Saturn in Taurus: Characteristics for a man and for a woman


Pathological miserness, self-advocacy and achievement by any means - these are obvious signs of the presence of Saturn's energies in the Natal Map at the Taurus. Just a portrait of my mother-in-law, which constantly demonstrates these qualities and is very proud of himself. What gives Saturn in the Taurus, what features of the character are inherent in this astrological combination? Consider the question in the article.

Saturn in Telta

Saturn in Taurus: general characteristics

The energy of Saturn can freeze and immobilize anything, and it has its own positive aspect in the characteristic of the Taurus: Lena elimination. Saturn completely annuls and destroys such a thing as laziness, which is inherent to all bodies' law. But here we see just a magical change and reincarnation. However, the negative effect of the energy of this planet also affects the sign of the Taurus and in its extreme terms is reflected in stiffness, depression and closetness.

Distinctive features of calves with Saturn in the horoscope - patience, excerpt, diligence and pragmatism.

In the affected state, Saturn distorts the qualities of the Taurus and creates an oversea person from it, which sees only money signs in front of him. For the sake of profits, the Taurus with a negative Saturn in Natal Map simply will go on the heads, absolutely not worrying about the feelings of other people (like my mother-in-law). Woman Taurus with Saturn, heads striving to scat the wealth, acting decisively and rudely. Often she is trying to cover up their greed and perseverance by good motives, but it is not always successful.

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With a favorable coating of Saturn's energies in Taurus, it causes a sense of compassion to the poor, which is expressed in charity and the desire to "feed and warm up". Although the calves of Saturn type are extremely pragmatic and pedantic, but they are firm on their feet and know how to implement their projects.

On a note! The Taurus of Saturn type is needed emotional and financial stability to feel happy.

Taurus encourages his wards to strive for financial well-being, and Saturn helps to achieve this well-being of a diligent labor and self-organization. This is a rather fruitful astrological combination of planets, unless Saturn is in defeat. Taurus is ready to work day and night, rejoicing with his successes from multiplying material things.

For the Tales of Saturn type, the extremes are characterized: either they work in the sweat of the face with joy in the heart, or show discontent with their work and criticize everything without parsing.

Since multiplication of material things is easier to achieve at a high social situation, Saturnovsky Tales are attached to the maximum effort to achieve a certain social level. This level will ensure their safety and material values: it's all that is necessary for the feeling of the completeness of being and happiness.

Saturn in Taurus for a woman

Calves are easier to implement themselves in areas associated with agriculture, farming, gardening and banking. It is these energies that are consonant with their personal energy potential.

With damaged Saturn, the shoulders turn into intolerable, clairnut, lustful and greed individuals. They go on their heads for the sake of the goal, overlap the competitors of "oxygen" and sweep everything in their path. Otherwise, damaged Saturn gives trouble, clumsiness and dull lines. These qualities are in front of the world who is unsuitable for real life the creature, suitable only to parasitize for someone else's account.

Women and men

Men with Saturn in Taurus demonstrate diplomaticity and enviable exposure. But if they fail to realize their plans for the accumulation of material goods, they become unceremonious and cruel. Failures awaken coldness to others, maliciousness and egocentrism. However, with a prosperous astrological combination of planets, the calves demonstrate reliability, organization, dedication and hard work.

Saturn in Taurus for a woman

Women with Saturn in Taurus are an iron lady. They have a well developed will, they are stubborn and decisive. With a safe material position, they are ready to stretch the help of the help of needing, as they see a positive aspect. The desire to calculate each step gives the impression of slowness, but it is not quite so. They are simply responsible to their duties and seek to do everything as carefully and conscientiously as possible.

With a negative astrological aspect, a woman becomes a capricious and oppressive content. She deliberately gives the Brazda of the Board in the hands of a wealthy man to just live at his expense. They also distinguish misfortune and do not have pleasure from the waste of financial resources.

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