Who is the Baal in Christianity and Semitic Culture


My son told me that classmates began to attend some sect in which they worship the ancient gods. One of these gods is the Baal to be sacrificed to babies. Nowadays, the sacrifices do not make, but the ancient gods and demons began to worship again. I decided to find out what this deity is and what is the feature of his worship. I want to share this information with you in this article.


Cult Bala

Waal or Baal is one of the most ancient human gods, famous for historians and archaeologists. According to the Semitic and Christian theologians, he is a generation of hellish abyss and is distinguished by bloodthirstiness and cruelty. In some sources, it is called ball or white. Phoenician peoples worshiped him as the main deity of the universe, the child of the patron.

On a note! The word "Baal" is translated from Semitic languages ​​as a "owner". So called the divine creative force, and her private manifestations were called Baali.

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Baal has many different hatches that differ in the area in which he worshiped, and on the sphere of influence. For example, in one terrain he was honored for the God of the Sun (Baal-Shamem), to the other considered a patron of storms and bad weather (Baal Haddad). The testimony of the Baal worship reached the present day: this is the ancient temple of the Syrian Palmyra destroyed by Islamists, which is perfectly preserved almost in pristine form.

Baalic force showed itself unfriendly towards a person, so since ancient times in the chief of the owner of the universe it was customary. The peculiarity of the Baal cults was to bring human sacrifice and the organization of orgies in which all the population took part. The orgy had to symbolize the universal marriage of the ball with his wife of the goddess Astarthta, which was to increase the fertility of the Earth.

Baal identification parallels:

  • the name of God, a patronage tribe or a certain locality;
  • title to the name of the ruler or ruler of the cities (Tech Baal, Hannibal, Baltazar);
  • God of sunlight;
  • God fertility and part of the phallic cult;
  • Supreme Divine, created the universe;
  • Demonic essence of hell.

The demonization of the Waal occurred during the formation of a Jewish culture when an idol was declared and forbidden to worship. The Jewish prophets performed against Baal, whose speech was recorded in the Old Testament. With the Prophet Elijah, the priests of Waal were brutally killed by the population, since they could not prove their power. The prophet Elijah became famous for the fact that during his lifetime was ascended on a fiery chariot to heaven. It was when it was a large-scale struggle against the cult of Baal among Jews.

Hammon - Baal in Carthage

The Baal Cult in ancient Carthage reached the peak of magnifies and prosperity. The followers of the cult of regular brought Hammon human sacrifices, among whom were most often newborn babies. Baal Hammont was worshiped by the son of God fertility, his mother was the goddess tanit - the cruel manifestation of the Goddess Astarta with a lion's head.

On a note! Baal has always had a few hat, and along with the patronage of wars and murders patronized fertility and family well-being.

A feature of the worship of Waal was the sacrifice of children up to seven years, they were alive thrown into the sacrificent bonfire. However, some researchers are inclined to believe that the dead children threw in the fire. True, this is or fiction, it is not possible to find out. Confirmation of the fact about the sacrifice of living babies is the famous siege of the Carthage Greek conqueror Agafocl.

The inhabitants of Carthagena decided that the Baal Hammon would no longer defend them, since they did not sacrifice their own children. Therefore, 200 families voluntarily gave their blood offices to the sacrificent bonfire, and along with them they rose to the fire and 300 adult volunteers. History shows that after that, Agafokl retreated from Carthage, as he considered the siege too expensive for his warriors.


Other BAL names

Some historians attribute Waal to the cult of a moloch, who also sacrificed children. It is believed that this is the same deity, only in different ways is called. Also Baal was identified with the following demons and deities:
  • The patron siest of navigators Melkart;
  • Egyptian deity of the sky Petbe (Pet-Baal);
  • demon winezevul (Baal-Zebub);
  • Walberit;
  • Velfegore (Baal Foregor).

The name ball is characteristic of the African continent. Based on the cult of Waal, terrible bloody rituals, characterized by special cruelty and no less strange.

Welzevul is known as the patron of flies, he is mentioned in the Old Testament and the Gospel. However, this is just a place of the Godhead of the Ancient Easter tradition, whose name was used instead of the names of more powerful demons. Also Waal has relations and to Walberitis, which patronized various types of associations and unions and wore a different having - just beyond.

Belfegor (Waal-Foregor) appeared already in the Christian tradition and was associated with the powerful demon of the underworld.

Baal in medieval grimuars

With the cult of Bala fought both the Jewish prophets and the ministers of Christ. The deity was counted for the face of demonic creatures and began to correlate with Satan and the Lord of hellish abyss. Worship Waal was cruelly punishable and pretended in every way. In Grimuar, the "small key of Solomon" Baal (Baleh) stood first in the ranks of demonic creatures. There he was given the following characteristic:

  • king of the east;
  • He knew how to turn around to a cat, toak or man.

The transformation of the Waal in the image of animals and a person could be the fantastic one. For example, Jewish theologians were confident that the demon could have three heads (man, cat and toads) and a body with sparse paws.

The Goetical tradition took Waal with the following abilities:

  • endowed a man with superhuman wisdom and knowledge;
  • endowed the ability to become invisible and pass through any obstacles.

In the authorities of Baal, in the opinion of the gathetic researchers, there were 66 legions of hellish spirits, which served to him "faith and truth" and could fulfill the instructions of any complexity.

What symbolizes a similar form of a demon, according to the Kabbalistic Jewish tradition? It is believed that a person falls under the power of demonic passions, if it consciously cuts himself from limiting factors.

Baal demon

Rite call Waal

In the Middle Ages, the challenge of the marks and wizards for their needs was distributed. And in our times there are enthusiasts that are not afraid to cause an evil essence from the depths of the hellish abyss. They are willing to revive the cult of worship ancient deity in the new conditions.

On a note! Challenge Vaal is carried out only on Saturday.

Before the rite of challenge, the magicians must make a certain preparation that includes the cleansing of the body and other wisdom. Immediately before the call, it follows all the rules to draw a protective pentagram in a circle, no millimeter disrupting the integrity of the image (so that there is no lines cliff). On the rays of the pentagram, black candles are installed and light up, and then spell on Latin spell loudly.

Before calling the magician must make a lamen - a special metal plate with an inscription. It is this plate that will be able to attract the attention of the demon. If the plate is made with a violation of the rules, the demon will not come. The method of creating Lamen is described in detail in the works of Goethey.

After reading the spell, the demon appears inside the circle of the pentagram. Release the essence beyond the limits of the circle is deadly, though, brave magicians can do this for the sake of the desire to obtain superpowers.

After the release of the Demon's call is completed back to the abyss, it can kill the caster. For this, the name of God and Archangel Gabriel is pronounced out loud.

Is it worth risking with a challenge of hellish essence, each decides himself. However, researchers believe that the demonization of the ancient Divine is a typical case of overthrowing one religious cult to others. The Slavic Pantheon also demonized in Russia, among which there were many harmless and even friendly people of the deities.

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