, in some cases hematitis, chlorite.

Photo of Stone Avenant

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The color indicators and textures are due to the presence of inclusions, the size of the grain, as well as the uniform distribution of the components of the crystal. For example, green adventurines have a homogeneous structure of uniform color, differ in greater durability. Stones of golden-cherry or honey-yellow shades - have the greatest sparkness.

In nature, one color versions of adventurines can be met:

  • homogeneous honey-yellow;
  • homogeneous brown with the addition of a cherry shade;
  • homogeneous golden-cherry;
  • homogeneous pinkish;
  • Fridest and white cherry-white stones;
  • Unclear stripped white minerals.

To date, the bulk of stones in jewelry stores stated as "adventurines" is a complete fake. Imitation is a painted glass, which includes shiny additives (fakes of glass with copper oxides, chromium, iron, cobalt or conventional copper sawdust).

How to distinguish natural gem of fake? There are several features:

  • fake - unnaturally bright, in it too much glitter;
  • Natural stone - there is a less bright and fiber color, saturated shades are very rare;
  • Natural mineral, in contrast to synthetic, at times weakly irritates, while fake - simply radiates bright shine;
  • In an artificial adventurine, glass flakes are usually located in a chaotic order, one can consider with an increase in the area of ​​painted glass, where there are fewer gloves or there is no.

What properties has a stone aventurine and who suits 3465_2

Healing properties Avanturin

  1. Avenue effectively copes with chronic leather pathologies, such as dermatitis, eczema and others. And even if it is not able to heal the disease completely, it has a strong reducing effect on the skin, ensures the regeneration of its structure. For this purpose, wearing a mineral closer to the affected area.
  2. Folk physicians in the East retain confidence that with the help of Aventurin really to increase visual acuity, faster healing skin damage (burns, cuts). At the same time, the crystals of black stone use the greatest demand.
  3. Gem is shown to be used in the pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, light diseases, in the case of increased pressure.
  4. It eliminates hair loss.
  5. Treats nervous disorders.
  6. He regulates the growth process from the moment of appearance and up to 7 years. Improves physical well-being, develops the right perception of the surrounding world, creative abilities.
  7. Also, the stone increases the metabolism in the body, provides a decrease in cholesterol levels, speaking with arteriosclerosis prevention, accelerates the removal of fluid during material, improves blood circulation.
  8. He treats constipation, helping to purify the intestines.
  9. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, facilitates the symptoms of migraine.
You can use both just pieces of natural stone, and wearing jewelry with it or take advantage of special massages with adventurine.

Mineral magical abilities

Let's now consider the magic properties of the Aventurine stone and whom it fits.

  • Avenant has a powerful positive energy. It is capable of attracting prosperity and abundance of its owner.
  • The stone neutralizes any conflicts, quarrels, quit the whole negative.
  • Develops a leadership position, makes a person more persistent, purposeful.
  • Even in the title "Avenant" lies down to risk. Therefore, it is not surprising that gem helps in risky situations, ensures luck in affairs, gambling. But the stone should not be abused by this property.
  • Since the time of antiquity, adventurines find happiness talismans, allowing to keep a joyful mood.
  • Mineral provides creative identity development. It will be very useful to writers, musicians, artists who will awaken the stream of inspiration.
  • Improve the personal sphere of life.
  • As an amulet will keep off from spanking, curses and other bad influences.

Decoration with adventuric photo

Who can wear decorations with adventuries

Finding out the healing properties of the Aventurine stone, let's find out who he is suitable for the sign of the zodiac.

In no case cannot be used fiery people - Sagittarius, Lero and Aries . Otherwise, representatives of these constellations will face financial difficulties and problems on the private front.

The listed signs of the zodiac and so often behave cynically, and the Aventurine crystals will only strengthen these properties. If Aries, Leo and Sagittarius It will stop at least to control their emotions, it risks to become an exorbitant aggressive or hysterical person.

Also do not have adventurines and Capricorn.

Fish, crayfish and scorpions - Get beneficial from the mineral. With its energy, they will become more persistent, purposeful, decisive. Stone will allow you to develop all their missing quality.

Very favorable effect of Avenant. Tales and virgins Earth constellations are combined together with a strong energy of gems, which allows them to show all their best sides.

Virgo For example, it will become more sensitive, soft, humane, develop the sixth sense. By their nature, the Virgin is infrequently listening to the prompts over, and the mineral will fulfill the role of the first-class counsel in difficult life situations.

Teltsy - overly landed. Aventurines of the blue shade contribute to the awakening in the representatives of this constellation the sublime feelings and long forgotten dreams. Also improved the personal side of life, and the career and the overall states will be delight.

True, many leading astrologers have a conviction that calves should wear decorations with adventuries solely three or four times a month. They explain this by the fact that, in this case, the energy of the crystal will not join the conflict with the Biopolam of Taurus.

However, there are various opinions about the unsuitable minerals on the sign of the zodiac. Therefore, the accurate information is personally to consult an astrologer.

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