Woman Scales and Aquarius Male - Compatible in Love, Relationship, Marriage, Sex, Friendship


Psychologically, the Aquarius-Men and Women's Women has a lot in common, they are perfectly soldered and thanks to communication develop. But how are their love relationships? Is there really nothing to do anything other than friendship?

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Let's consider these signs of the zodiac more closely and try to understand what the Aquarius pulls to the weights and what is the prospect of their love relationships.

Love and relations

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It must be said that the mutual understanding between the woman-weights and a man-aquarity is beautiful, of which wonderful friends are obtained, but it's not so easy to create and maintain a closer relationship.

Intellectual Aquarius always has many interests and a wide range of communication, it is difficult for him to focus on one facility, in this case on one partner. For women weights, the thrust for aquarity is so strong that she is ready for many sacrifices, just to be close to the subject of his adoration.

Scales help develop both malivary men and themselves, together they are good to move up and taking unprecedented heights. Along with this, both signs live in their own fictional world and are often so detached from the earthly reality, which is missing and bewilderment between them. A real collapse may occur in everyday life, because each of these couples has their own idea of ​​the management of farms and urgent problems.

In this case, the scales are able to quickly find an acceptable solution for both and smooth the situation. Aquarified work on material support, and the scales remain bothering the house, putting order and comfort.

Sexual compatibility

Here we see quite successful for a couple of sexual terms. Aquarius-man gets everything from a gentle and affectionate partner, what dreamed of. In bed, they are connected not only physical proximity, but also romance, as well as communication on a rather high intellectual level.

Physical proximity is that intense, which smoothes many roughness associated with life and everyday life. Aquarius-man and scales-a woman face a lot of little things that are interpreted and perceived by them in different ways.

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Scales and Aquarius skillfully find compromises, and always quietly and without hysteria. It seems that these two have once ever loved each other, that in the other, the past life they were the perfect pair. They merge soulful and physically and get true pleasure from it.

Family and marriage

Aquarius is generally very difficult to lead to marriage. He must constantly have the degree of freedom that will allow you to freely open new dimensions, comprehend new knowledge, recognize infinity and fly in the universe. Scales can provide them with such freedom, however, they will not cost without restrictions and complaints.
  • Any normal family experiences sooner or later problems and gets frightened in turmoil, but in this couple rarely arises the transition beyond the faction that the relationship occurs. Behind the stormy stage occurs as stormy reconciliation, which is fixed in the bedroom.
  • They do not have to miss a couple, since they have a lot of common interests, they love to travel, go hiking, ride bikes and lead an active lifestyle. They are rarely found at home, as their mutual interests are very diverse, and the circle of common friends is extensive.
  • They are easy and fun to raise their offspring, giving them freedom to make decisions, often behave on equal colors, but also require a lot. Their children have a happy and interesting childhood, complete adventures, discoveries and vivid impressions.

Pros and cons couple

A woman-scale and man-male attracts romance in each other, they will readily envelop the partner with care and tenderness. Everyone believes that his satellite is the perfect embodiment of the highest and beautiful feelings. There is almost no conflict between them, since each retains that the most equilibrium that allows them to literally soaring over the earth.

Scales play the role of a spiritual mentor, and Aquarius is an inspirational of all ideas. They are well combined in communicating and in bed.

There is a negative point, in particular for weights. They are prepared by the role of the victim. In family relationships, the scales will be completely absorbed by family concerns and cohesion of households. While freedom-loving Aquarius will not be able to live without a throat of fresh air and sometimes want to walk. Here we are talking about married treason, just a man-aquare will want to spend time with friends, colleagues, just unauthorized people. He loves to abstract from home issues and worries, leaving them on the spouse.

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Among the disadvantages there are another significant factor - the stealth of the Aquarius. Weighs sometimes it is difficult when they want to show sensuality from Aquarius, which can behave emotionally closed. From this woman scales are suffering.

How to fall in love with a Male-Aquarius

To become a dedication of Aquarius, it is necessary to be an intellectual savvy, a versatile interlocutor. Male-Aquarius will not support dating with a "dumb", which cannot bind two words, whether it is outwardly charming and beautiful. He is interested in the inner world of a woman, her knowledge, mind and ability to talk about any topic. Only in this way you can wake up interest in your own person.
  • It should be remembered that this is a man who respes his own freedom, he will not allow manipulation.
  • He has many friends, from homeless to the mayor of the city, if there is something to talk about something, so you have to reckon with his strange familiar and friends.
  • He is a friend of people, it is difficult for him to choose someone alone, for him everything is valuable equally.
  • Let him be yourself, do not try to "build" it, he will feel pressure and leave forever. Be for him another, the adviser, he will appreciate it, and then the feeling will arise in his heart.
  • Do not hesitate with the wedding, if you want to marry your "your" aquale, it can easily break from the hook, and not because it does not like, but because the world is too great and interesting.

Friendship compatibility

A strong and long friendship is possible between these signs, as there are many weights and aquarius. Their views coincide almost 100%, so they can be friends tight and long. They belong to one air element, so they can be high and far away. They are against sex inequality, so their friendship will develop and build on equal.

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It is from the friendly relations of women-scales and male aquarius can be a feeling, called love. If it once wakes up, it will not be faded until the end of life, it is the most faithful way to happiness.

Compatibility in work

This is a harmonious partner union that is able to bring a real success in business. They supplement each other so well that they quickly gain momentum and go to a high level of income literally in the months.

Well, if this couple has a desire to do a family business, they will quickly "rise", and their personal relationships will be strengthened even more.

Sometimes an alarm will want to jump out of such a yoke, but who knows how to smooth out the corners of the partner will give a slight reflection of the spouse. Such no long "business trips" on the will will allow the "fugitive" to take up the case with a new zeal for victory over even more seductive heights.


  • Women-scales and male Aquarus have a lot of chances on a happy and long marriage. Their union is fastened in heaven, despite the possible conflicts, they will not be able to stay in separation for a long time.
  • Their quarrels will be similar to summer shower, after which peace and peace comes, idyll and happiness.
  • Around this couple will always be a lot of events, people, movements. They will not have to miss, although sometimes they will run away together and spend time in contemplation of the world somewhere on the ocean coast.

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