Moon in the 8th house in a woman and men


The moon in the 8th house is considered a negative aspect. Such a layout of the shone is one of the most unsuccessful in the horoscope. In the article, I disassembled the features of such natal cards in men and women, so that you can understand them better.

general characteristics

Depending on which the zodiac sign is located such a moon, the characteristics of a natal card may differ slightly.

Moon in the 8th house in a woman

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For example:

  • The situation in Scorpio is particularly unsuccessful. Such a person will continue to work on its level of energy, increase it, because from birth its energy potential is extremely weak.
  • In Capricorn - you should constantly improve the quality of your life, because the energy potential will directly depend on how much money has a person, whether he lives comfortable.

Council holder of such an indicator in Natal map: Strengthen the immunity and watch for health, attend a doctor regularly. It is difficult for your body to cope even with the most elementary infection, so you need to treat the disease on time, and not wait for complications.

Moon in the eighth house in a man

Such a man from childhood is endowed with entrepreneurial veins. By their nature, he is a merchant who sees the possibilities for making money everywhere and everywhere. Therefore, throughout the life, its material problems rarely happen.

Moon in the 8th house in a man

What is still characteristic of him:

  1. He lives in confidence in people and peace, constantly feels invisible support for the universe. In his head there is an installation that says: "My world cares about me." Accordingly, it happens: there are necessary opportunities, people and all the necessary ideas, resources appear.
  2. He is able to become a successful politician or businessman, he has all the resources for this. But at the same time it is desirable to have surrounded by a person who will inspire him with his faith to him and maintain it to motivate.
  3. But in his personal life, he will all be far away. There is a high probability of all sorts of tragic events, to avoid which is almost unrealistic. But it is not necessary to complain about God or the universe: he always becomes the source of his trouble.
  4. He is very denial and jealous that he spoils the relationship with the opposite sex. To build a truly happy and harmonious marriage, he will have to get rid of such qualities as avenue, suspicion, secrecy. And also to work out the installation and beliefs, fears, regarding women and love relationships.
  5. If he can cope with this task, it will be a real support and support for its loved ones, will create a stable family and very calm, harmonious and filled relationship with his beloved woman.

Moon in the eighth house in a woman

From this girl is difficult to take a look. From the very birth, it has an incredible charisma. It is a real magnet for men who become a victim of her char. In this case, the appearance can be quite ordinary and ordinary, but some inner "highlight", a special charm, make it a stunning and attractive person.

Moon in the 8th house

What is still characteristic of it:

  1. It is very important for her to receive financial support from his man. Therefore, it is unlikely to meet with those who have not yet realized. If she sees that a man has nothing to share with her, it is unlikely to pay his precious attention to him.
  2. And, by the way, men willingly and very generously divide with her with their resources, because in return is just a tremendous amount of strong and powerful female energy. Thus, the balance is observed and energy interchange occurs.
  3. She is very insightful, practical, sees around himself a lot of opportunities and uses them without postponing in a long box. Therefore, it, as a rule, becomes very successful, implemented, and not just lives at the expense of men.
  4. She should pay special attention to female health, because there is a risk of problems with the reproductive system. It is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle, follow nutrition, if she wants to endure and give birth to a healthy child in the future.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Harm from the negative location of the moon can neutralize its strength and some other aspects of the card. If there is essential harmony, then you can not worry about the serious influence of the shone.
  • In general, 8 house is a risky zone that promises a person all sorts of danger, destructive situations and adverse states. Often he may not be on the verge of life and death.
  • It is especially important to follow their own security, not participate in doubtful and extreme events, "raise straw" in case of even the minimum possibility of negative consequences for life.

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